In the Google Play service, an error occurred


In the Google Play service, an error occurred 758_1

When using devices with the Android operating system, the information window may appear, which reports that in the Google Play service an error occurred. You should not fall into a panic, this is not a critical error and it is possible to fix it in a few minutes.

Eliminate the error in the Google Play Services

To get rid of the error, it is necessary to identify the reason for its origin, which can hide in the simplest action. Next, the possible causes of the failure of Google Play services will be considered and ways to solve the problem.

Method 1: Setting the current date and time on the device

It looks trite, but the wrong date and time can be one of the possible causes of failure in the services of Google Play. To check whether the data was entered correctly, go to "Settings" and go to "Date and Time".

Go to the date and time in the Settings tab

In the window that opens, make sure the correctness of the specified time zone and other indicators. If they are wrong and the user changes is prohibited, then disconnect the "date and time of the network", moving the slider to the left, and specify the correct data.

Turning off date and time

If these actions did not help, then go to the following options.

Method 2: Clearing Google Play Services Cache

To erase temporary applications, go to the "Applications" settings.

Go to the application tab at the setup item

In the list, find and tap on Google Play Services to proceed to the application.

Go to Google Play Services in the Application tab

On the Android OS versions below 6.0, the "Clear cache" option will be available immediately in the first window. On 6 versions and above, go to "Memory" (or "Storage") and only after that you will see the desired button.

Clearing cache in the memory tab

Restart your device - After that, the error should have the abyss. Otherwise, try the following method.

Method 3: Deleting Google Play Services Updates

In addition to cleaning the cache, you can try to delete the application updates by returning it to the initial state.

  1. To begin with, in the "Settings" item, go to the Safety section.
  2. Transition to the Security tab

  3. Next, open the Device Administrators item.
  4. Opening Device Administrators

  5. After clicking on the line to find the device. "
  6. Pressing the string to find the device in device administrators item

  7. In the displayed window, click on the "Disable" button.
  8. Disable device administrator

  9. Now via the "Settings" go to the Services. As in the previous method, click "Menu" at the bottom of the screen and select "Delete Updates". Also on other menu devices can be in the upper right corner (three points).
  10. Delete updates in the Google Play Services tab

  11. After that, a message appears in the notification string that you need to update Google Play services.
  12. Recommended update alert in the notifications panel

  13. To recover data, go to the alert and on the Play Market page, click "Update".

Running application update Google Play Services

If this method does not come up, you can try another one.

Method 4: Delete and Recover Account

Do not erase an account if you are not sure that remember its current login and password. In this case, you risk losing many important data tied to the account, so make sure that you remember the mail and password to it.

  1. Go to "Settings" to the "Accounts" section.
  2. Switch to Count accounts in settings

  3. Next, select "Google".
  4. Go to Google Point in Column Accounts

  5. Go to your account mail.
  6. Login to account in Google

  7. Tap by "Delete Account" and confirm the action by clicking in the displayed window to the appropriate button. On some devices, removal will be hidden in the menu located in the upper right corner indicated by three points.
  8. Google Account Removal

  9. To restore the account again, go to the "Accounts" tab and at the bottom of the list, click "Add Account".
  10. Add an account in the Account tab

  11. Now select "Google".
  12. Transition to the addition of Google Account

  13. Enter the phone number or mail in the specified location from your account and tap "Next".
  14. Confirmation of familiarization with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

    After that, your account will be added again to the playing market. If this method did not help, then here without reset to the factory settings, with the erase of all information from the device, not to do.

    Read more: Resetting the settings on Android

    Thus, the error of Google services is not difficult to defeat the error, the main thing is to choose the desired method.

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