How to use Yandex.Transport


How to use Yandex.Transport

Yandex does not stand still and issues more and more useful services that are warmly accepted by users, firmly attending their devices. One of these is Yandex.Transport, which is a map where you can build your route, relying on the movement of public transport.

We use Yandex.Transport

Before you start using the application, you must first adjust it for a comfortable operation. How to choose transportation, city, enable the location of the icons of additional functions on the map and much more, you will learn by reading the article.

Step 1: Installing the Application

To download Yandex.Transport to the device, open the link below. From it, go to the application page in the Play Market and click Install.

Download Yandex.Transport

After the download is over, log in to the application. In the first window, allow access to your location so that it is more correctly defined on the map.

Pressing the Allow button to access the location

Next, consider the setting and use of basic functions.

Step 2: Application Setup

To prepare a map and other parameters, you must first adjust them for yourself.

  1. To go to "Settings", click on the "Account" button at the bottom of the screen.

    Transition to the Cabinet tab in Yandex.Transport

  2. Go to "Settings".

    Go to the configuration string in the Personal Account tab

  3. Now we will analyze each tab. The first thing you need to do is specify your city by using a search string or finding it yourself. Yandex.Transport has in the database information about public transport about 70 settlements. If your city is not in the proposed list, then besides walking on foot or ride on Yandex.Taxi will not offer you anything.

    Enter the name of the city in the Yandex.Transport application

  4. Then choose a convenient view of the map, which, as usual, not more than three.

    Selection of a map of the map in Yandex.Bassport

  5. Following or turn off the following three graphs that are responsible for the presence of zoom buttons on the map, its turn is either the appearance of the menu with a long press anywhere in the diagram.

    Setting the map scale icons, its rotation and the appearance of the menu with a long press

  6. The inclusion of the "Road Event" implies the display of incident icons marked by the application users. Move the slider to the active status to start this feature and select the events you are interested in.

    Enabling and selection of road events displayed on the map

  7. "Cash card" retains your actions with the card and accumulates them in the device's memory. If you do not need to save them, then upon completion of the application, click "Clear".

    Pressing the Cleaning Card Cleaning button in Yandex.Transport

  8. In the "Types of Transport" tab, select the type of vehicle on which you are moving, moving the toggle switch to the right.

    Selection of vehicles displayed on map

  9. Next, enable the "Show on the map" function in the "Transport Tags" tab and specify the type of transport you want to see on the map.

    Enabling and selection of transport labels

  10. The "Alarm clock" function will not let the end of your route, oving the signal before approaching the end item. Activate it if you are afraid to sleep the desired stop.

    The inclusion of alarm clock in Yandex.Transport

  11. In the tab "Cabinet" there is a "Log in" button, providing the ability to save the routes built by you and receive awards for various achievements (for early or night trips, for using search, alarm and other things), which will slightly build using the application.

    Button Login to Account In the Personal Cabinet tab

  12. After pre-configuring the parameters of using Yandex. Transportation can be processed to the map.

Step 3: Usage Map

Consider the card interface and the buttons located on it.

  1. Go to the "Maps" tab on the panel at the bottom of the screen. If closer, then it will appear icons of incidents and points of different colors denoting public transport.

    Pressing the map button in Yandex.Transport

  2. To learn more about the road event, tap on the icon indicating it on the map, after which the window displays the window with information about it.

    View Road Event Information

  3. Click on any public transport - on the diagram there will immediately appear the path of its following. Go to the "Show route" tab in order to find out all its stops and travel time.

    Scheme and route movement of selected vehicles

  4. To determine the location of the roads in the application interface there is a button in the upper left corner of the screen. Activate it by pressing, after which the sections of the roads from free movement will be highlighted on a map of several colors (green, yellow and red).

    Activation of roadmail mode in Yandex.Transport

  5. So that in the future does not look for the stop and transport you need, add them to the "Favorites". To do this, click on the point of the bus or tram on the map, in the route of its movement, select your stop and tap opposite them to the heart. You can find them, tapping on the corresponding icon, which is in the lower left corner of the map.

    Transition to the Favorites tab in the Yandex.Transport application

  6. By clicking on the bus icon you will leave on the map of the previously chosen in the settings of the transport.

    Pressing the button in the form of a bus

After you have learned about using the card and its interface, we turn to the main function of the application.

Step 4: Building a Route

Now consider the construction of the way of movement on public transport from one point to another.

  1. To go to this action, on the toolbar, click on the "Routes" button.

    Transition to the Routes tab in Yandex.Transport

  2. In the first two lines, enter the addresses or specify them on the map, after which information about public transport is displayed below, where you can move from one point to another.

    Entering addresses for building a route

  3. Next, select the suggestive route, after which it will immediately appear on the map. If you are afraid to sleep stopping, move the an alarm clock inclusion slider.

    Turning on the alarm clock and built route on the map

  4. To learn more about the route of transport, pull the horizontal strip - you will see all the stops and the time of arrival on them.

    Moving a horizontal strip to display a detailed route of traffic

  5. Now you can easily get from one point to the other without any help. Enough to enter the address and choose a convenient type of transport.

As you can see, the use of Yandex service is not so complicated, and with its information base you will quickly recognize the city and ways of movement on it.

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