How to find your comment vkontakte


How to find your comment vkontakte

You, as a user of the social network VKontakte, could face the need to search for previously left messages in any sections of the site. Further, in the course of the article, we will tell you how to find our comments, regardless of their location.

Official site

The full version of the site allows you to search for comments in two ways, in each of which the standard features of the site are used.

Method 1: Section "News"

The fastest way to find comments is to use the special filter provided by default in the "News" section. At the same time, it is possible to resort to the method even in cases where you did not leave comments at all or they were deleted.

  1. In the main menu, select "News" or click on the VKontakte logo.
  2. Go to the news section on VKontakte website

  3. On the right side, find the navigation menu and go to the "Comments" section.
  4. How to find your comment vkontakte 7227_3

  5. Here you will be presented all the records under which you ever left messages.
  6. Search for your comments on VKontakte website

  7. To simplify the search process, you can use the "Filter" block by disconnecting certain types of records.
  8. Using VKontakte comments search filter

  9. From any entry on the represented page it is possible to get rid of the mouse cursor on the "..." icon and choosing the "unsubscribe from comment."
  10. Delete recording with comment on VKontakte website

In cases where too many comments were published under the found post, you can resort to the standard search in the browser.

  1. Under the header line, right-click on the link with the date and select "Open a link in a new tab".
  2. Go to page with a record on VKontakte website

  3. On the page that opens, you need to scroll through the entire list of comments to the very end, using the scrolling of the mouse wheel for this.
  4. Handmade Scrolling Pages with VKontakte comments

  5. After completing the specified action, on the keyboard, press the CTRL + F key combination.
  6. Opening the search panel in the Internet browser

  7. Enter the name and surname specified on your page.
  8. Use of searching in the Internet browser

  9. After that you will be automatically redirected to the first comment found on the page that you have left before.

    Note: If the comment left the user with exactly the same name, which is indicated with you - the result will also be marked.

  10. Successful Search Comments in the Internet Explorer

  11. You can quickly switch between all the comments found using arrows next to the browser search field.
  12. Switching between found comments in the browser

  13. The search will be available only as long as you do not leave the page with a downloaded list of comments.

Clearly follow the instructions and showing enough attentiveness, you will not come across problems with such a search method.

Method 2: Notification System

This method is not much different from the previous on the principle of operation, but still allows you to search for comments only when the recording is somehow updated. That is, to find your message, in the section with alerts there must be the right post.

  1. Being on any page of the site VKontakte, click on the icon with the bell on the top of the toolbar.
  2. Opening a window with notifications on VKontakte website

  3. Here, use the Show All button.
  4. Go to page with VKontakte notifications

  5. Using the menu on the right side of the window, switch to the "Answers" tab.
  6. Go to the Answer tab on VKontakte website

  7. On this page, all the most recent records under which you have ever left your comments will be displayed. At the same time, the appearance of the post in the specified list depends solely on the time of its update, and not the date of publication.
  8. Found comments in the Answers section

  9. If you delete or evaluate the comment on this page, the same will happen under the post itself.
  10. Evaluation and removal of comment in the AV Replies section

  11. To simplify, you can use the previously mentioned search in the browser, using a word as a request from a message, date or any other keyword.
  12. Search Comments in the VK Answers

On this, this section of the article we finish.

Mobile app

Unlike the site, the application provides only one comment comment method with standard means. However, even so, if you have not enough basic capabilities for any reason, you can resort to a third-party application.

Method 1: Notifications

This method is an alternative to those described in the first part of the article, since the desired section with comments is located directly on the notification page. Moreover, this approach can rightly be considered more convenient than the possibility of the site.

  1. On the bottom of the toolbar, click on the icon with the image of the bell.
  2. Go to section with notifications in the VK application

  3. At the top of the screen, expand the Notifications list and select "Comments".
  4. Go to the list of comments in the application VK

  5. Now on the page will be displayed all posts, under which you left comments.
  6. Successful search for comments in the application VK

  7. To go to the general list of messages, click on the comment icon below the desired post.
  8. Transition to the general list of comments in the application VK

  9. Search for a specific message You can only perform by independent scrolling and viewing the page. It is impossible to speed up or somehow simplify this process.
  10. Hand search comments in the application VK

  11. To delete a comment or unsubscribe from new notifications, expand the "..." menu in the post with the post and select the desired option from the list.
  12. Work with a comment in VKontakte

If the presented version does not suit you, you can simplify the process somewhat resorting to the next method.

Method 2: Kate Mobile

The Kate Mobile application is familiar to many VKontakte users due to the fact that it provides many additional features, including the invisibility regime. In addition, such additions can be attributed to a separately declined section with comments.

  1. Open the "Comments" section through the initial menu.
  2. Go to Comments in the VK application

  3. Here you will be presented all the records under which you left messages.
  4. Opening the entry menu in the VK application

  5. By clicking on the block with any post, select "Comments" from the list.
  6. Go to the full list of comments in the VK application

  7. To find your comment, click on the search icon on the top panel.
  8. Transition to the search comment in the VK application

  9. Fill in the text box according to the name specified in the questionnaire of your account.

    Note: You can use keywords from the message itself as a query.

  10. Filling the search field in the application VK

  11. You can start searching by clicking on the icon at the end of the same field.
  12. Successful commentary in Appendix VK

  13. By clicking on the block with the result of the search, you will see a menu with additional features.
  14. Additional Comment Menu in VK Appendix

  15. Unlike the official application, Kate Mobile is the default messages.
  16. Grouped comments in the VK application

  17. If this function has been disabled, you can activate it through the menu "..." in the upper corner.
  18. Enabling Comment Grouping in the VK application

One way or another, remember that the search is not limited to one of your page, which is why other people's messages can be among the results.

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