How to update Viber on the phone


How to update Viber on the phone

As is known, periodic actualization of the version of any software is a prerequisite for the inclusive functioning of almost all modern applications and services, regardless of the device used as a hardware platform and the operating system. Consider how to update the popular Messenger Viber on the phone operating under the management of Android or iOS.

In addition to eliminating errors and bugs found during the operation of Weiber client applications with millions of users of the service, developers often bring new functionality to the updated messenger versions, so it is not necessary to refuse the update.

How to update viber

The process of installing a new Vaiber assembly is different for different mobile operating systems. The following are two options for actions involving after their fulfillment, receiving an actual version on the phones: for the owners of Android-devices and iPhone users.

How to update Viber on Android and iOS

Option 1: Android

Users wishing to learn how to update Viber on Android, in most cases do not have to resort to any "tricks" or complex manipulations to obtain the most relevant version of the messenger on their smartphone or tablet. The update of the already installed client is made by the same ways that for other software tools developed for this mobile OS.

Method 2: APK file

If the Weber Update on the Android device using the built-in Gogl application store for some reason is impracticable, you can resort to use APK file. - A peculiar distribution of the program for the mobile OS.

  1. The first thing that will be needed is to find and download the latest version APK-file on the expanses of the global network, and then place the received package in the Android-device memory.

    Do not forget about the need to contact files exclusively to well-known and proven resources in order to avoid infection with viruses!

  2. Open any file manager for Android, for example, ES Explorer and go along the path where the previously downloaded APK file of Weber is located. Tape on the name of the package Open a window request for further actions with the file. Choose "install".

    Viber for Android Startup APK file updated version in Explorer

  3. When a warning is noted about the presence of an application installation in the installation device, which received not from the playing of the market, tap "Settings" and then allow the installation of packets from unknown sources, resorting to the activation of the switch or setting the check in the checkbox near the relevant item.

    Viber for Android Allow installation of applications from unknown sources to start APK file

  4. After issuing permission, we return to the APK file and re-open it.
  5. Since we are renewed already present in the messenger system, the APK file can be installed on top of it with saving all application data, which will be said in the notification that appears. Click "Set" and expect to complete the installation process.

    Viber for Android Install APK file updated version of the messenger

  6. After the notification appears, the application is established, you can open the messenger and make sure that its version is updated. For information about the Viber's installed assembly, you need to go to the route on the path: "Menu" - "Description and Support".

    Viber for Android Receive information about the installed version of the messenger

If you have any problems when working with the Vaiber APK-file, we turn to articles on our website, where general principles are described and various ways of opening such packages and their installation in android devices are proposed.

Method 2: iTunes

The iTunes software package offered by Apple for various operations over its own production devices allows you to implement the application procedure installed in iPhone applications, and Viber messenger.

Viber for iOS messenger update via iTunes

Since in new versions of Aytyuns, access to the application store has been deleted, for successfully applying the instructions below it will be necessary to install not the most relevant version of the mediacombine - 12.6.3. . The ITunes Installation Question of this version has already been considered in the material on our website available on the link below, you can also download the application distribution.

Read more: Installing iTunes 12.6.3 with access to the App Store

  1. Run iTunes, connect the iPhone to the PC.

    Viber for iPhone Starting iTunes to update the messenger

    Method 3: IPA file

    Get a newer version of Viber for iOS than that installed in the device, you can also use files * .ipa. . By installing a newer version of the package with the application, resorting to the possibilities of specialized Windows programs, in fact, the user conducts a reinstalling of the messenger client on its device, replacing the older assembly with a relevant solution.

    Viber for iOS - updating the IPA file setting through itools

    To conduct manipulations with IPA files, you can use the aforementioned iTunes, but it is much easier and efficient to resort to the functionality of the product from third-party developers - itools. It is this software tool that is used in the example below.

    1. First, find out the version of Waiber, which is already installed in the iPhone at the moment. To do this, run the application, open the menu, touching the image of three points with the inscription "More" in the lower right corner of the display. Next, select the laser item on the screen that opens the screen - "Description and Support" - and we obtain information about the version of the messenger.

      Viber for iOS Find out the version of the installed application

    2. We find on the Internet and load the Viber's Viber iPA file than installed in the device. You can also use files received via iTunes during the operation of the latter - the packages loaded by mediacombine are located on the PC disc on the way:

      C: \ Users \ user_name \ Music \ iTunes \ iTunes Media \ Mobile Applications

    3. We connect iPhone to the PC cable and open itools.

      Viber for iOS Start ITools To update the iPa file, connect iPhone

      Thus, it can be stated that to update the Viber service client application is a completely simple procedure. The regular receipt of the messenger updates by Android smartphones and iPhone is organized by the developers at a high level, which will certainly increase the level of comfort and safety of the end user of this software product.

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