How to change the "Start" button in Windows 7


how to change the Start button in Windows 7

"Start" menu, which is located to the left of the taskbar, visually realized in the form of a ball, clicking it displays to the user the most essential components of the system and the last running of the program. With the additional funds the appearance of the button, you can simply change. This is what will be discussed in today's article.

Download icon options from the official website of Windows 7 Start Orb Changer

Method 2: Windows 7 Start Button Creator

If you need to create three unique icon to the Start menu button, and the appropriate option can not find the offer to use the program Windows 7 Start Button Creator, which will unite all three PNG images in a single BMP-file. Creating icons is simply enough:

Download Windows 7 Start Button Creator

  1. Go to the official website and download the program to your computer. Right-click on the Windows 7 Start Button Creator icon and run as administrator.
  2. Running the Windows 7 Start Button Creator administrator

  3. Click on the icon and follow the replacement. Repeat the procedure with all three pictures.
  4. Changing the icons of Windows 7 Start Button Creator

  5. Export your finished file. Click on the «Export Orb» and save in any convenient location.
  6. Import images of Windows 7 Start Button Creator

  7. Will only use the first method to establish that you created the image as an icon button "Start".

Error correction with the restoration of the standard form

If you decide to return to the original appearance of the button by using the recovery through the «Restore» and get an error, due to be turned down on the conductor, it is necessary to use a simple instruction:

Failed to restore the Start icon

  1. Start Task Manager by hotkey Ctrl + Shift + Esc and select "File."
  2. Create a new task in the Windows 7 Taskbar

  3. Create a new task by writing in Explorer.exe line.
  4. Create a new task Windows 7

  5. If this does not work, you need to restore system files. To do this, press Win + R, cmd, and then list the confirmation.
  6. Start a command prompt Windows 7

  7. Enter:


    Scanning errors Windows 7 system files

    Wait until the end of the inspection. Corrupted files will be restored, then the best to reboot the system.

In this article we examined in detail the process of changing the appearance of the icon "Start" button. There is nothing complicated, just need to follow simple instructions. The only problem that you may encounter - damage system files, which is very rare. But do not worry, because it is corrected in just a few clicks.

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