How to display a computer from sleep mode


How to display a computer from sleep mode

Some users whose computers work 24 hours a day with rare reboots, think little about how quickly the desktop starts and the necessary programs are started after turning on the machine. The main mass of people turn off their PCs overnight or during your absence. All applications are closed, and the operating system is shutdown. Run is accompanied by the reverse process, which can occupy a considerable time.

In order to reduce it, the OS developers gave us the opportunity to manually or automatically translate PC to one of the modes of reduced electricity consumption while maintaining the operational state of the system. Today we will talk about how to bring a computer from sleep or hibernation.

We awaken the computer

In joining, we mentioned two energy-saving modes - "Sleep" and "Hibernation". In both cases, the computer is "put on a pause", but in sleep mode, the data is stored in RAM, and in hibernation it is written to a hard disk in the form of a special Hiberfil.sys file.

Read more:

Enabling hibernation in Windows 7

How to enable sleep mode in windows 7

In some cases, the PC can "fall asleep" automatically due to certain system settings. If this system behavior does not suit you, then these modes can be disabled.

Read more: How to disable sleep mode in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7

So, we transferred the computer (or he did it) into one of the modes - waiting (sleep) or sleeping (hibernation). Next, consider two options for waking up the system.

Option 1: Sleep

If the PC is in sleep mode, then you can start it again by pressing any key on the keyboard. On some "clauses" there may also be a special function key with a crescent sign.

Computer output key from sleep mode

It will help to awaken the system and movement with the mouse, and on laptops it is enough just to raise the lid to get started.

Option 2: Hibernation

When hibernation, the computer is turned off completely, since there is no need to store data in volatile RAM. That is why it is possible to run it only using the power button on the system unit. After that, the process of reading the dump from the file on the disk will start, and then the desktop will start with all the open programs and windows, as it was before disconnection.

Solving possible problems

There are situations where the car does not want to "wake up." This may be to blame for driver, devices connected to USB ports, or settings for the power supply plan and BIOS.

Read more: What to do if the PC does not come out of sleep mode


In this small article we figured out in the computer shutdown modes and in how to withdraw it. The use of these Windows features allows you to save electricity (in the case of a battery charge laptop), as well as a significant amount of time when starting OS and open the software you need, files and folders.

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