How to enable RDP 7 in Windows 7


RDP 7 in Windows 7

There are situations where you need to activate the "remote desktop" on your computer to provide access to it to a user who cannot directly be near your PC, or be able to manage the system from another device. There are special third-party programs that perform this task, but in addition, in Windows 7, it is possible to solve it using the built-in RDP protocol 7. So let's figure out which methods of its activation exist.

Lesson: Customize remote access to Windows 7

Activation of RDP 7 in Windows 7

Actually, the activation method of the built-in RDP 7 protocol on computers with Windows OS 7 is only one. We will look at it in detail.

Step 1: Go to the Remote Access Parameters window

First of all, you need to go to the Remote Access Settings window.

  1. Click "Start" and go to the control panel.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Next, go to the "System and Security" position.
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. In the window that opens in the "System" block, click "Setting Remote Access".
  6. Running the remote access settings window in the System and Control Panel Safety section in Windows 7

  7. The window you need will be open for further operations.

Window Remote Access Settings in Windows 7

The setup window can be started using another option.

  1. Click "Start" and in the right mouse menu that opens, click on the name "Computer", and then press "Properties".
  2. Switch to the computer properties window through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. The computer properties window opens. In his left part, click on the inscription "Advanced Parameters ...".
  4. Transition to the additional system parameters window from the system properties window in Windows 7

  5. In the opened system parameters window, you will only need to click on the name "Remote Access" tab and the desired partition will be opened.

Go to the Remote Access tab in the Advanced System Parameters window in Windows 7

Step 2: Activation of Remote Access

We approached directly to the RDP 7 activation procedure.

  1. Set the mark opposite the "Allow connection ..." value, if it is removed, and then below, put the radio button to the "Allow connection only from computers only ..." or "Allow connection from computers ...". Make a choice depending on your needs. The second option will allow you to connect to the system with more devices, but it represents a greater danger to your computer. Next click the "Select Users ..." button.
  2. Go to the user selection window in the Windows 7 remote access settings window

  3. Opened user selection window. You need to specify accounts for those who can connect to a computer at a distance. Naturally, if there are no necessary accounts, they should be pre-created. These accounts must be saved. To go to the selection of accounts, click "Add ...".

    Go to add accounts in the desktop users window in Windows 7

    Lesson: Creating a new account in Windows 7

  4. In the shell that opened in the field of entering the name simply, enter the name of the early created user accounts, for which you want to activate remote access. After that click "OK".
  5. Adding a user account for remote access in the Select Users in Windows 7

  6. Then there will be a refund to the previous window. It will explain the names of those users you chose. Now just click OK.
  7. Confirmation of adding a user in the desktop users window in Windows 7

  8. After returning to the remote access parameters, click "Apply" and "OK".
  9. Activation of RDP 7 in the Remote Access Settings Control Window in Windows 7

  10. Thus, the RDP 7 protocol on the computer will be activated.

As you can see, enable the RDP 7 protocol to create a "remote desktop" on Windows 7 is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, it is not always necessary to set third-party software for this purpose.

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