How to fix the error "CPU Fan Error Press F1" when loading


How to fix the error

When the computer is turned on, automatic verification of the health of all components is performed. If some problems arise, the user will be notified of this. If you appear on the CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 message on the screen, you will need to perform several actions to solve this problem.

How to fix the error "CPU Fan Error Press F1" when loading

The message "CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1" notifies the user about the impossibility of starting the processor cooler. There may be several reasons for this - cooling is not installed or not connected to the power, the contacts or the cable is incorrectly inserted into the connector. Let's consider several ways to solve or bypass this problem.

How to fix the error

Method 1: Couple Check

If this error appears from the very first start, it is worth disassembling the case and check the cooler. In the absence of a lack of extremely recommended to purchase it and install, because without this part, the processor will overheat, which will automatically turn off the system or breakdowns of various types. To check cooling, you must perform several actions:

In addition, various breakdowns of parts often occur, so after checking the connection, look at the work of the cooler. If it still does not function, it should be replaced.

Method 2: Disable Error Warnings

Sometimes the sensors stop working on the motherboard or other failures occur. This is evidenced by the appearance of an error even when the fans on the cooler function normally. You can solve this problem only to replace the sensor or system board. Since the error is actually absent, it remains only to disable notifications so that they do not disturb during each system launch:

  1. When running the system, go to the BIOS settings by pressing the appropriate keyboard key.
  2. Read more: How to get to the BIOS on the computer

  3. Go to the Boot Settings tab and set the value of the parameter "Wait for" F1 "if error" on "disabled".
  4. Disable notifications in BIOS

  5. In rare cases, there is an item "CPU FAN SPEED". If you have it, then transfer the value to the "Ignored" state.

In this article, we reviewed ways to solve and ignore the error "CPU Fan Error Press F1". It is important to note that in the second way it is worth using only if you are absolutely confident in the performance of the installed cooler. In other situations, this can lead to overheating of the processor.

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