How to fight on TV and YouTube at the same time


How to fight on TV and YouTube at the same time

Some streamers prefer to use several services at once for direct broadcast. In most cases, YouTube and Twitch are such a bundle. Of course, you can configure simultaneous broadcast on these two platforms, just running two different programs, but it is incorrect and irrational. In this article, you will learn about a more appropriate way of holding streams on YouTube and Twice.

Run Stream on YouTube and Twitch at the same time

For simultaneous launch of direct broadcast on several resources, we recommend using the GoodGame site. There this function has been implemented as much as possible and does not require comprehensive settings. Next, we will look at the whole process of preparing and running the stream step by step.

Step 1: Registration on GoodGame

GoodGame will act as a platform for creating the restry, so the live broadcast starts on this site. Although the entire preparation process is not complicated, however, it requires the user to perform certain actions:

Go to the GoodGame website

  1. Go to the home page of the website and click on "Register".
  2. Go to registration GoodGame

  3. Enter registration data or log in using social networks.
  4. Filling the GOODGAME registration form

  5. If registration was carried out via email, then you will need to follow the link in the letter that was sent automatically.
  6. Confirmation of GOODGAME registration

  7. After running input, click on the icon of your profile, hover the mouse over to "Add" and select "Channel".
  8. Create a new GOODGAME channel

  9. Here you think up the name of the channel, specify the game or the subject of the striming and load the image of the channel.
  10. Entering the information of the channel GoodGame

  11. Next, the channel editing window opens where you want to select the "Settings" tab.
  12. Channel settings GoodGame

  13. Find here "Streamkey", click on the appropriate button to display it and copy the entire key. It will come in handy during the next step.
  14. GOODGAME broadcast key

Step 2: Setting up OBS Studio

There are many programming programs, and one of the best is considered OBS Studio. It will require the user to perform the settings of certain parameters that are selected individually to get the most high-quality live broadcast with the window capture, the presence of notifications and without error appear. Let's consider Read more Consider the OBS setting process under stream on GoodGame:

Step 3: Starting Rest

Now on the GoodGame service, the broadcast will start automatically, you will only need to configure simultaneous broadcasting on Twitch and YouTube. This can be done as follows:

  1. Go to the GOODGAME website again to your channel, click on the gear to the right of the "Start Resting" button. Here, tick the ticks two restry and put the points near YouTube and Twitch.
  2. Configure GoodGame

  3. Now you need to find the Tweich stream key. To do this, go to the Home Site Page, click on your avatar and select "Control Panel".
  4. Switch to the TWITCH control panel

  5. In the left menu, go down to the bottom and go to the "Channel" section.
  6. TWITCH Channel Settings

  7. Click on the inscription "Broadcast key".
  8. View twitch broadcast key

  9. Select "Show key".
  10. Button Show TWITCH broadcast key

  11. You will display a separate window with a visible broadcast key. The administration warns that it should not be reported to anyone, simply copy and paste into the appropriate field on the GoodGame website.
  12. Copy TWITCH broadcast key

  13. Now it remains to find the key of Stream YouTube and enter it on Gudgey. To do this, click on your avatar and go to Creative Studio.
  14. Creative Studio YouTube.

  15. Find the "Straight broadcasts" section.
  16. Setting up direct broadcasts YouTube

  17. Here in the "Video Codera Settings" section, find the key, copy it and insert it into the appropriate string on GoodGame.
  18. YouTube broadcast key copying

  19. It remains only to click the "Start Resting" button. The broadcasts will be launched in turns with a delay of about ten seconds.
  20. Start backgame

The convenience of this method of holding simultaneous broadcasts is that on the site you will see chats from all the streams and communicate with all the audience. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the setting and starting the flow, and the setting is performed once and with further translation launches will remain just click the "Start Restream" button.

READ ALSO: Setting up and running a stream on YouTube

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