How to fix the System_Service_Exception error in Windows 10


How to fix the System_Service_Exception error in Windows 10

"Blue Death Screen" or "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD) is one of the most unpleasant errors that may occur during the Windows 10 process. This problem is always accompanied by the enlightenment of the operating system and the loss of all unsaved data. In today's article, we will tell you about the reasons for the "System_Service_Exception" error, as well as give advice to eliminate it.

Causes of error

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the "Blue Death Screen" with the message "System_Service_Exception" appears as a result of the operating system conflict with various components or drivers. Also, a similar problem occurs when using "iron" with defects or breakdowns - faulty RAM, video card, IDE controller, heating the northern bridge and so on. Several less often the reason for the specified error is the unloaded pool, which is excessively used by the OS. Whatever it may be, you can try to fix the current situation.

System_Service_Exception error example in Windows 10

Tips to eliminate the problem

When the "System_Service_Exception" error appears, you must first remember what you start / updated / installed before it occurs. Next, you should pay attention to the message text that is displayed on the screen. It is from its content that further actions will depend on.

Specifying a problem file

Often the "System_Service_Exception" error is accompanied by an indication of some system file. It looks like this as follows:

Specifying the file in the System_Service_Exception error on Windows 10

Below we will tell about the most common files referenced by the system in such situations. We will also offer methods for eliminating an error.

Please note that all the proposed solutions should be performed in the "secure mode" of the operating system. First, not always when the "System_Service_Exception" error, it is possible to download the OS standard, and secondly, it will allow you to fully install or update the software.

Read more: Safe mode in Windows 10


This file is part of the AMD HD Audio driver, which is installed along with the video card. Therefore, first of all, it is worth trying to reinstall the soft graphics adapter. If the result is negative, you can use a more radical solution:

  1. Scroll through the following paths in Windows Explorer:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers

  2. Find the "DRIVERS" file "ATIHDWT6.SYS" in the folder and delete it. For reliability you can copy it to another folder.
  3. After that restart the system again.

In most cases, these actions are sufficient to get rid of the problem.


This file refers to the RW-EVerything Read & Write Driver utility. In order to disappear "Blue Death Screen" with this error you only need to remove or reinstall the specified software.


The "System_Service_Exception" error indicating the file mentioned above occurs on some versions of the 709 windows of Windows 10. Most often helps the banal setting of the latest OS updates. On how to install them, we told in a separate article.

Read more: Update Windows 10 to the latest version

If such actions do not give the desired result, it is worth thinking about a rollback to the assembly 1703.

Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state


This file is part of the USB controller 3.0 driver from ASMEDIA. First, you should try to re-install the driver. You can upload it, for example, from the official site asus. It is quite suitable for the M5A97 motherboard from the "USB" section.

Download USB Driver for Asmedia from Asus

Unfortunately, sometimes a similar error means that the wines of the entire physical malfunction of the USB port. It may be marriage equipment, problems with contacts and so on. In this case, it is worth contacting specialists for careful diagnosis.

Dxgkrnl.sys, nvlddmkm.sys, dxgmms2.sys, igdkmd64.sys, atikmdag.sys

Each of the listed files refers to video card software. If you encountered a similar problem, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the previously installed software using the DISPLAY DRIVER UNINSTALLER (DDU) utility.
  2. Then reinstall the drivers for the graphics adapter by using one of the available methods.

    Read more: Updating video card drivers on Windows 10

  3. After that, try running the system again.

If the error failed to fix, then try installing not the latest drivers, and the older version is such. Most often, similar manipulations have to make owners of NVIDIA video cards. This is explained by the fact that modern software is far from always working correctly, especially on relatively old adapters.


This file in most cases appears in errors caused by antivirus software or various defenders (for example, adguard). Try to start remove all such software and restart the system. If this does not help, it is worth checking the system for malicious software. We will tell about it further.

Several less frequently cause is a problematic network card. This, in turn, can lead to the emergence of the "blue death screen" when starting various torrents and load on the device itself. In this case, you need to find and install the driver again. It is advisable to use the latest version of software downloaded from the official site.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card


The said file refers to CSA libraries, which are used by the kernel of the operating system itself. Most often, a similar error is related to the work of Skype and its updates. In such a situation, you should try to uninstall software. If after that the problem will disappear, you can try to install the latest version of the application from the official site.

In addition, the "ks.sys" file is often alarms about the problem in the camcorder. It is especially worth paying attention to this fact to laptop owners. In this case, it is not always worth using the original manufacturer's software. Sometimes it leads to the appearance of BSOD. First you should try to roll back the driver. Alternatively, you can completely remove the camcorder from the Device Manager. Subsequently, the system installs its software.

We delete the camcorder from the device manager in Windows 10

This enumeration of the most common errors is completed.

No detailed information

Not always in the System_Service_Exception error message indicates a problem file. In such cases, you will have to resort to the help of so-called memory dumps. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, you should make sure that the dump recording feature is enabled. On the "Computer" icon, press PKM and select the "Properties" string.
  2. Open your computer properties in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced System Parameters" section.
  4. Open additional system parameters on Windows 10

  5. Next, click the "Parameters" button in the "Download and Recovery" block.
  6. Open Windows 10 boot and restore parameters

  7. A new window with settings opens. You should look like shown in the image below. Do not forget to click OK to confirm all the changes made.
  8. Turn on the record of dumps on Windows 10

  9. Next, you will need to download the BlueScreenView program from the developer's official website and install it on your computer / laptop. It allows you to decrypt dump files and displays all error information. At the end of the installation, we launch software. It will automatically open the contents of the following folder:

    C: \ Windows \ miniDUMP

    It is in her default data will be saved in the event of a "blue screen".

  10. Choose from the list, which is located in the upper area, the desired file. At the same time, all information is displayed at the bottom of the window, including the name of the file that is involved in the problem.
  11. Select the dump file for analysis

  12. If such a file is one of those described above, then follow the proposed tips. Otherwise, you will have to look for the cause yourself. To do this, click on the selected dump in BlueScreenView PCM and select the line "Find in Google an error code from the context menu".
  13. Error search through BlueScreenView on Windows 10

  14. Next, the search results will appear in the browser, among which is the solution of your problem. If the cause causes the causes of the causes, you can contact us in the comments - we will try to help.

Standard Error Remedies

At times in order to get rid of the System_Service_Exception problem, you have to use standard techniques. It is about them that we will tell further.

Method 1: Windows reboot

No matter how ridiculously sounded, but in some cases there is a simple reboot of the operating system or its proper shutdown.

Windows 10 shutdown process

Read more: Disable Windows 10 system

The fact is that Windows 10 is not ideal. At times, it can fail. Especially considering the abundance of drivers and programs that each user installs various devices. If it did not help, it is worth trying the following methods.

Method 2: Checking the integrity of files

Sometimes to get rid of the problem under consideration helps checking all operating system files. Fortunately, it is possible to do this not only by third-party software, but also the built-in tools of Windows 10 - "System File Checker" or "DISM".

Check the integrity of files on Windows 10

Read more: Check Windows 10 for errors

Method 3: Check for viruses

Viral applications, as well as useful software, are developing and improving every day. Therefore, it is often the work of such codes leads to the appearance of the error "System_Service_Exception". With such a task, portable anti-virus utilities perfectly coped. We were previously told about the most effective representatives of such software.

Using anti-virus utilities for checking Windows 10

Read more: Checking a computer for viruses without antivirus

Method 4: Installing updates

Microsoft constantly releases patches and updates for Windows 10. All of them are designed to eliminate various errors and bugs of the operating system. It is possible that it is the installation of the most recent "patches" it will help you get rid of the "blue death screen". About how to search and install updates, we wrote in a separate article.

Setting the latest updates on Windows 10

Read more: How to update Windows 10 to the latest version

Method 5: Equipment Check

Occasionally, everything may not be software failure, but a hardware problem. Most often, such devices are hard disk and RAM. Therefore, in situations when it fails to know the reason for the appearance of the "System_Service_Exception" error, we advise you to test the specified "iron" for the presence of problems.

Check hard disk for errors in Windows 10

Read more:

How to test RAM

How to check the hard disk on broken sectors

Method 6: Reinstall OS

In the most extreme cases, when the situation cannot be corrected by any methods, it is worth thinking about reinstalling the operating system. To date, you can do this in several ways, and using some of them, you can save your personal data.

Re-install the Windows 10 operating system

Read more: Reinstalling the Windows 10 operating system

Here, in fact, all the information we wanted to convey to you under this article. Remember that the reasons for the appearance of the "System_Service_Exception" error is very much. Therefore, it is worth considering all individual factors. We hope now you can correct the problem that occurred.

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