How to check the microphone on windows 10


How to check the microphone on windows 10

Many users of Windows 10 everyday or quite often use a microphone to communicate in games, special programs or when recording sound. Sometimes the work of this equipment is questioned and it is required to test it. Today we would like to tell about the possible methods of checking a recording device, and you select which one will be the most appropriate.

Method 1: Skype Program

First of all, we would like to affect the conduct of checking through the known Many Software for Communication called Skype. The advantage of this method is that the user who wants only to communicate through this software immediately in it and check without downloading additional software or transition to sites. Instructions for testing you will find in another material.

Read more: Checking the microphone in the Skype program

Method 2: Sound recording programs

On the Internet there are a large number of a wide variety of programs that allow you to record sound from the microphone. They fit perfectly in order to check the operation of this equipment. We offer you a list of such software, and you already familiarize yourself with the description, choose the appropriate, download it and proceed to the record.

Read more: Sound recording programs from a microphone

Method 3: Online Services

There are specially designed online services, the basic functionality of which is focused on checking the microphone. The use of such sites will help avoid pre-loading software, however, will provide the same effectiveness. Read more about all popular similar web resources in a separate article, look for an optimal option and, adhering to the instructions given, spend testing.

Online checking microphone

Read more: How to check the microphone online

Method 4: Built-in Windows

In Windows Windows 10, a classic application is embedded, which allows you to record and listen to the sound from the microphone. It is suitable for today's testing, and the entire procedure is carried out like this:

  1. At the very beginning of the article, we led instructions for providing permits for the microphone. You should return there and make sure that the "voice recording" can use this equipment.
  2. Enable audio recording permission for Windows 10 microphone

  3. Next, open the "Start" and find the "Record voice" through the search.
  4. Open a sound recording application in Windows 10

  5. Click on the corresponding icon to start recording.
  6. Start recording sound in Windows 10

  7. You can stop recording at any time or put it pause.
  8. Stop recording sound in windows 10

  9. Now proceed to listening to the resulting result. Move the timeline to move to a certain period of time.
  10. Listen to the finished entry in Windows 10

  11. This application allows you to create an unlimited number of entries, share them and trim fragments.
  12. Program Features Record Sound in Windows 10

Above, we presented all four available microphone testing options in the Windows 10 operating system. As you can see, they all do not differ in efficiency, but have a different sequence of actions and will be maximally useful in certain situations. If it turned out that the equipment was not working, contact your other item at the following link.

Read more: Elimination of the microphone disability problems in Windows 10

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