How to make a banner for youtub online


How to make a banner for youtub online

The beautiful visual design of the canal is not only pleased with the eye, but also attracts the attention of new spectators. If you are going to professionally engage in YouTube, we recommend paying special attention to creating avatars and banner for your project. In this article, we will look at several online services for creating a channel cap.

Creating a banner for YouTube-channel online

Specialized services not only offer users a convenient image editor without prior download, but also provide many layouts, effects, additional images and much more both for free and for a small fee. This is the advantage of offline editors, where each picture has to search on the Internet. Let's describe in more detail the process of creating a banner for YouTube in several popular services.

Method 2: Canva

Online service canva offers its visitors to create a unique and beautiful Channel cap in just a matter of minutes. There are various libraries with fonts, photographs and ready-made solutions. Let's analyze the process of creating a banner with CANVA.

Go to the canva website

  1. Go to the Main Service Page and click "Create a YouTube Banner".
  2. Transition to the editor in Canva

  3. If you are on the site for the first time, you will need to undergo mandatory registration. First, specify the goal with which you use canva, and then simply enter your email and password to create an account.
  4. Registration in Canva.

  5. Now you immediately get to the editor page. First of all, we recommend reading ready-made layouts, it will be useful for those who do not know where to start or does not want to waste time create a project from scratch.
  6. Finished layouts in Canva

  7. The service has a huge free library with various elements. This includes: icons, figures, frames, charts, photos and illustrations.
  8. Adding items to the image in Canva

  9. Almost always in the header uses the name of the channel or other inscriptions. Add it using one of the available fonts.
  10. Font Library in Canva

  11. Pay attention to the background. There is more than a million paid and free options on the site, ranging from the simplest one-photon, ending with the background made by professionals.
  12. Adding a background in Canva

  13. After creating a banner, it remains only to select the image format and save the picture to your computer for further use.
  14. Saving a project in Canva

Method 3: Fotor

Fotor is a graphic editor that allows you to create a variety of visual projects, including banners for YouTube-channel. The site has recently been updated and now there are even more unique tools, databases have been updated with photos and objects. A hat is created in Fotor is very simple:

Go to the site fotor

  1. Go to the site's main page and click on "Edit".
  2. Switch to the editor in Fotor

  3. Load the image from a computer, social network or web page.
  4. Upload an image for a project in Fotor

  5. Pay attention to the management tools. With their help, the size of the picture is changed, the color range and transformation. The top is the project control panel.
  6. Project Management Tools in Fotor

  7. Use different effects so that the image will play with new paints.
  8. Application effects for image in fotor

  9. In the case when you use the image of a person on your banner, the "Beauty" menu varies various appearance and shape parameters.
  10. Adjustment of the face and figures of a person in Fotor

  11. Apply an image frame if you want to highlight it from the rest of the background on YouTube.
  12. Fotor Library

  13. Unfortunately, only a few fonts can be used for free, but if you buy a subscription, access to hundreds of various types of inscriptions will open.
  14. Font Library in Fotor

  15. When you finish creating a design, simply click "Save", specify additional parameters and download the image to the computer.

In this article, we looked at a few online services, allowing you to quickly and easily create a banner for YouTube-channel. All of them are represented in the form of graphic editors, have huge libraries with different objects, but differ in the presence of unique features than and can be useful to some users.

See also: Creating a simple avatar for YouTube Channel

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