How to open "Device Manager" in Windows 7


How to Open Device Manager in Windows 7

Device Manager (Device Manager) is equipped with the MMC console and allows you to view computer components (processor, network adapter, video adapter, hard disk, etc.). With it, you can see which drivers are not installed or work incorrectly, and reinstall them if necessary.

Launch options "Device Manager"

An account with any access rights is suitable for running. But only administrators are allowed to make changes to the device. Inside it looks like this:

Device Manager in Windsum 7

Consider several methods that allow you to open "Device Manager".

Method 1: "Control Panel"

  1. Open the control panel in the Start menu.
  2. Control panel in windows 7

  3. Select the category "Equipment and Sound".
  4. Equipment and sound in windows 7

  5. In the "Device and Printers" subcategories, go to the Device Manager.
  6. Device Manager in Control Panel in Windsum 7

Method 2: "Computer Management"

  1. Go to the "Start" and right-click on the "Computer". In the context menu, go to "Management".
  2. Calling computer management in Windows 7

  3. In the window, go to the Device Manager tab.
  4. Computer Management in Window 7

"Device Manager" can be found through the built-in "search". Enter the "Dispatcher" in the search bar.

Calling Device Manager through the search in Windows 7

Method 4: "Perform"

Press the "Win + R" key combination, and then register


Calling DevmGMT in Windows 7

Method 5: MMC Console

  1. In order to invoke the MMS console, in the search, type "MMC" and run the program.
  2. MMC search in windows 7

  3. Then select "Add or delete the snap" in the "File" menu.
  4. Adding snap in a console MMS in Windows 7

  5. Click the Device Manager tab and click the Add button.
  6. Adding Device Manager to MMS console to windows 7

  7. As you want to add a snap for your computer, select the local computer and click "Finish."
  8. Tuning snap in windows 7

  9. A new snap appeared in the Console root. Click "OK".
  10. Completion of the addition of the snap in the MMS console in Windows 7

  11. Now it is necessary to save the console so that each time it is not to create it again. To do this, in the "File" menu, click on "Save As".
  12. Preservation of the MMS console in Windows 7

  13. We specify the desired name and click "Save".
  14. We give the name of the console MMS in Windows 7

Next time you can open your saved console and continue with her work.

Method 6: Hot Keys

Perhaps the easiest method. Press "WIN + PAUSE BREAK", and in the window that appears, go to the Device Manager tab.

Calling device manager through computer properties in windows 7

In this article, we reviewed 6 options for launching "Device Manager". You do not have to use everyone. Light the one that is most convenient for you.

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