How to make a hat in the VKontakte group


How to make a hat in the VKontakte group

In the social network VKontakte, as you may be aware, in addition to the main avatars community, users are given the opportunity to cover the installation. The process of creating and placing this kind of cap is able to cause a lot of questions from novice users new to the basic elements of the VC, but already has his team.

Make a cover for the group

Immediately it should be noted that in general the process we have already seen in one of the earlier articles. However, some of the features, which we describe below, have not been sufficiently detailed disclosure.

The process of creating avatars for the group on the site VKontakte

Read more: How to create the avatar for the group VK

To successfully create a cap for public servers, you will need basic knowledge in the possession of any photo editor, which allows to establish a clear final image size. Most ideally suited for this purpose Adobe Photoshop.

Social network requirements oblige to use the files to choose from one of three formats:

  • PNG;
  • Jpg;
  • GIF.

Please note that the technical features of the data files to date not available on a site considered the social network. Delving into the essence of what has been said, VKontakte not able to work with the effect of a transparent background or animation.

Animations can be stably loaded on the site and played only in those cases when a file is added to a document.

Having dealt with the intricacies of the creation and adaptation of the cover, it is important to note that in the case of a full version of the site VK if you had downloaded a picture found on the Internet and do not cut off at the typed pattern, while its load proportion will still be met. Moreover, you can manually select any part of the image, not forgetting the definition.

For example, we show how to modify the principle seems simple, but fully adaptive caps in Photoshop program.

  1. Create a file, go to the program settings and see "Units and rulers" in the block "Units" put both items to "pixels".
  2. Setting units of measure in the program Adobe Photoshop

  3. Select tool "Rectangle Selection" and follow the breakdown of the blocks with the dimensions mentioned above.
  4. The process of creating a template for a cover for a group of VC

  5. In the open area, create the cover itself, using the basis of community topics and their own ideas.
  6. Successfully created the artwork for the band in Photoshop

  7. Save the image in PNG format, or any other supported sites VC.
  8. Saving covers for VKontakte in PNG format

After completing the execution of the steps above, you can immediately proceed to the analysis of features of the pictures in VKontakte.

Loading plain caps

As in the case of editing a new image, we have already discussed earlier the process of adding the final file to the site. Because of this you will only have to read the article shown on the previous name of the link.

  1. In the "community management", click the "Settings" tab.
  2. Moving to the Settings tab under community management site VKontakte

  3. Click on the link "Download" next to the item "Cover the community."
  4. Jump to downloads cover for the group on the site VKontakte

  5. Add a file from the system via the download area.
  6. The transition to the selection of downloadable obloki site VKontakte

  7. Thereafter, in the group will be set to the image.
  8. Successfully installed in the cover of the group on the site VKontakte

In this standard cover for Public VC we finish.

Creating a dynamic caps

In addition to the standard community covers a relatively newly opened VC users the ability to edit a dynamic universal caps that can change content automatically. Moreover, all actions associated with the addition of such pictures for the Public, require special services.

Most often, these services are paid services, but there are also part of the free resources.

We will look at the process of creating and adding a dynamic envelope through the online service DyCover tools.

Go to the official website of DyCover

  1. In Internet Explorer, open the specified site and at the top of the page click on "Try it for free."
  2. Transition to authorization DyCover site for VKontakte

  3. Through the security zone VKontakte fill out the form to login data from your account and press "Enter".
  4. DyCover authorization process on the website through the social network VKontakte

  5. Confirm provide application access to certain information from your account.
  6. Confirming access DyCover application site VKontakte

  7. Next on the tab located below the "Managed" and locate the group or public pages.
  8. the process of finding the connected group online service DyCover

    If you are the owner of a sufficiently large range of public-controlled, use the search form.

  9. Once the plug-Public will be found in the card group, click on the field with the avatar.
  10. The transition to the connection group on the site DyCover service

  11. In the "Your Cover" get the status of service work string and click "Connect".
  12. The process of connecting DyCover service to a group of VC online service DyCover

    You can connect a maximum of one community on the conditions of the test period.

  13. You will be redirected to the application page to connect to the selected group, where you need to use the button "Enable".
  14. Providing access DyCover application to the group VKontakte

When finished with the main working fluid preparations for a new dynamic hats for the group must perform to add a new template.

  1. Switch to the "Create a new skin" from the main menu resource.
  2. The process of transition to the tab Create a new skin site DyCover service

  3. At the top of the page, click on the link "Blank Template".
  4. The transition to the addition of the name on the cover online service DyCover

  5. Using the text box in the dialog box, enter a name for the new cap and click "Create."
  6. The process of entering the title on the cover online service DyCover

All further actions will be devoted exclusively to the creation and analysis of basic editing tools.

Block "Control"

If you are good enough own skills development editors and can read embedded service tips, you can simply ignore the subsequent recommendations.

The first thing to draw your attention to the queue, it is the presence of built-in functions "Grid for mobile."

Activation of the functional grid Mobile Designer Cover DyCover

The most important from a visual point of view, is a block from the "Manage".

  1. Click on "Download backgrounds" to reveal the menu, add pictures for the cover.
  2. The transition to the Downloads section of backgrounds in the constructor cover DyCover

  3. In the result pane, click on the label "Load background" and through the menu of the open image for the background.
  4. Transition to add a new background in the constructor cover DyCover

  5. If necessary, perform scaling using the slider "Scale background."
  6. Use the slider to scale the background in the constructor cover DyCover

  7. You can add a number of different layers, which can then be set to automatically change.
  8. Ability to use multiple backgrounds in the constructor cover DyCover

  9. To organize the dynamic change of set of pictures you click on the tab "Schedule Management" and block "Your Cover" click on the button "Add Item."
  10. The transition to the addition of skin for the background in the constructor cover DyCover

  11. Click "Select" in the window "Select background".
  12. The transition to the choice of the background for the cover of the designer cover DyCover

  13. After a pop-up window, scroll to the desired picture and press "Select".
  14. Successful candidates for the cover of backgrounds in the constructor cover DyCover

  15. Through the drop-down menu "Mode" set the most appropriate value for you.
  16. Select the mode of operation of changing the background in the Dycover Cover Designer

  17. The following ability to directly affect the general design of the cover of the cover is "font management".
  18. Go to the Font Management tab in Dycover Cover Designer

  19. Using the "Gallery of Image" tab, you can use both basic pictures and download your own directories in manually.
  20. Ability to add your icons in the Dycover Cover Designer

In addition to standard sections, there is also a block "Layers" allowing you to operate with the priority of certain design elements.

Painted controls are the basis of the future cap.

Block "Widgets"

The last and most interesting service menu item allows you to add widgets. For example, thanks to the use of the presented functions, the time or weather is organized without problems.

  1. On the Widgets panel, click on the subscriber signature.
  2. Go to Setup Widget Subscriber in Dycover Cover Designer

  3. To open the parameter menu of this component, click on its name on the right side of the working window under the layer panel.
  4. Switching to the active element in the Dycover Cover Designer

  5. Being in the "Widget" menu, you can set the main conditions for displaying subscribers.
  6. Setting up the type of subscribers in the Dycover Cover Designer

    For moving corresponds to the cover of the cover representation.

  7. In the "Image" window, debugging a user avatar display is executed or simply delete it.
  8. Setting the image display in the DYCOVER Cover Designer

  9. Sections "Name" and "Surname" are designed to debug the display name of the user.
  10. Setting the name of the name in the Dycover Cover Designer

  11. The "Counters" page configures the display of certain user actions to a public address.
  12. Setting the meter display in the Dycover Cover Designer

This editing of the "subscriber" area ends.

  1. The next, but rather the visual detail of the group's headers is "text".
  2. Transition to adding a widget Text in Dycover Cover Designer

  3. In the "Text Settings" section you can assign a special appearance to it.
  4. Text Setting for Widget Text in Dycover Cover Designer

  5. Using the Text Work area, you are provided to change the contents of this widget.
  6. Entering new contents for text widget in Dycover Cover Designer

  7. Through the "Text Type" menu, global debugging content is performed, for example, you can easily organize the loading of the text from any source or make it random.
  8. Installing text type in Widget Text in Dycover Cover Designer

Do not forget that such details of the design can and need to dilute with dubs.

  1. Click the "Date and Time" icon to post another corresponding component on the cover.
  2. Go to Setting up the widget Date and time in the Dycover Cover Designer

  3. Switch to the "Widget" page to configure the standard for the clock indicators, like a time zone, type of display and simply a color scheme.
  4. Basic Setting Widget Date and Time in Dycover Cover Designer

  5. In the section "Months" and "Days of the Week" you can change the text associated with certain values, for example, by reducing it.
  6. Setting up the dates and time in the Dycover cover constructor

Numeric Widget "Timer" It is almost no different from the previously considered.

Remember that in one way or another, the design and placement of the element depends on your idea.

  1. Mesh in most cases is not used as decoration.
  2. Adding a mesh widget in Dycover Cover Designer

  3. Its main task, which is clearly seen from the available parameters, is to simplify the creation of markup.
  4. Settings Widget Mesh in Dycover Cover Designer

Use this supplement for the header only if necessary and delete before completing the cover editing.

  1. Widget "Figure" in appearance fully corresponds to the name.
  2. Placing a widget Figure in the Dycover Cover Designer

  3. Thanks to it, it is possible to implement different strokes for other elements.
  4. Setting the widget figure in the Dycover cover constructor

Such details can be combined with each other, for example, to create drawings.

  1. Widget Widget "Weather", the service will automatically download the icon and data on climatic conditions according to the template you specified.
  2. Basic Settings Widget Weather in Dycover Cover Designer

    Replacing standard icons is also made here.

  3. The final page is designed to change the style of display of the weather icon on the cover.
  4. Setting up icons for widget Weather in Dycover Cover Designer

Without clear necessity, such widgets can become a problem.

Block "Exchange Rates" It is a specific element that allows adding information about courses.

This element is able to perfectly add any thematic public regarding, for example, the field of finance.

  1. If you have the need to add an image that is not attached to any event, you can use the "Picture" widget.
  2. Placement Widget Picture in Dycover Cover Designer

  3. You can add a picture for this component only if it was loaded in advance to the "Gallery of Image" section.
  4. Image in the image gallery in the Dycover Cover Designer

  5. Through the context window, select the desired file and click the "Select Image" button.
  6. Adding an image for a widget picture in the Dycover Cover Designer

Since the schedule is the basis of any cap group, these parts should be used as a more active as possible.

use the «YouTube» and the setting of this unit if the group is dedicated to the channel at a specified site.

All signatures and manually move the picture itself in the work area.

  1. The active element «RSS News" should be used without other widgets.
  2. Placing widget RSS News Designer Cover DyCover

  3. However, almost all the difficulties with the display can be solved by issuing preference settings.
  4. General News RSS widget settings in the constructor cover DyCover

It is desirable to establish this kind of data is only suitable for the subject communities, since, for example, in the entertainment pablike subscribers can not enjoy such content.

  1. One of the most commonly used components is the "Statistics".
  2. Placement Statistics widget constructor cover DyCover

  3. Realized through its use of such information as the number of subscribers on the network, or the total number of members of the group.
  4. General Settings widget statistics in the constructor cover DyCover

After completing the registration of the details, you can proceed to the last possible element.

  1. After placing the widget "Font icon" it is possible to integrate in the cover image, which was originally non-text.
  2. widget icons accommodation Font Designer Cover DyCover

  3. To change the icons of style, use the drop-down list "icon type".
  4. Changing the icon for the type of widget icons Font Designer Cover DyCover

  5. The service allows the preform pick up any of the standard character set or change the icon through the code.
  6. Using a standard character set in the constructor cover DyCover

Each element one way or another will be used.

Connecting template

The last step on the way to adding a stylish cover is the preservation and publication of data generated by the internal settings of the service.

  1. Scroll down to the block "Save" and press the corresponding button.
  2. Storing a Cover Designer Cover DyCover

  3. If necessary, the service provides the mode "Preview", which allows to study the results without the integration of the VC.
  4. Switch to the Preview Online DyCover

  5. Using the button "Go to the Control Panel," click the drop-down list "Select a skin" and make a selection.
  6. The transition to the choice of the cover on the site DyCover service

  7. After downloading the preview image, use the button "Apply".
  8. Application of dynamic cover the group VKontakte

  9. Now you can go to the community and ensure efficiency of service considered.
  10. Installed in a dynamic cover group VKontakte

If for some reason we have missed information, be sure to inform us about it. In addition, we are always happy to assist you in resolving any difficulties.

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