How to enter bios on the computer


How to enter the BIOS on the computer

"How to enter the BIOS?" - this question sooner or later asks themselves every PC user. For the uninitiated man in the electronics wisdom even the name CMOS Setup, or Basic Input / Output System seems mysterious. But without access to this set of firmware may not be possible to configure hardware installed on your computer or reinstall the operating system.

Enter the BIOS on your computer

There are several ways to enter in the BIOS: traditional and alternative. For older versions of Windows up to and including XP existed utility with the ability to edit CMOS Setup from the operating system, but unfortunately, these interesting projects stalled for a long time and treat them does not make sense.

Note: Methods 2-4 They do not work on all computers running Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, since not all equipment fully supports UEFI technology.

Method 1: Log using the keyboard

The basic method to get into the motherboard firmware menu - is to click with the computer boots after the passage of Power-On Self Test (PC self-test test) key or key combination on the keyboard. You can recognize them from the tips at the bottom of the monitor screen, the documentation on the motherboard or on the website of the manufacturer "iron". The most common options - Del, Esc, service license F. Below is a table of possible keys, depending on the origin of the equipment.

Options key to enter the BIOS

Method 2: Download Options

In versions windose after "seven", an alternative method using parameters of the computer is restarted. But as already mentioned above, the item "Parameters firmware UEFI» in boot menu does not appear on every PC.

  1. Select the "Start" button, then the icon "Power Management." Go to the line "Reset" and press it, hold down the Shift key.
  2. Key parameters in power Vindovs 8

  3. Restart menu appears where we are interested in the section "Diagnostics."
  4. Selecting the action when you restart windose 8

  5. In the "Diagnostics" find the "Advanced Settings", passed in which we see the item "Parameters firmware UEFI». Click on it and decide the next page "Restart the computer".
  6. Additional parameters on reboot windose 8

  7. PC restarts and opens the BIOS. Login committed.
  8. Launched BIOS UEFI

Method 3: Command Line

To enter the CMOS Setup, you can use the command-line options. This method also works only on windose latest versions, starting with the "eight".

  1. By right-clicking on the icon "Start", call the context menu and select the item "Command Prompt (Admin)."
  2. The command line administrator windose 8

  3. In the command prompt window, enter: shutdown.exe / r / o. Press Enter.
  4. Reboot from the command line in Windows 8

  5. We fall in the reboot menu and by analogy with the method 2 we reach the "UEFI embedded parameters" item. Bios is open to change settings.

Method 4: Entrance to the BIOS without keyboard

This method is similar to methods 2 and 3, but allows you to get into the BIOS, without using the keyboard at all and can be useful when it is malfunction. This algorithm is also relevant only on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. For a detailed acquaintance, pass the reference below.

Read more: We enter the BIOS without keyboard

So, we have established that on modern PCs with UEFI BIOS and the latest versions of the operating system there are several options in the CMOS Setup, and on the old computers alternative to traditional keystrooping the keys is actually no. Yes, by the way, on the very "ancient" motherboards there were buttons to enter the BIOS on the back of the PC housing, but now such equipment is no longer found.

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