How to make the start page of


How to make the start page of

The main page of the Mail.Ru service consists of several blocks that allow the user to receive various useful information, quickly move towards branded services and start a search on the Internet through your own search engine. If you want to see this page as the main for your browser, do some simple actions.

Install Start Page

Home offers its users the main useful information: World and Local news, weather, currency rates, horoscope. Here you can quickly go to the use of branded services, entertainment sections and authorization in the mail.

To gain access to all this quickly, without moving every time on the site manually, you can make the main page of the start page. In this case, it will open each time the web browser is launched. Let's look at how to install Mail.Ru such in different browsers.

Yandex.Bruezer does not imply the installation of a third-party homepage. Its users will not be able to apply none of the methods proposed below.

Method 1: Installation of Extension

Some browsers make it possible to install starting page for a couple of clicks. In this case, the "Mail.Ru Home" extension is installed in the web browser.

In Yandex.Browser, which was mentioned above, the application can be installed via the online store Google WebStore directly, but it will not work in fact. In Opera, this option is as irrelevant, so immediately go to the method 2 to configure it manually.

Go to

  1. Go to the main page of and go down the window. Please note that it must be deployed on the entire screen completely or almost - there are no additional parameters in the small window that we need further.
  2. Press the button with three points.
  3. Additional parameters on Major Mailru

  4. In the menu that opens, select "Make Start".
  5. Parameter Make startup on Major Mailru

  6. You will be asked to "establish expansion". Click on this button and wait for the end.
  7. Installing the extension of MailRu.

The application will independently change the browser parameter responsible for starting it. If you earlier with each web browser start, previous tabs opened, now it will automatically manage Mail.Ru, opening your site every time.

To make sure to make sure that you will preserve the desired open tabs, close and open the browser. Instead of the previous session, you will see a single tab with the homepage of

Some web browsers can warn about changing the home page and suggest restore the default settings and the default settings (including the browser startup type). Discard this if you plan to continue to use the "home page of".

Saving changes in MailRu homepage

In addition, a button will appear on the extension panel by clicking on which you quickly move to the main

MailRu Homepage Button

We definitely recommend familiarizing yourself with the instructions for removing extensions so that at any time you can easily get rid of it.

Read more: How to delete extensions in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Method 2: Individual browser setup

A user who does not want to install any additional programs in his browser can use manual setting. First of all, it is convenient for owners of low-performance PCs and laptops.

Google Chrome.

In the most popular Google Chrome, the installation of the home page does not take you a lot of time. Open the "Settings", and then there are two options:

Setup menu item in Google Chrome

  1. Activate the "Show" Main Page button ", if you want, in the future you have always had a fast opportunity to get to
  2. Enable Home Page Button in Google Chrome

  3. An icon in the form of a house will appear on the toolbar, along with this the choice of the site, which will open when you click on this icon:
    • Quick Access Page - opens a "new tab".
    • Enter the web address - allows the user manually to specify the page.
    • Homepage Settings Settings in Google Chrome

    Actually, the second option is needed. Put the point in front of it, enter and in order to check items, click on the icon with a house - you will redirect you to the main

  4. MailRu installation homepage in Google Chrome

If this option is not enough or the button with a home page is not needed, perform another setting. It will open Mail.Ru each time the browser is launched.

  1. In the settings, find the "Start Chrome" parameter and place the point opposite the "Set Pages" option.
  2. Browser Run Settings in Google Chrome

  3. Two options will appear, from which you need to select "Add page".
  4. Adding a start page in Google Chrome

  5. In the Enter Mail.Ru window, click Add.
  6. Input Mailru startpage in Google Chrome

It remains only to restart the browser and check whether the specified page will open.

You can combine the two proposed options to make a quick transition to the desired site at any time.

Mozilla Firefox.

Another popular web browser, Mozilla Firefox, can be configured to launch in the following way:

  1. Open the "Settings".
  2. Setup menu item in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Being on the "Main" tab, in the section "When running Firefox", install a point in front of the "Show Page" item.
  4. Setting up a homepage in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Bully below, enter Mail.Ru in the section "Homepage" section or start typing, and then select the proposed result from the list.
  6. MailRu selection homepage in Mozilla Firefox

You can check whether everything is done correctly, restarting the browser. Do not forget to pre-save open tabs and note that with each new web browser startup, the previous session will not be restored.

To get quick access to at any time, click on the icon with a house. In the current tab, the site from Mail.Ru will immediately appear.


In Opera, everything is configured even more convenient.

  1. Open the Settings menu.
  2. Setup menu item in Opera

  3. Being on the "Main" tab, find the section "When starting" and put a point in front of the "Open page or multiple pages" item. Here, click on the "Set Pages" link.
  4. Installing a homepage in Opera

  5. In the window that opens, enter Mail.Ru and click OK.
  6. Install MailRu Homepage in Opera

Check performance can be restarted Opera. Do not forget to pre-save open tabs and note that in the future the last session will not be saved - together with the start of the web browser will open the only tab of

Now you know how to make as a start-up in popular browsers. If you are using another Internet conductor, act by analogy with the above instructions - there is no special difference in the setting method.

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