How to charge a laptop without a charger


How to charge a laptop without a charger

The process of charging a laptop without using a charger is quite complicated, but quite performing the task. In this article, we will describe you as much as possible about the ways to implement the laptop recharging tools, if there is no native and, which is important, a serviceable power adapter.

Charge a laptop without charger

Due to the fact that the actions for charging a laptop without a power adapter require direct interference with the work of a laptop computer, it is important to make a note regarding the automatic solution to the problem with turning on the device without using the battery and the charger. Thus, after a careful study of the prescriptions, you can not only fill the battery energy, but also to force the laptop to work at all without a built-in power source.

Among other things, you should understand some additional aspects that are subject to computer malfunctions and directly related to the reason for the need for this kind of charging. Deliching the essence of what was said before performing recommendations from the instruction, be sure to make sure that the laptop is managed.

Standard laptop charging process using an adapter

Be extremely careful, performing any actions originally not provided by the manufacturer! In general, even after a clear execution of recommendations, we cannot provide a guarantee that the device will be charged to the level of the norm. Moreover, complications may well occur, for example, in the form of a short circuit and burnout internal nutrition components of the laptop.

Method 1: Charge the battery without a laptop

This is the method of charging a laptop to disable the battery itself from the laptop computer directly and, by using some tools, fill the reserve of energy. At the same time, you can still need a power adapter from a laptop, which, however, it is quite possible to change to any other, satisfying the requirements of the technical specification.

Battery charging process from laptop without laptop

Read more: How to charge a laptop battery without a computer

Please note that within the framework of the detailed instructions given by this method, we also considered the possibility of replacing the battery to a new component. Based on the topic of this article, these notes may well be useful, since by replacing the old discharged battery on a charged new, it is possible to restore the full performance of the laptop.

Method 2: We use direct connection

By analogy with the first way, this method is to extremely radical and intended for users who, at least, have experience working with those or other electrical appliances. Despite this, of course, even a beginner can cope with the required tasks, however, if the slightest doubts arose, it is better to go right away to the next section of the article.

The laptop may come to disrepair from incorrect actions and violations of security rules.

Inspection of the internal burnt components of the laptop

Turning to the essence of the method of direct connection, it is important to make a reservation on the small number of existing methods. As a result, whatever the charge options you choose, you have certain requirements, in general, the equivalent to buy a new charger.

Deciding with the priorities, you will need to prepare a pair of small wiring with copper soft cores and any powerful external power supply, voltage from which, at least, should be equivalent to the standard adapter. Immediately, consider that with a lack of voltage charge to the battery, it will still be, but not completely.

The process of inspection of the basic power adapter specification from a laptop

The lack of a voltage of the used power supply is most likely to manifest themselves in significant liabilities of the performance of a laptop computer.

To avoid problems, you should work with a laptop turned off and the power adapter disconnected from the network. It is also desirable to remove the battery until the electricity transmission channel is adjusted to the laptop.

  1. In modern realities, any laptop or ultrabook is equipped with a plug socket from charging a round shape.
  2. The process of inspection of the standard laptop power socket

  3. Using it as an advantage, you need to connect the prepared wires with the login contacts on the laptop.
  4. The process of preparing a thin copper wire for charging a laptop

  5. Regardless of the variety of a portable computer, the polarity of the contacts are as follows:
  • Center - "+";
  • Edge - "-".

The neutral line usually passes through negative contact.

  • For reliability, use the plastic tube or wind the positive pole independently.
  • Manually created plug for charging laptop

  • Anyway, your goal is by any ways to fix the wire on the middle segment of the charging socket.
  • Properly created laptop charging scheme without charger

  • With a negative pole, you need to proceed in a similar way, however, in this case, the wire should contact only with a side metal framing.
  • Additionally, make sure that contacts do not intersect with each other, for example, by using a multimeter.
  • The process of using a multimeter in a laptop charging scheme

    Having finished with the connection of wiring, you can do the power unit depending on its value.

    1. If the selected power adapter is used and needed in the future in integrity, you will need to perform similar actions described above, but relative to the plug itself.
    2. The process of inspection of a narrow power plug from the charger

    3. In our case, the round output of the adapter is taken into account, since in other cases the connection can cause many difficulties.
    4. The process of checking the polarity of the plug inputs from charging

    5. As in the case of the jack, you need to connect the wire assigned to the plus to the middle part of the plug.
    6. The process of creating the connection of wiring to the power adapter plug

    7. The negative phase must intersect with the external frame of the output of the power supply.
    8. The process of inspection of a wide plug from the power adapter

    In addition to the described, you can enter and somewhat different.

    1. Remove the original output from the adapter and clean the wires.
    2. The process of using an external power supply unit without a plug

    3. While the obtained contacts in accordance with the correct polarity.
    4. Reliably bonded wiring for power supply

    5. Be sure to insulate the connection location, in order to avoid closing.
    6. Successfully isolated contact wire from power supply

    7. Next, you will need to save the power supply from the high-voltage network and make sure that the created recharging scheme works steadily.

    When the adapter you choose is somewhat more powerful than the original, it is worth a special care to prevent overheating of the components of the laptop and directly the battery itself.

    On this, in fact, with the way you can finish, since after executing the recommendations it will remain only to install the battery and wait for it to fully download.

    Method 3: Use USB ports

    As you know, today a sufficiently large number of features provide standard USB ports that are literally on any portable computer. Such additional possibilities can rightly include charging the battery without using the original charger.

    It should be noted that although special cables can be purchased without any special problems at any electronics store, you still have certain requirements for the charging device. It is directly related to the presence of a modern USB 3.1 portable computer, capable of transmitting the necessary impulses.

    You can learn about the presence of a similar entry by reading the technical specification from the computer, where all available ports are described. Typically, the desired socket is called USB 3.1 (Type-C).

    So, how to charge a laptop without charging via USB:

    1. Get yourself with a special external power supply that allows you to connect a USB adapter to yourself.
    2. The process of using the power supply with USB connector

    3. Connect also a pre-prepared USB cable to the power adapter and laptop.
    4. USB USB Extension Process for Laptop Charging

    5. Boil the device from the high-voltage network and expect the end of the charging process.
    6. The process of connecting a USB cable to a USB connector on a laptop

    Of course, thanks to this approaching energy in batteries, you can use all the possibilities of laptops without any visible restrictions.

    Method 4: Use an external battery

    This method, unlike others, allows you to charge a laptop not only at home, but also in any other place. Moreover, you still do not require a standard charge from a laptop computer.

    1. In order to take advantage of this method, you need to purchase a special external battery, the power and the cost of which depends on your requirements.
    2. Sample Little Power Bank for Laptop Charging

    3. The dimensions of such a battery can also differ significantly and depend on the same criteria.
    4. Example of a large Power Bank for charging a laptop

    5. The battery itself is charging through a special power adapter from high-voltage network.

    Please note that the external battery, called Power Bank, is designed to recharge not only laptops, but also other portable gadgets. Depending on the variety of acquired batteries, you can recharge several devices at once.

    1. Connect a special USB adapter to a predetermined Power Bank.
    2. Successfully connected Power Bank to a laptop for charging

    3. Do exactly the same with any convenient USB port on a laptop.
    4. The speed and stability of the recharging process of the laptop battery process depends on the functionality of the port.
    5. Several devices connected to Power Bank for charging

    The devices given on the screenshots are not recommended - the choice depends only on you.

    Using this approach, especially if you have multiple drives, you can enlarge the standard limit of the laptop battery operation to the level of operation of the standard power adapter.

    Method 5: Use the auto inverter

    Many car owners and at the same time users of laptops faced the problem of lack of standard battery charge with the active use of the computer on the way. In this case, the ideal solution to the difficulty is a special car converter that converts the base voltage of the vehicle.

    It is necessary to make a reservation that you can use this device as with a standard power adapter and in its absence. However, considering that in your case most likely there is no charge at all, an additional USB adapter will be required.

    1. Connect the car inverter according to the instructions supplied with this gadget for the machine.
    2. The process of inspection of the automotive inverter with technical specifications

    3. Use the USB adapter to connect the laptop to the corresponding connector on the inverter.
    4. The process of using a small car inverter

    5. As in the early case with Power Bank, the variety of USB port used significantly affects the charging process.
    6. The process of inspection of the USB connector on the car inverter

    In addition to this, you can quite buy a car power adapter for your laptop and charge a computer with it through the cigarette lighter. However, such power supplies are usually supported by a limited number of laptop models.

    The process of using the automotive power adapter for charging a laptop

    This method, as can be seen, is more optional and suitable as a solution in isolated cases.

    Method 6: Use the electric generator

    In modern realities, many users resort to the help of gadgets such as solar panels or any other portable generators, with the aim of charging personal devices. Such an attitude to such types of recharging is quite acquitted, since the battery is often replenished quite quickly.

    The main negative feature of such gadgets is their dependence on certain weather phenomena, which makes use at home somewhat difficult.

    1. The first thing you need to purchase the device you need in the electronics store.
    2. Example of the appearance of the solar panel for charging a laptop

      In our case, this is a solar battery, due to the maximum compactness indicators.

    3. Do not forget to specify the power of the gadget from consultants, affecting the pair of recharging the laptop.
    4. The process of studying technical specifications with solar battery for charging a laptop

    5. When the device is with you, use the appropriate adapter to connect the energy generator to the laptop charger.
    6. Successfully connected solar battery to laptop for charging

    7. Usually the desired adapter set is supplied with the gadget.
    8. Full set of charger with solar panel for laptop

    9. After connecting, make sure that the source work without any problems.
    10. An example of a working solar battery for a laptop charging

    11. For a certain amount of time after the start, the energy will gradually move to the basic laptop battery.

    Such generators are able to maintain tension, being a kind of variety of Power Bank. That is, for example, you can leave the sunny battery in the open air and soon it will be able to power all your devices.

    The storage capacity depends on the generator model.

    Solar panel for charging laptop with built-in storage

    This with the instructions can be finished.

    Regardless of your chosen battery method, you can fill the battery power supply. And although all methods are rather equivalent, in the absence of the necessary parts and knowledge, much more profitable will still get a new power adapter.

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