Registry Recovery in Windows 10


Registry Recovery in Windows 10

Some users, especially when the experience of interaction with PCs, change various parameters of the Windows registry. Often such actions lead to errors, failures and even the inoperability of the OS. In this article we will analyze the ways to restore the registry after unsuccessful experiments.

Registry recovery in windows 10

Let's start with the fact that the registry is one of the most important components of the system and without an extreme need and experience should not be edited. In the event that after the changes, trouble began, you can try to restore the files in which the keys are "lying". This is done both from the working "Windows" and in the recovery environment. Next, we will consider all possible options.

Method 1: Restoration from backup

This method implies the presence of a file containing the exported data of the entire registry or a separate section. If you are not concerned about the creation before editing, go to the next paragraph.

The whole process is as follows:

  1. Open registry editor.

    Read more: Ways to open a registry editor in Windows 10

  2. We highlight the root section "Computer", press PKM and choose Export item.

    Transition to the export of backup system registry in Windows 10

  3. Let the file name, select the location of its location and click "Save".

    Export file with backup system registry in Windows 10

The same can be done with any folder in the editor in which you change the keys. Recovery is performed by a double click on the created file confirming the intent.

Restoring the system registry from a backup in Windows 10

Method 2: Replacing the registry files

The system itself can make backup copies of important files before any automatic operations, such as updates. They are stored at the following address:

C: \ Windows \ System32 \ CONFIG \ REGBACK

The location of the tables of backups of the system registry in Windows 10

The current files are "lying" in the folder level above, that is

C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config

In order to recover, you need to copy backups from the first directory in the second. Do not hurry to rejoice, as it is impossible to do this in the usual way, because all these documents are blocked by the executable programs and system processes. Here only "Command Line" will help, and launched in the recovery environment (Re). Next, we describe two options: if Windows is loaded and if you do not seem to enter into an account possible.

The system starts

  1. Open the "Start" menu and click on the gear ("Parameters").

    Go to the operating system parameters from the Start menu in Windows 10

  2. We go to the "Update and Security" section.

    Switch to the Update and Security section in the system parameters in Windows 10

  3. On the Restore tab, we are looking for "special download options" and click "Reboot Now".

    Switch to special options for downloading Windows 10 operating system

    If "Parameters" do not open from the "Start" menu (this happens when the registry is damaged), you can call them with a Windows + I key combination. You can also reboot with the desired parameters by pressing the appropriate button with the SHIFT key.

    Restarting the operating system with special parameters in Windows 10

  4. After rebooting, we go to the troubleshooting section.

    Switch to the search and troubleshooting in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  5. Go to additional parameters.

    Starting additional boot option settings in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  6. Call "Command Line".

    Running the command line in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  7. The system will again reboot, after which it will be offered to select an account. We are looking for your (better the one that has administrator rights).

    Select an account for logging in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  8. We enter a password to enter and click "Continue".

    Enter a password to enter an account in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  9. Next, we need to copy files from one directory to another. First check, on the disk with which letter is the Windows folder. Usually in the recovery environment, the system section has the letter "D". Check it can be a team

    Dir D:

    Checking the presence of a system folder on the disk in the recovery environment in Windows 10

    If there are no folders, we try other letters, for example, "Dir C:" and so on.

  10. Enter the following command.

    Copy D: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ RegBack \ Default D: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config

    Press ENTER. Confirm the copying by entering the "Y" keyboard and pressing ENTER again.

    Copying a file with a backup copy of the system registry in the recovery environment in Windows 10

    With this action, we copied the file with the name "Default" to the "Config" folder. In the same way, four more documents need to be transferred.





    Tip: To do not enter the command manually, you can simply press the up arrow on the keyboard twice (until the desired string appears) and simply replace the file name.

    Copying files with backups of the system registry in the recovery environment in Windows 10

  11. Close the "command line" as the usual window and turn off the computer. Naturally, then turn on again.

    Turning off the computer in the restoration environment in Windows 10

The system does not start

If Windows cannot be launched, it is easier to get to the recovery environment: when the download fails, it will open automatically. You only need to press "additional parameters" on the first screen, and then make actions starting from paragraph 4 of the previous version.

Running the recovery environment in Windows 10

There are situations where Re is not available. In this case, you will have to use the installation (bootable) carrier with Windows 10 on board.

Read more:

Guide to create a bootable flash drive with Windows 10

Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

When started from the media after selecting the language, instead of installation, select the recovery.

Go to restore the system after downloading from the installation disk with Windows 10

What to do next, you already know.

Method 3: System Restore

If for some reason it is not possible to restore the registry directly, you will have to resort to another tool - rollback of the system. This can be done in different ways and with different results. The first option is to use the recovery points, the second is to bring windows to its original state, and the third is to return the factory settings.

Return factory settings Windows 10 operating system

Read more:

Rollback to the recovery point in Windows 10

We restore Windows 10 to source

Return Windows 10 to the factory state


The above methods will work only when the corresponding files are present on your drives - backup copies and (or) points. If there are no such, you will have to reinstall "Windows".

Read more: How to install windows 10 from a flash drive or disk

Finally, let's give a couple of tips. Always, before editing keys (or delete, or create new), export a copy of the branch or the entire system registry, and also create a recovery point (you need to do both). And yet: if not confident in your actions, it is better not to open the editor at all.

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