How do I delete posts interlocutor VKontakte


How do I delete posts interlocutor VKontakte

As we know, the vast majority of Internet users actively use a variety of social networks, including VKontakte, in order to exchange messages. Because of this, there is often a need to remove some of the letters at the interlocutor, as we continue to tell as much as possible in detail.

Deleting messages interlocutor VC

Immediately worth mention that the opportunities through which you can get rid of the information in the framework of the dialogue are quite fresh. In this regard, you, like many other people, it can be difficult.

Note that we have previously considered the topic deletion of emails within the site VKontakte. Despite this, a lot has changed, there were new, previously unavailable features and tools.

The ability to mass delete messages from the dialogue on the site VKontakte

With this approach you can get rid of any inadvertently sent messages in the dialogue or a conversation.

The information sent to itself, not to be removed in this way!

If judged more objectively, painted method is even simpler than a similar process in the full variety of VKontakte site. It is especially noted that the lite version is much less loaded with different scripts and thus the disappearance of the letters is a snap.

Edit posts

As the article is complete for a full removal method can be considered as the ability to edit once sent messages. At the same time on this process, as well as on the above-described classical removal, subject to the rules, for which change is possible only those letters that were sent no earlier than one day ago.

The process of editing the message in the dialogue on the site VKontakte

Details: How to edit posts VK

The essence of the method is to change the letter in a way that within its content does not remain useless information. For example, as the most ideal embodiment may act substitution code data voids.

Ability to delete messages after sending empty site VKontakte

Read more: How to send an empty message VK

All of the recommendations in the course of the article is the only up-to-date approach to the removal of the letters of the interlocutor. If you are having with something difficult or has information to the amendment, we will be glad to listen to you.

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