How to fix the RAW file system on the flash drive


how to fix the RAW file system on the flash drive

Sometimes when you connect a flash drive to a computer, you can encounter a message about the need for formatting it, and this is despite the fact that it used to work without failures. The drive can open and show files, however with oddities (incomprehensible characters in the names, documents in wicked formats, etc.), and if you go to the properties, you can see that the file system has become incomprehensible RAW, and the flash drive is not formatted by standard means. Today we will tell you how to cope with the problem.

Why the file system has become RAW and how to return the previous one

In general terms, the problem is the same character that the appearance of RAW on hard drives - due to failure (software or hardware), the OS cannot determine the type of file system of the flash drive.

Looking in advance, we note that the only way to return the drive to the drive is to format it with third-party applications (more functional than the built-in tools), however, the data saved on it will be lost. Therefore, before proceeding with radical measures, it is worth trying to pull out information from there.

Method 1: DMDE

Despite the small size, this program has both powerful algorithms for searching and restoring lost data and solid capabilities for drive management.

Download DMDE.

  1. The program does not require installation, so immediately launch its executable file - dmde.exe.

    Run the DMDE executable file to solve the RAW problem on the flash drive

    When you start, select the language, the Russian is usually indicated by default.

    Selecting the DMDE program to solve the RAW problem on the flash drive

    Then it will be necessary to take a license agreement to continue work.

  2. Adoption of the DMDE license agreement to solve the problem with RAW on a flash drive

  3. In the main application window, select Your Drive.

    Choosing a drive in DMDE to solve the problem with RAW on a flash drive

    Focus on volume.

  4. The next window will open the recognized sections with the program.

    Full scanning section of the flash drive in the DMDE to solve the problem with RAW on the flash drive

    Click on the "Full Scan" button.

  5. Begin the check of the media for the presence of lost data. Depending on the container of the flash drive, the process can take a long time (up to several hours), so be patient and try not to use your computer for other tasks.
  6. At the end of the procedure, a dialog box appears in which you want to mark the "Research Current File System" item and confirm by clicking on "OK".
  7. Remote File System Flashplay in DMDE to solve the RAW problem

  8. It is also a rather long process, but it should end faster than primary scanning. The result is a window with a list of files found.

    Restore files in DMDE to solve the RAW problem

    Due to the restrictions of the free version, the recovery on directories is impossible, so you have to allocate one file, call the context menu and from there to restore it, with the choice of storage location.

    Be prepared for the fact that some files will not be restored - the memory sections where they were stored were permanently overwritten. In addition, the recovered data will probably have to rename because the DMDE gives such files by randomly generated names.

  9. Having finished with recovery, you can format a USB flash drive using DMDE either in any way from the following items below.

    Read more: Not formatted flash drive: Methods solving the problem

The only disadvantage of this method can be considered limiting the possibilities of the free version of the program.


Another powerful program for recovering files, which can help solve and our today's task.

  1. Run the program. First of all, you need to choose a type of recovery - in our case "Restoration of digital media".
  2. Selecting the type of media in Minitool Power Data Recovery to solve the problem with RAW

  3. Then select your USB flash drive - as a rule, removable flash drives look in the program so.

    Selection of flash drive and full search type in Minitool Power Data Recovery to solve problems with RAW

    Having highlight the flash drive, click "Full Search".

  4. The program will begin a deep search for the information stored on the drive.

    Full search for files on the Micitool Power Data Recovery flash drive to solve the RAW problem

    When the procedure is over, select the documents you need and click on the Save button.

    Restoring files through Minitool Power Data Recovery to solve RAW problems

    Note - due to the limitations of the free version, the maximum available size of the file being restored is 1 GB!

  5. The next step is to choose a place where you want to save the data. As the program itself tells you, it is better to use a hard disk.
  6. Having done the necessary actions, close the program and format the USB flash drive to any file system that appropriate to you.

    Like DMDE, Minitool Power Data Recovery - the program is paid, there are restrictions in the free version, however, to quickly restore files of small volumes (text documents or photographs) the possibilities of the free option is quite enough.

    Method 3: Chkdsk Utility

    In some cases, the display of the RAW file system may occur due to a random failure. It can be eliminated by restoring a flash drive memory card using a "command line".

    1. Run the "Command Line". To do this, go along the path "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard".

      Running the command line to call the chkdsk utility to solve the Raving problem

      Right-click on the "Command Line" and select the "Startup on behalf of the administrator" in the context menu.

      Running the command line in the administrator mode to call the chkdsk utility to solve the Raving problem

      You can also use the methods described in this article.

    2. Push the Chkdsk X: / R command, only instead of "X" write the letter under which your flash drive is displayed in Windows.
    3. The chkdsk utility on the command line to solve the Raving problem

    4. The utility will check the USB flash drive, and if the problem lies in a random failure, it will be able to eliminate the consequences.
    5. Check flash drive CHKDSK utility on the command line to solve the risk problem

      If you see the message "CHKDSK is invalid for RAW drives", it is worth trying to use the methods 1 and 2 discussed above.

    As you can see, remove the RAW file system on the flash drive is very simple - manipulations do not require some kind of extended skills.

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