How to add a photo in instagram


How to add a photo in instagram

Instagram continues to actively recruit popularity and hold the leading position among social networks thanks to an interesting concept and regular updates of the application with the appearance of new features. One thing remains unchanged - the principle of publishing photos.

We publish photo in instagram

So, you decided to join users instagram. By registering in the service, you can immediately begin to the main thing - the publication of your photos. And believe me, it is extremely easy to do it.

Method 1: Smartphone

First of all, the Instagram service is designed to use with smartphones. Officially, two popular mobile platforms are currently supported: Android and iOS. Despite the minor differences in the application interface for operating systems data, the principle of publishing images is identical.

  1. Run instagram. At the bottom of the window, select the center button to open the section of creating a new post.
  2. Transition to the Publication menu photo in Instagram

  3. At the bottom of the window, you will see three tabs: "Library" (open by default), "Photo" and "Video". If you are planning to download a snapshot, already available in the smartphone memory, leave the source tab and select the image from the gallery. In the same case, if you plan to take a picture for a post on a smartphone camera, select the "Photo" tab.
  4. Photo Choice for Publication in Instagram

  5. When choosing a photo of their library, you can set the desired aspect ratio: By default, any photo from the gallery becomes square, however, if you want to upload an image of the source format into the profile, make the "Plug" gesture to the selected photo or select the icon located in the lower left corner.
  6. Changing the image format in Instagram

  7. Also pay attention to the bottom right area of ​​the image: three icons are located here:
    • The choice of the first icon on the left will start or offered to download the Boomerang app, which allows you to record short 2-second-docked video (some gif animation analog).
    • Boomerang service Instagram

    • The following icon allows you to go to a proposal responsible for creating collages - layout. Similarly, if this application is missing on the device, it will be prompted to download it. If Layout is installed, the application will start automatically.
    • Layout in service Instagram

    • The final third icon is responsible for the function of publishing several photos and video in one post. More about this was told earlier on our website.

    Read more: How to lay out some photos in Instagram

  8. Publication of several photos in Instagram

  9. After completing with the first step, select the "Next" button in the upper right corner.
  10. Publication photo in Instagram

  11. You can edit the photo before publishing Instagram, so do it in the application itself, because the snapshot will open in the embedded editor. Here, on the "Filter" tab, you can apply one of the color solutions (one tap on the effect applies it, and the second allows you to configure its saturation and add a frame).
  12. Application of filters in Instagram

  13. On the Edit tab, the standard image settings are opening, which are available in almost any other editor: brightness, contrast, temperature, alignment, vignette, blur, color change, and much more.
  14. Photo editing in Instagram

  15. Having finished editing the picture, select the "Next" in the upper right corner. You will be transferred to the final stage of publishing an image where several more settings are available:
    • Adding a description. If necessary, write the text to be displayed under the photo;
    • Insert link links. If Instagram users are depicted in the picture, mark them in the images so that your subscribers can easily go to their pages;

      Read more: How to note the user in the photo in Instagram

    • Note location. If the picture takes place in a specific place, if necessary, you can specifically indicate exactly where it is. If there is no necessary geolocation in Instagram, you can add it manually.

      Read more: How to Add a place in Instagram

    • Publication in other social networks. If you want to share posts not only in Instagram, but also in other social networks, translate near the necessary services sliders to active position.
  16. Transition to the next Publication Publication Stage in Instagram

  17. Also below, pay attention to the "Advanced Settings" item. After its choice, the possibility of disconnecting comments will be available. This is especially useful in those situations where the publication may cause a flurry of ambiguous emotions among your subscribers.
  18. Disable comments when publishing a photo in Instagram

  19. Actually, everything is ready to start the publication - to do this, select the Share button. Once the image is loaded, it is displayed in the tape.

Completion of publishing a photo in Instagram

Method 2: Computer

Instagram, first of all, is designed to use with smartphones. But what if you need to post a photo from a computer? Fortunately, there are ways to implement this, and each of them was considered in detail on our website.

Read more: How to publish a photo in Instagram from a computer

Do you have any questions when publishing pictures in Instagram? Then ask them in the comments.

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