How often it is necessary to change the thermal chaser on the processor


How often it is necessary to change the thermal chaser on the processor

The thermalcase helps to remove heat from the processor and maintain a normal temperature regime. It is usually applied during the computer assembly by the manufacturer or at home by manually by the user. This substance gradually dries and loses efficiency, which may occur with the CPU and failures in the system, therefore, from time to time, the thermal paste must be changed. In this article we will tell about how to determine whether the replacement is necessary and for what period different models of this substance retain their properties.

When you need to change the thermal chaser on the processor

First of all, the role is played on the CPU. If you often work in complex programs or spend time for the passage of heavy modern games, the processor is preferably loaded at 100% and highlights more heat. From this thermalcase dries faster. In addition, heat transfer increases on overclocked stones, which also leads to a decrease in the term of the thermal paste. However, this is not all. Perhaps the main criterion is the brand of matter, because they all possess different characteristics.

Term service life of different manufacturers

There are not many pastes manufacturers on the market, but each of them has a different composition, which determines its thermal conductivity, operating temperatures and shelf life. Let's look at several popular manufacturers and define when you need to change the paste:

  1. KTT-8. This brand is the most controversial. Some consider it bad and quick-drying, and others call the old and reliable. We recommend the owners of this thermal path to replace only in cases where the processor begins to warm up harder. We will talk about it more about this below.
  2. Thermal CPT-8

  3. Arctic Cooling MX-3 is one of the favorites, its record life of 8 years, but this does not mean that it will show the same results on other computers, because the level of operation is everywhere different. If you inflicted this paste to your processor, you can safely forget about the replacement for 3-5 years. The previous model from the same manufacturer does not boast of indicators, so it costs it once a year.
  4. Thermal Call of Arctic Cooling MX-2

  5. Thermalright is considered cheap, but effective paste, it is quite viscous, has good operating temperatures and thermal conductivity. The only minus is rapid drying, so it must be changed at least once every two years.
  6. Thermalright thermalcaste

By buying cheap pastes, as well as having a thin layer of it on the processor, do not hope that the replacement can be forgotten for several years. Most likely, after six months, the average temperature of the CPU will rise, and in another six months it will be necessary to replace the thermal paste.

Read more: learn the processor temperature in Windows

In this article, we described in detail the terms of work the thermal paste and found out how often it is necessary to change it. Once again, I would like to pay attention to that it all depends not only on the manufacturer and the correctness of the application of the substance on the processor, but also on how the computer or laptop is operated, therefore it is always necessary to navigate first of all to heat the CPU.

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