How to return the old YouTube design


How to return the old YouTube design

For all users worldwide, Google has introduced a new video of Youtube video hosting. Previously, it was possible to switch to the old one with the built-in function, but now it disappeared. Return the former design will help perform certain manipulations and installing extensions for the browser. Let's consider this process more.

Return to the Old Design Youtube

New design is more suitable for a mobile application for smartphones or tablets, but the owners of large computer monitors are not very convenient to use such a design. In addition, the owners of the weak PCs often complain about the slow work of the site and glitches. Let's figure out with the return of old clearance in different browsers.

Browsers on Chromium Engine

The most popular web browsers on the Chromium engine are: Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex.Browser. The process of returning the old YouTube design is almost no different from them, so we will look at it on the example of Google Chrome. The owners of other browsers will need to perform the same actions:

Download YouTube Revert from Google WebStore

  1. Go to the Chrome online store and enter YouTube Revert or use the link above.
  2. Search Extension in Chrome Store

  3. Find the required extension in the list and click Install.
  4. Selection of expansion for installation in the Chrome Store

  5. Confirm permission to install additions and expect the process end.
  6. Confirmation of the installation of Google Chrome extension

  7. Now it will be displayed on the panel with other extensions. Click on its icon if you need to disable or remove YouTube Revert.
  8. Active extensions in Google Chrome

You can only restart YouTube Page and use it with the old design. If you want to return to the new one, then simply delete the extension.

Mozilla Firefox.

Unfortunately, the expansion described above is not in the Mozilla store, so the Mozilla Firefox browser owners will have to perform a little other actions in order to return the old style of YouTube. Just follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the GreasemonKey add-on page in the Mozilla store and click "Add to Firefox".
  2. Install the extension in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Check out the list of rights requested by the application, and confirm its installation.
  4. Confirmation of the installation of expansion in Mozilla Firefox

    Download GreaseEmonKey from Firefox Add-Ons

  5. It remains only to perform the installation of the script, which will forever return YouTube to the old design. To do this, follow the link below and click on "Click Here To Install".
  6. Download script for Mozilla Firefox

    Download YouTube Old Design from the official website

  7. Confirm the script setting.
  8. Installation of the script for Mozilla Firefox

Restart the browser to make new settings to take effect. Now on the YouTube website you will see exceptionally old design.

Returning to the old design of the creative studio

Not all interface elements are changed using extensions. In addition, the appearance and additional functions of the creative studio are developed separately, and now there is a testing of the new version, in connection with which some users transferred to the test version of the creative studio automatically. If you want to return to its previous design, you will need to perform only a few simple actions:

  1. Click on the avatar of your channel and select "Creative Studio".
  2. Transition to Creative Studio YouTube

  3. Source to the bottom of the left and menu and click on the "classic interface".
  4. Return to the Old Design of the Creative Studio YouTube

  5. Specify the reason for the rejection of the new version or skip this step.
  6. Choosing the reason for the transition to the old design of the creative studio YouTube

Now the design of the creative studio will change to the new version only if the developers derive it from the test mode and will be completely abandoned from the old design.

In this article, we examined in detail the process of rolling back the visual design of YouTube to the old version. As you can see, it is easy enough, however, the installation of third-party extensions and scripts is required, which can cause difficulties in some users.

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