How to improve computer performance on windows 7


Improving system performance in Windows 7

One of the most important criteria that characterizes the computer system is its performance. Let's figure out how to increase this basic desktop reference rate or laptop with Windows 7.

Disk defragmentation procedure in the system utility in Windows 7

Lesson: Performing a hard disk defragmentation in Windows 7

In addition, it is possible to increase the speed of HDD by making it properly configured in the Device Manager.

  1. Click "Start" and go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Go to the System and Security section.
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. In the "System" block, click on the inscription "Device Manager".
  6. Transition to Device Manager in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. In the device manager's interface that opens, click on the "Disk Devices" item.
  8. Opening Disc Devices in Device Manager in Windows 7

  9. A list of physical hard drives connected to the PC will appear. This can be both one device and several. Double-click the left mouse button (LKM) by name of one of them.
  10. Go to disk device properties window in device manager in Windows 7

  11. The window properties window opens. Move to the "Politics" section.
  12. Go to the Policy tab in the disk device properties window in the device manager in Windows 7

  13. This indicates productivity policy. Hard disks from different manufacturers, items in this section may differ. But, based on the general logic, look for the position that should contribute to an increase in speed. For example, "Allow caching" or "optimal performance." Noting this item, press "OK" in the current window.

Configuring performance improvements in the disk device properties window in device manager in Windows 7

Lesson: Acceleration of the hard disk

Method 2: Increase the amount of RAM

Increase system performance can also be by increasing the size of RAM. The most elementary and at the same time the effective method to achieve such a result is to purchase an additional or more volumetric RAM bar. But unfortunately, it is not always possible both on financial and technical considerations, because 32-bit windows 7 support the size of RAM not more than 4 GB. But it is possible to bypass this restriction.

In order to increase the scope of RAM without changing the hardware configuration, the paging file on the hard disk that generates, the so-called virtual memory is created. When the RAM resource lack, the system appeals to this selected area on the hard drive. Therefore, to increase the PC performance, you must enable the specified file if it is disabled.

  1. Click "Start", and then click right-click on the "Computer" item. In the menu that opens, select "Properties".
  2. Switch to the computer properties window using the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. The OS properties window will start. In the left part, click "Advanced Parameters ...".
  4. Transition to the additional system parameters window in the system properties window in Windows 7

  5. In the shell that opened, click the "Parameters ..." button in the "Speed" block.
  6. Transition to speed control in the system properties window in Windows 7

  7. The speed parameter window opens. Turn to the "Advanced" section.
  8. The transition into the Advanced tab in the speed parameters in Windows 7

  9. In the "Virtual Memory" block, click the "Edit ..." button.
  10. Go to changing the paging file in the speed parameters window in Windows 7

  11. Virtual memory control window opens. At the top of it, you can install a tick near the "Automatically choose ..." parameter and the system itself will select the settings for the paging file.

    Automatic selection of paging file in the Virtual Memory window in Windows 7

    But we advise you to set the parameters manually. For this, first of all, remove the checkbox from the checkbox "Automatically choose ...", if it is installed there. Then select the logical disk in the selection window where you wish to locate the paging file. Below, rearrange the switch to the "Specify" position. After this field, the "Source Size" and "Maximum Size" will be active. Put the same value of the desired virtual memory value in megabytes. Then click on the "Set" and "OK" button.

  12. Setting the size of the paging file in the Virtual Memory window in Windows 7

  13. In order for the entered settings to take effect, it is required to restart the computer.

It must be remembered that the swap file is too large should not be created. First, you, therefore, lose the workspace that could be used to store files. Secondly, the speed of contacting the hard disk is much slower than to the hardware RAM. Therefore, with an increase in virtual memory, it is possible to handle a larger amount of processes at the same time, but the speed is reduced, which negatively affects the performance of the system as a whole. It is believed that the optimal size is one and a half times higher than the volume of hardware RAM PC. We recommend setting the volume of the paging file based on this calculation. If you are already installed, we advise you to change its size on the optimal one.

Lesson: Changing the volume of the paging file in Windows 7

Method 3: Disable graphic effects

It is no secret that graphic effects consume a significant part of the power of the video card, the processor and use a considerable amount of RAM. To free up the resources of these objects to perform other tasks and thereby increase the speed of the system as a whole, you can turn off some visual effects.

  1. To perform the specified task, again open the additional parameters of the system and go to the speed parameters window in the same way as described in the previous method. In the section "Visual Effects", set the switch to the "Provide Best Speed" position. After that, press "Apply" and "OK".

    Enabling the best speed in the speed parameters window in Windows 7

    But if you do not want to disable all the effects, but only some of them, then stop the switch to the "Special Effects" position and remove the marks from those items that you want to deactivate. Then, just press "Apply" and "OK".

  2. Deactivation of some visual effects in the speed parameters window in Windows 7

  3. After that, all visual effects or some of them in accordance with the selected option will be disabled, and the resources of various elements of the system, primarily the video card, will be released for other tasks.

In addition, optimize resource consumption on the chart can also be using the video adapter control panel. The installation algorithm for the necessary parameters differs depending on the manufacturer and model of the video card, but the essence comes down to choose a performance between performance and quality or at least install the best balance for you between these two criteria.

Configuring performance in the NVIDIA Video Card Control Panel in Windows 7

Enhance the performance of the video adapter will also help the timely update of its drivers and the installation of special software designed to optimize the video card.

Lesson: Acceleration of the video card

Method 4: Disable applications in autorun

Quite often, when installing the program, the programs are prescribed into autorun, thereby not only slowing the loading of the system, but also by consuming resources throughout the working session. But at the same time, the user does not always need these applications, that is, they often consume the resources of the OS. In this case, you need to remove such elements from the startup.

  1. Type Win + R combination. In the window that opened:


    Apply pressing the "OK" button.

  2. Transition to the system configuration window by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  3. The system configuration editing window opens. Move in the "Auto-loading" section.
  4. Go to Startup section in the system consfiguration window in Windows 7

  5. The startup section opens. Further actions depend on whether you want to disable the automatic start of all elements or only some of them. The first action of actions will bring a greater effect, but it must be borne in mind that there are such programs that are preferable to leave in autoruns specifically to solve your tasks. So there is a solution for you.
  6. Section Startup in the system consfiguration window in Windows 7

  7. In the first case, just click the "Disable All" button. After that, the marks opposite all the list items will be removed, then press "Apply" and "OK".

    Disable the autorun of all programs in the Startup section in the system consfiguration window in Windows 7

    In the second case, remove the ticks near those elements that are going to remove from the startup, but do not touch the marks opposite the names of the programs left in the autorun. Further, as in the previous time, press "Apply" and "OK".

  8. Disable the autorun of individual programs in the Startup section in the system consfiguration window in Windows 7

  9. After that, the dialog box opens where the PC restarts will be prompted. Close all active programs and click "Reboot".
  10. Run a computer reboot in the Windows 7 dialog box

  11. After restarting, the selected applications will be removed from the startup, which releases the resources of the system and will increase its speed.

Lesson: Disconnecting the autorun applications in Windows 7

Method 5: Disable Services

Various started services are also carried out on the system. At the same time, not all of them are needed to the user, but from the actions of some of these objects of negative consequences even more than positive. Such elements are desirable to disable for increasing PC performance. The principle of deactivation is about the same as the principle of removal of programs from autoload. But there is one important reservation: it is necessary to treat the services more carefully, since deactivation of an important element may lead to incorrect operation of the system.

  1. Click "Start" go to "Control Panel".
  2. Opening the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Next, go to "System and Security".
  4. Opening section System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Click "Administration".
  6. Go to Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. In the list that opens, choose "Services".
  8. Opening Service Manager in the Administration section of the Control Panel in Windows 7

  9. Opened "Service Manager". Highlight the service you want to deactivate, and then on the left side of the window, click "Stop".
  10. Go to the service stop in the Service Manager in Windows 7

  11. Deactivation procedure will be performed.
  12. Service stop procedure in Windows 7 Service Manager

  13. After that, double-click LKM by the name of the same service.
  14. Go to the Service Properties window in the Windows 7 Service Manager

  15. The window of the service properties opens. In the Startup Type drop-down list, select the "disabled" position. Then press the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.
  16. Disabling the startup of the service in the Sword Window Service in the Windows 7 Service Manager

  17. There will be a refund to the main window of the "dispatcher", and the service itself will be completely deactivated. This will indicate the lack of status "Works" in the "Status" column opposite the element turned off, as well as the status "disabled" in the "Startup Type" column.

The service is disabled in the Windows 7 Service Manager

After performing the indicated manipulations to disable all unnecessary services, the speed of the system should increase due to the release of resources. But, we repeat, feel carefully at what service is disconnected. Before performing the procedure, see our separate material in which it is described which services can be turned off without significant negative consequences for the OS.

Lesson: Deactivation of unnecessary services in Windows 7

Method 6: Cleaning the Registry

Another way to speed up the PC is cleaning the system registry from outdated and erroneous entries. Thus, the system will not refer to the specified elements, which will increase not only the speed of its operation, but also the correctness of operation. For these purposes, special-cleaner programs are applied. One of the most popular applications to perform the specified task is already familiar to us in the 1 CCleaner method.

Cleaning the registry in the CCleaner program in Windows 7


Quality Cleaning Registry from Errors

Cleaning the registry with CCleaner

Method 7: Power Setup

The following option for increasing the speed of the OS is the correct setting of the power supply.

  1. Go to the section "Control Panels" called "System and Security". The algorithm of this transition was described in the method 5. Next click "Power".
  2. Opening the Power Partition in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  3. In the opening plan selection window that opens, you can only rearrange the radio button to the "High Performance" position, after which you can close the window.

High performance selection in the power window in Windows 7

For desktop PCs, this method is particularly suitable, as it does not have almost no negative consequences. But if you use a laptop, you need to think if it is worth applying it, as it can significantly increase the battery discharge rate.

Method 8: processor acceleration

By default, the processor is not configured to use its maximum features. It always has a power supply, and therefore there are methods of this power to free up to increase the performance of the OS. As a rule, they are carried out using special software. But it is worth remembering that the processor's acceleration is a rather dangerous procedure that, with incorrect exercise, can lead to a PC output. In any case, the processor dispersal leads to an increase in its wear, and with incorrect actions even to failure in the shortest possible time.

Intel processor acceleration in CLOCKGEN


Acceleration of the processor on a laptop

Increase processor speed

As we see, increasing the performance of the system in Windows 7 is carried out mainly by reducing the load on individual components. At the same time, it is often necessary to choose that the speed of work or visual appearance is more important. Although there are such methods where such a dilemma is not worth it, for example, cleaning a PC from garbage. In this case, optimization has only a positive character with the condition that you do everything right.

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