How to convert CR2 in jpg


How to convert CR2 in jpg

CR2 format is one of the varieties of RAW images. In this case, we are talking about images created using the Canon digital camera. Files of this type contain information received directly from the camera sensor. They still have not been processed and have a large size. Exchanges such photos are not very convenient, so users have a natural desire to convert them into a more appropriate format. Well for this suits the JPG format.

Ways to convert CR2 in JPG

The question of converting image files from one format to another quite often occurs from users. You can solve this problem in different ways. The conversion function is present in many popular programs to work with graphics. In addition, there is a software specifically created for these purposes.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular graphic editor in the world. It is perfectly balanced to work with digital cameras from different manufacturers, including Canon. You can convert the CR2 file to JPG to three clicks with the mouse.

  1. Open the CR2 file.

    Opening the CR2 file in Photoshop
    Especially choosing the type of file is not necessary, CR2 is included in the list of default formats supported by photoshop.

  2. Using the key combination "Ctrl + SHIFT + S", make a file conversion by specifying the type of JPG stored format.

    CR2 Conversion in JPG in Photoshop
    The same can be done by using the "File" menu and selecting the "Save As" option there.

  3. If necessary, configure the parameters created by JPG. If everything suits, just click "OK".

    Setting the JPG parameters when converting to photoshop

This conversion is completed.

Method 2: XnView

The XNView program has much less tools compared to photoshop. But it is more compact, cross-platform and also easily opens CR2 files.

CR2 Open File in XnView

The process of conversion of files passes here exactly along the same scheme as in the case of Adobe Photoshop, therefore does not require additional explanations.

Method 3: Faststone Image Viewer

Another viewer with which you can convert CR2 format in JPG, is Faststone Image Viewer. This program has a very similar functionality and an interface with XnView. In order to convert one format to another, there is even no need to open the file. For this you need:

  1. Select the desired file in the program Explorer window.

    CR2 file selection in Faststone

  2. Using the "Save As" option from the File menu or the CTRL + S key combination, make the file conversion. At the same time, the program will immediately offer to save it in JPG format.

    Saving a JPG file in FASSTONE Image Viewer

Thus, in Fasstone Image Viewer, the CR2 conversion in JPG is even easier.

Method 4: Total Image Converter

Unlike the previous ones, the main purpose of this program is precisely converting image files from the format to the format, and this manipulation can be performed above the file packs.

Download Total Image Converter

Thanks to an intuitive interface, the transformation will not be difficult even for a beginner.

  1. In the Explorer, select the CR2 file and in the format string to convert, located at the top of the window, click on the JPEG icon.

    Selecting a file for converter to Total Image Converter

  2. Set the file name, path to it and click on the "Start" button.

    Start converting a file in the Total Image Converter program

  3. Wait for the message about the successful completion of the conversion and close the window.

    File conversion completion message in Total Image Converter

Converting files produced.

Method 5: Photoconverter Standard

This software according to the principle of work is very similar to the previous one. Using the Standard Photo Converter, you can convert both one and file package. The program is paid, the introductory version is provided only for 5 days.

Download Photo Converter Standard

Conversion of files takes a few steps:

  1. Select the CR2 file by using the drop-down list in the Files menu.

    File selection in photo monuerter standard

  2. Select a file type for conversion and click on the Start button.

    Selecting a file type in a photo converter standard

  3. Wait until the conversion process is completed, and close the window.

    Completion of the file conversion process in the photo converter Standard

The new JPG file is created.

From the considered examples, it can be seen that the conversion of CR2 format in JPG is not a complex problem. The list of programs in which one format is converted to another can be continued. But all of them have similar principles of working with those considered in the article, and the user will not work out to deal with them on the basis of acquaintance with the instructions shown above.

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