How to connect two video cards to one computer


How to connect two video cards to one computer

A few years ago, AMD and NVIDIA provided users with new technologies. At the first company, it is called Crossfire, and the second - SLI. This feature allows you to link two video cards for maximum performance, that is, they will process one image together, and in theory, work twice as fast as one card. In this article, we will look at how to connect two graphics adapters to one computer using these features.

How to connect two video cards to one pc

If you have collected a very powerful gaming or working system and want to make it even more powerful, then this will help the purchase of a second video card. In addition, two models from the average price segment can work better and faster than one top, while it is less than less. But in order to do this, you need to pay attention to a few moments. Let's wonder them in more detail.

What you need to know before connecting two GPU to one PC

If you are just going to acquire the second graphics adapter and do not yet know all the nuances that you need to follow, we describe them in detail. In the way, when collecting, you will not have any different problems and breakdowns of components.

  1. Make sure your power supply has sufficient power. If the video card manufacturer's website says that it requires 150 watts, then for two models it will take 300 watts. We recommend taking BP with power reserve. For example, if you have a block of 600 watts now, and for the functioning of the cards is required by 750, then do not save on this purchase and buy a block for 1 kilowatt, so you will be sure that everything will work correctly even at maximum loads.
  2. Power supply fan

    Read more: How to choose a power supply for a computer

  3. The second mandatory point is to support your motherboard of a bundle of two graphic adapters. That is, at the program level, it should allow two cards at the same time. Almost all system boards allow you to enable CrossFire, however, it's more complicated with SLI. And for NVIDIA video cards, you need licensing the company itself so that the motherboard at the programmary level allowed the inclusion of SLI technology.
  4. And of course, there must be two PCI-E connections on the motherboard. One of them should be sixtecral, that is, PCI-E X16, and the second PCI-E X8. When 2 video cards come into the ligament, they will operate in x8 mode.
  5. Connecting two video cards to one computer

    We looked at all nuances and criteria related to the installation of two graphic adapters into one computer, now let's go to the installation process itself.

    Connecting two video cards to one computer

    There is nothing difficult in the connection, you only need to follow the instructions and take care to accidentally damage the computer components. To set two video cards you need:

    1. Open the sidebar of the case or put the motherboard on the table. Insert two cards into the corresponding PCI-E X16 and PCI-E X8 connectors. Check the fastening reliability and screw them with the appropriate screws to the case.
    2. Connecting two video cards to one computer

    3. Be sure to connect the power of two cards using the appropriate wires.
    4. Connecting the video card

    5. Connect two graphic adapters using a bridge that comes with a motherboard. Connecting through a special connector mentioned above.
    6. Connections Bridge for video cards

    7. On this installation is over, it remains only to collect everything into the case, connect the power supply and monitor. It remains in the Windows itself to configure everything at the program level.
    8. In the case of NVIDIA video cards, go to the "NVIDIA control panel", open the Configure SLI section, install the point opposite Maximise 3D Performance and Auto-SELECT near the Processor. Do not forget to apply settings.
    9. Setting up SLI in the NVIDIA control panel

    10. In AMD software, CrossFire technology is automatically turned on, so no additional actions are needed.

    Before buying two video cards, think well over what models it will be, because even the top system is not always able to pull the operation of two cards at the same time. Therefore, we recommend carefully to study the characteristics of the processor and RAM before assembling such a system.

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