Download drivers for GeForce 6600


Download drivers for GeForce 6600

By default, after installing Windows, a standard video card driver is present on the computer, which is not able to reveal its entire potential. That is why the desktop resolution rarely coincides with the resolution of the monitor. The output from this situation will be the installation of a special driver developed by the product manufacturer specifically for the version of your video card. The article will demonstrate how to install software for NVIDIA GeForce 6600.

Install software for NVIDIA GeForce 6600

Below will be six methods that can be divided into three categories:
  • implying NVIDIA products and services;
  • Applications and services from third-party developers;
  • Standard means of the operating system.

All of them are equally well suited to fulfill the task, and how to use - to solve only you.

Method 1: manufacturer site

On the website of NVIDIA, you can download directly the driver installer itself, pre-specifying the video card model in the appropriate graph. This method is distinguished by the fact that, according to the result, you will receive an installer, which can be used at any time, even without connecting to the Internet.

NVIDIA selection page

  1. Click on the link that is located above to get to the Video Card Model Selection page.
  2. Next, it is necessary in the questionnaire to specify the type of your product, its series, family, version and the discharge of the installed OS, as well as its localization. Accordingly, for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video adapter, you need to set the following values:
    • Type - GeForce.
    • Series - GeForce 6 Series.
    • OS - choose the version and the discharge of the operating system, which you use.
    • Language - indicate the one to which your OS is translated.
    • Specify the video card parameters on the driver download page for NVIDIA GeForce 6600

  3. After entering all the data, recheck them and click "Search"
  4. Go to the Description of the selected product to the "Supported Devices" tab. Here you need to make sure whether the driver is suitable for your video adapter. To do this, find the name of your device in the list.
  5. Supported products supported for download on NVIDIA website

  6. After discovering it, click "Download Now".
  7. Button to start loading the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

  8. Agree with the terms of the license by clicking the button of the same name. If you want to get acquainted with them, then follow the hyperlink.
  9. Adoption of the license agreement on the NVIDIA website before downloading the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

The program boot process will start. Wait for the end and run the installer file with administrator rights. You can do this through the context menu caused by by pressing the right mouse button. As soon as the installer window appears, follow further instructions:

  1. Specify the directory in which the installer files will be unpacked. The easiest way to do this through the "Explorer", to call which you need to click the folder button, but no one forbids entering the path to the directory manually. After all, click "OK".
  2. Selecting a folder in which temporary driver installer files for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card will be placed

  3. Expect the completion of copying files to the selected directory.
  4. The process of copying the driver installer files for NVIDIA GeForce 6600 to the previously specified directory

  5. The driver installer will start. In the first window, an OS test will be performed for compatibility with the selected software. You need to wait for her ending.

    System compatibility verification process in the driver installer for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

    If there are some problems when scanning, the program will report this and submit a report. They can be tried to fix by using the recommendations from the special article on our website.

    Read more: Correction of errors when installing NVIDIA drivers

  6. After checking, take the NVIDIA agreement. It must be done to continue the installation, so click "Accept. Proceed".
  7. Adoption of a license agreement in the driver installer for the video card NVIDIA GeForce 6600

  8. Determine the settings of the installation. There are two options: "Express" and "selective". If the express installation is selected, the installation will immediately begin the installation of all components of the software package. In the second case, these most components you can choose. You can also perform a "clean installation", during which the previous video card drivers will be erased from the disk. Since "selective installation" has a number of settings, then it will be about it.
  9. Selection of installation options when installing the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

  10. You will fall out the window where you want to select software. By default, there are three items: "Graphic Driver", "NVIDIA GeForce Experience" and "System Software". You cannot cancel the installation of the "Graphic Driver", which is logical, so you will get acquainted closer with the two remaining points. NVIDIA GeForce Experience is a program to adjust some of the parameters of the video chip. It is optional, so if you are not going to make changes to standard device settings, you can remove the mark from this item to save space on the hard disk. As a last resort in the future you can download the application separately. "PhysX System Software" is necessary to simulate realistic physics in some games using this technology. You also pay your attention to the "Perform Pure Installation" item - if you select it before installing the selected software package components, a computer will be cleaned from previous versions of the drivers, which will reduce the risk of problems in the work of the software installed. After selecting the components, click the Next button.
  11. Selecting software components when installing a driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

  12. Installing components will begin. It is recommended to abandon the opening and use of other programs on the computer, as there may be failed in their work.
  13. Upon completion, the system will be rebooted, but this installation is not yet completed.
  14. Restarting the computer when installing the driver for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

  15. After restarting on the desktop, the installer window will automatically open and the installation will continue. Wait for completion, check out the report and click "Close".
  16. The last stage of the driver installation for NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

This installation can be considered over. Reboot the computer is not required.

Method 2: Online service from NVIDIA

You can use the online service to update the software. During its use, the video card model will be automatically determined and the software is proposed for download. But the main condition for its use is the presence of the latest version of Java installed on the PC. For the same reason, any web browser is suitable except Google Chrome. The easiest way is to use Internet Explorer, which is pre-installed in any version of Windows.

Online Service page

  1. Enter the service page, the link to which is given above.
  2. Wait until the scan components of your computer end.
  3. Computer component scanning process in online NVIDIA service to download driver

  4. Depending on the PC settings, a notification from Java may appear. Click on "RUN" to provide permission to start the desired components of this software.
  5. Java pop-up window with a request for system scanning in online NVIDIA service

  6. At the end of the scan, a download link will be provided. To start the boot process, click "Download".
  7. Button for downloading driver for NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card

  8. Take the terms of the agreement to continue. Further, all actions are similar to what they are painted in the first method, starting from the first item of the second list.

It may happen that when scanning an error will arise with Java mention. To eliminate it, you need to update this program.

Java download page

  1. On the same page where the text of the error is located, click on the Java icon to enter the download site of this component. The same action can be done by clicking on the link specified earlier.
  2. button to go to the Java boot page

  3. Click "Load Java".
  4. Download Java button free on Java download page

  5. You will fall on another page where you will be asked to accept the terms of the license agreement. Make it to start loading the program.
  6. Button to start loading Java on Java website

  7. By downloading the installation file, go to the directory with it and run.
  8. In the installer window that appears, click "Install."
  9. Button to start installing java at the first stage in the installer

  10. Installing the application will begin, it will indicate the gradually filling execution indicator.
  11. Java installation process on computer

  12. After installation, a window will open in which you want to click "Close".
  13. The last stage of the Java installation

Read more: Install Java on a computer

By fulfilling all the instructions, Java will be installed, respectively, the scan error will be eliminated.

Method 3: NVIDIA GeForce Experience

Install a new driver can also be installed using a special program from NVIDIA. This method is good in that you do not have to choose the driver yourself - the application automatically analyzes the OS and determine the appropriate version of software. Called the application - GeForce Experience. It has already been mentioned in the first method when it was necessary to determine the components for installation.

The process of installing a graphics driver from NVIDIA

Read more: How to install a driver for a video card using GeForce Experience

Method 4: software for installation of drivers

On the Internet also there are also programs for searching and installing PC equipment from third-party developers. You can use the ability to update all drivers immediately, but if you wish, it is possible to update only software for a video adapter. We have a list of popular applications in our site in a separate article. There you can learn not only their name, but also familiarize yourself with a brief description.

Example program for performing automatic update all drivers

Read more: List of software for installation of drivers

All of them are quite simple: after installing the PC, you need to start the application, wait until it checks the system and offers updated software versions for equipment, and then click the button to start the installation. We have an article that explains how to update the drivers to DriverPack Solution.

Read more: Install software update for DRIVERPACK Solution

Method 5: Search by ID

There are online services with which you can find the driver for each PC component. All you need to know is the device identifier. For example, the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video adapter is the following:

PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0141

Now you need to log in to the service website and make a search query with this value. Next, you will be provided with a list of all possible versions of the driver - download the desired and install it.

Perform driver search for NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card via equipment ID

Read more: How to find a driver for his ID

The advantage of this method is the fact that you download the software installer itself, which can be used in the future, even without access to the Internet. It is for this reason that it is recommended to copy it to an external drive, whether it is a USB flash drive or an external hard drive.

Method 6: "Device Manager"

If you do not want to use third-party programs or download the installer to your computer, you can use the Device Manager - a pre-installed component of any version of the Windows operating system. With it, it is possible in a short time to install the software for the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video adapter. In this case, the search, download and installation will be made automatically, you only need to select the equipment and run the update process.

Driver installation process for NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card in device manager

Read more: How to install the driver in Windows through the Device Manager


Of all the variety of presented ways, you can select those that provide the ability to download the driver's installer on the PC and in the future to use it even without access to the network (1st, 2nd and 5th method), and on those that work in automatic Mode, without having burdened by the user with the search for a suitable driver (3rd, 4th and 6th method). How to use - to solve only you.

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