What does a private gift in classmates mean


What does a private gift in classmates mean

Users of the social network Odnoklassniki every day give each other various beautiful gifts. This resource offers many opportunities to make pleasant friends and loved ones. Information about this is displayed on the personal pages of the participants of the resource and are available for all people who go to them in "guests". Is it possible to make the name of the donor to know only the recipient?

Giving a private gift in classmates

To prevent another person, it is a private gift that may be required for a variety of causes of a completely different nature. For example, natural modesty. And if you decide not to advertise your generous gift, then in classmates for this you will need to make only a few simple actions.

Method 1: Private gift to a friend

First we try to send a private gift to your friend in the full version of the site of classmates. Make it very simple.

  1. Open the Odnoklassniki.ru website in the browser, we pass by authorization, under your main photo in the left column we find the item "Gifts". Click on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Transition to gifts on the site classmates

  3. On the next page, choose a gift for your taste and click on its logo.
  4. Choosing a gift on the site classmates

  5. In the window that opens next to the image of the gift, we put a tick in the "Private" field, it means that only the recipient finds out from whom the gift.
  6. A gift for a friend on the site classmates

  7. Now we allocate a friend's avatar to whom we send a gift, and click on the "Give" string that appeared inside it.
  8. Present a user on the site classmates

  9. Private gift to a friend sent. After the buddy takes a gift, he will be visible on his main photo. But whoever donor will remain a secret for everyone else. Ready!

Gift shipped on the site classmates

Method 2: Private gift to any participant

You can send a private gift not only to a friend, but also any user of classmates. Here the actions algorithm will be a little different and will need to go to the page to the user.

  1. We go to the site, authorized, in the upper right corner of the page we find the search string.
  2. Search on the site classmates

  3. We find the right person and go to his page.
  4. Jouser search on classmates

  5. On the user page, under the main photo, see the "Make Gift" button. This is what we need.
  6. Make a gift on the site classmates

  7. Further act by analogy with the way 1 and do not forget to put a mark that the gift is private.

Method 3: Private Gift in Mobile Application

In applications for mobile devices, you can also give a gift to another user, including private ones. Just a few simple steps and the selected person will become a recipient of your private gift.

  1. Run the application, enter the login and password, press the icon in the form of a magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen, that is, go to the search page.
  2. Entrance to the search in the Appendix classmates

  3. In the search bar, we recruit the name and surname of the user, in the results below, click on the avatar of the found user, to whom we are going to send a private gift. Go to his page.
  4. Jouser search in classmates

  5. In the human profile, under its main photo, select the "Other Actions" button.
  6. Other actions in classmates

  7. In the menu that appears, we find the item "make a gift". This is exactly what interests us.
  8. Make a gift in classmates

  9. Choose the most beautiful gift and click on it.
  10. Gifts in Apps Odnoklassniki

  11. In the next window, we put a mark in the "Private Gift" field and end the process with the "Send" button. The goal has been achieved well. To know from whom the present will only be a joyful recipient.

Send a gift in classmates

As we found out together, to present any user a private gift in the social network classmates is completely not difficult. Make a pleasant friend and more often give gifts. And not only on the Internet.

See also: Darim free gifts in Odnoklassniki

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