How to understand what the video card burned


How to understand what the video card burned

Sometimes there are failures in the computer, they can be connected with mechanical damage to components or systemic problems. Today we will pay attention to the video card, namely, we will show how to conduct diagnostics to understand the graphics adapter or not.

Determine the malfunction of the video card

The video card is used to display the image on the monitor screen and, accordingly, when it breaks it, this image disappears completely, partially or formed different kind of artifacts. However, the problem is not always connected with this component. Let's deal with this in more detail.

Signs of the breakdown of the video card

There are a number of signs for which you can define, a video card burned out or not:

  1. The monitor is in working condition, but after starting the system, the image does not appear. On certain models, the message "No Signal" can still be displayed.
  2. If you have one or several above signs, this means that the main problem is in the graphics adapter, however, we recommend paying attention to the rest of the components in order to eliminate the presence of other faults.

    System Check

    The problem with the video card is often caused by the problems of another kind, the lack of or incorrectness of connecting certain wires. Let's deal with more detail with this:

    1. Check the connection and performance of the power supply. During the system launch, additional cooling fans and a processor cooler must work. In addition, make sure that the BP is configured to the motherboard.
    2. Connecting motherboard to power supply

      Read more: How to check the performance of the power supply to PC

    3. Some maps have additional power, it is necessary to connect it. This is especially true of the owners of powerful modern graphic adapters.
    4. Additional power video cards from computer power supply

    5. After clicking on the start button, which is located on the system unit, the LED light bulbs must be activated.
    6. Check indicators on the system unit

    7. Check the monitor. It should burn the indicator responsible for the inclusion. In addition, pay attention to the connection. All cables must be tightly inserted into the necessary connectors.
    8. Monitor turning indicator

    9. Sounds must be heard when loading the operating system.

    If the check has passed successfully and no problems have been detected, it means it is precisely in the burnt video card.

    Repair and recovery of the video card

    If the system has been collected recently and the warranty period of the video card or computer has not yet expired, then you should contact the store for further repair or replacement for the warranty case. At the same time, it is important to disassemble the video card yourself, otherwise the warranty will be removed. In cases where the warranty period has expired, you can attribute a map to the service center, diagnostics and repairs will be carried out there if the problem is corrected. In addition, there is one way to try to restore the graphics adapter manually. There is nothing complicated in this, just follow the instructions:

    1. Open the Side Cover of the System Block and dismantle the video card.
    2. Video Card Connection Checking

      Read more: Turn off the video card from the computer

    3. Cook a piece of fabric or cotton, moisten it a bit in alcohol and walk along the contact track (connector of the connection). If there is no alcohol at hand, then use the usual eraser.
    4. Cleaning video card contacts

    5. Insert the video card back to the system unit and turn on the computer.

    Read more: Connect the video card to the PC motherboard

    Sometimes an oxide formed on contacts is the cause of a malfunction, so we recommend cleaning, and if it does not bring results, then replace the map or repair.

    See also:

    Select a suitable video card for a computer

    Choose a video card under the motherboard

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