How to remove the interlocutor in messages in classmates


How to remove the interlocutor in messages in classmates

Social networks are designed primarily for enjoyable communication between people. We are pleased to talk and exchange news with friends, relatives and acquaintances. But sometimes it happens that the exchange of messages with another user begins to bother for various reasons or simply wanted to bring order on his page in classmates.

Remove the interlocutor in messages in classmates

Is it possible to stop unpleasant communication and remove the annoying interlocutor? Of course, yes. The developers of classmates have provided such an opportunity for all project participants. But remember that by deleting a correspondence with anyone, you do it only on your page. At the former interlocutor, all messages will be saved.

Method 1: Deleting the interlocutor on the posts page

First, let's see how to remove another user from your chat on the site of classmates. Traditionally, the resource authors provide a choice of actions in specific cases.

  1. Open the website, go to your page, press the "Messages" button on the top panel.
  2. Transition to messages on classmates

  3. In the message window in the left column, select the interlocutor, corresponding to which you want to remove, and click the LKM on its avatar.
  4. Select the interlocutor on the site classmates

  5. Chat opens with this user. In the upper right corner of the tab we see the icon in the form of a circle with the letter "i", click on it and select "Delete Chat" in the dropping menu. The selected interlocutor became former and correspondence with him removed from your page.
  6. Chat removal on classmates

  7. If you select the "Hide Chat" string in the menu, the conversation and user will also disappear, but only before the first new message.
  8. Hide chat on classmates

  9. If any of your interlocutor really got it, then a radical solution is possible to solve the problem. In the above menu, click "Block".
  10. Block user on the site classmates

  11. In the window that appears, I confirm your actions to the "Block" button and the unwanted user goes to the "black list", forever leaving the chat along with your cigarette.

Confirm the lock on the site classmates

Method 3: Removing the interlocutor in a mobile application

In mobile apps, classmates for iOS and Android is also implemented to remove users and correspond to them from their chat. True, the functionality of deletion is lower compared to the full version of the site.

  1. We run the application, authorized, at the bottom of the screen we find the "Messages" icon and click on it.
  2. Go to messages in the application classmates

  3. On the leftmost tab of the "Chats", we find the person we remove with the correspondence.
  4. Tab chat rooms in Applications Odnoklassniki

  5. Click on the string with the username and hold it a couple of seconds before the menu appears where you select the "Delete Chat" item.
  6. Remove chat in classmates

  7. In the next window, we finally break up with old conversations with this user by clicking "Delete".

Chat removal in classmates

So, as we set together, the removal of any interlocutor and chat will not be a problem. And try to maintain communication only with people who are pretty. Then you do not have to clean your page.

See also: Remove the correspondence in classmates

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