What is the .CrDownload file


It may happen that in the download folder or elsewhere where you download something from the Internet, you will find a file with the .crdownload extension and the name of some kind of necessary thing or "not confirmed", with the number and the same extension.

I had to answer a couple of times what it was for the file and where he came from how to open CrdownLoad and is it possible to remove it - because I decided to answer all these questions within one small article, since the question arises.

CRDOWNLOAD file is used when loading with Google Chrome

The .CrDownload file in the download folder

Whenever you download something using the Google Chrome browser, it creates a temporary .CrDownload file containing already downloaded information and, as soon as the file is fully loaded, it is automatically renamed to its "initial" name.

In some cases, when "departures" of the browser or download errors, this may not happen and then you will have the .CrDownload file on your computer, which is an incomplete load.

What to open .crdownload

Open .CrDownload in the generally accepted understanding of this word will not succeed in anything, if you are not a specialist in containers, types of files and data storage methods in them (and in this case you will discover except a partially any media file). However, you can try to do the following:

  1. Run Google Chrome and go to the download page.
    Open downloads in Google Chrome
  2. Perhaps there you will detect the downloaded file, the download of which can be renewed (just .CrDownload files and allow Chrome to resume and pause your downloads).
    Return to download file

If the resumption does not work - you can simply download this file again, moreover, its address is shown in the "downloads" of Google Chrome.

Is it possible to delete this file

Yes, you can delete .crdownload files at any time when you need it if only this is not the load that is currently running.

There is a chance that several files have accumulated in your download folder. CRDownload, which appeared during Chrome failures once a long time ago, at the same time they can occupy a significant place on the disk. If so are there - boldly remove them, they are not needed for anything.

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