Could not configure Windows updates


Could not configure Windows updates

Modern operating systems are very complex software complexes and, as a result, not devoid of flaws. They manifest themselves in the form of various errors and failures. Not always developers strive or simply do not have time to solve all the problems. In this article we will talk about how to eliminate one common error when installing Windows Update.

No updates are installed

The problem that will be described in this article is expressed in the appearance of the inscription on the impossibility of installing updates and rollback changes when rebooting the system.

Update error when Windows 10 reboot

The reasons that cause such behavior of Windows are a great set, so we will not disassemble each separately, but we give the universal and most effective ways to eliminate them. Most often, the errors arise in Windows 10 due to the fact that it receives and installs updates in mode, as limiting the participation of the user. That is why this system will be on the screenshots, but the recommendations apply to other versions.

Method 1: Clearing Update Cache and Service Stop

Actually, the cache is the usual folder on the system disk, where the update files are previously written. By virtue of various factors, they may be damaged when downloading and as a result of this issue errors. The essence of the method is to clean this folder, after which the OS will record new files that we hope will not be "bits". Below we will analyze the two cleaning options - from Windows-operating in "Safe Mode" and using its download from the installation disk. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to log in to the system to perform such a failure.

Safe mode

  1. We go to the "Start" menu and open the parameter block by pressing the gear.

    Starting the parameter block from the Start menu in Windows 10

  2. Go to the "Update and Security" section.

    Switch to the update and security section in Windows 10

  3. Next, on the Recovery tab, we find the "Restart Now" button and click on it.

    Restarting the system to the recovery parameter setting mode in Windows 10

  4. After rebooting, click on "Troubleshooting".

    Go to the search and troubleshooting in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  5. Go to additional parameters.

    Transition to optional parameters in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  6. Next, select "Download Options".

    Go to setting up loading parameters in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  7. In the next window we click on the "Restart" button.

    Reboot to the download parameter selection mode in Windows 10 Recovery Environment

  8. Upon completion of the next reboot, we click the F4 key on the keyboard, turning on the "Safe Mode". PC will reboot.

    Enabling the secure mode in the Windows 10 boot menu

    On other systems, this procedure looks different.

    Read more: How to enter the safe mode on Windows 8, Windows 7

  9. We start the Windows Console on behalf of the administrator from the "Own" folder in the Start menu.

    Starting the console on behalf of the administrator from the Start menu in Windows 10

  10. The folder that interests us is called "SoftWarDistribution". It must be renamed. This is done using the following command:

    REN C: \ Windows \ SoftWaredisticsTribution Softwaredistribution.bak

    After the point you can write any extension. This is done in order to restore the folder in case of failures. There is also one nuance: the letter of the system disk C: specified for the standard configuration. If in your case the Windows folder is on another disk, for example, D: then you need to enter this letter.

    Rename the update cache folder in the Windows 10 console

  11. Turn off the service of the "update center", otherwise the process can begin again. PCM click on the Start button and go to Computer Management. In "Seven", this item can be found by clicking the right mouse button on the computer icon on the desktop.

    Go to computer management from Start menu in Windows 10

  12. Double click open the section "Services and Applications".

    Go to the service section and applications in Windows 10

  13. Next, we go to the "service".

    Running the Snap Service from the Control Console in Windows 10

  14. We find the desired service, press the right mouse button and select the item "Properties".

    Go to the properties of the service center service in Windows 10

  15. In the "Startup Type" drop-down list, we set the value "disabled", click "Apply" and close the properties window.

    Stop service center service in Windows 10

  16. Restart the car. No need to set up, the system itself will start as usual.

Installation disk

If you cannot rename the folder from the running system, you can do it, just booting from a flash drive or disk with the installation distribution on it recorded on it. You can take advantage of the usual disk with Windows.

  1. First of all, you need to configure the download to the BIOS.

    Read more: How to set the download from the flash drive in bios

  2. At the very first stage, while the installer window appears, press the SHIFT + F10 key combination. This action will start the "command line".

    Run a command line when booting Windows 10 from disk

  3. Since with such a loading media and partitions can be temporarily renamed, you need to find out which letter is assigned to the system, with the Windows folder. This will help us a DIR command showing the contents of a folder or a whole disk. We enter

    Dir C:

    Click ENTER, after which a description of the disk and its contents will appear. As you can see, Windows folders are not.

    The command for reviewing the contents of the disk with Windows 10

    Check another letter.

    Dir D:

    Now in the list issued by the console, the catalog we need is visible.

    Overview of the contents of the system disk from the Windows 10 console

  4. We enter the command to rename the "SoftWaredistribution" folder, not forgetting about the drive letter.

    Ren D: \ Windows \ SoftWaredisticsTribution Softwaredistribution.bak

    Rename the folder of the update cache when booting Windows 10 from the disk

  5. Next, you need to prohibit "Windows" to automatically install updates, that is, stop the service, as in the example with a "safe mode". Enter the following command and press ENTER.

    D: \ Windows \ System32 \ SC.exe Config Wuauserv Start = Disabled

    Disable the service center service from the Windows 10 console

  6. We close the console window, and then the installer, confirming the action. The computer will be rebooted. The next time you start, you will need to adjust the download parameters to the BIOS, this time from the hard disk, that is, to do everything as it was specified.

The question arises: why so many difficulties, because you can rename the folder and without loading-reboots? This is not the case, since the SoftWaredistRibution folder in normal mode is occupied by system processes, and it will not work such an operation.

After performing all actions and installing updates, you will need to start the service again, which we disabled ("Update Center"), specifying the "Automatic" start type for it. The "Softwaredistribution.bak" folder can be removed.

Method 2: Registry Editor

Another reason for the error when updating the operating system is incorrect definition of the user profile. This is due to the "superfluous" key in the Windows registry, but before proceeding to the performance of these actions, it is mandatory to create a system recovery point.

Read more: Instructions for creating Windows 10 recovery point, Windows 7

  1. Open the registry editor by entering the appropriate command in the "Run" string (Win + R).


    Run the system registry editor in Windows 10

  2. Go to the branch

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Currentversion \ PROFILELIST

    Here we are interested in folders that have many numbers in the title.

    Transition to a registry branch with information about user profiles in Windows 10

  3. You need to do the following: Look at all folders and find two with an identical set of keys. The one that is subject to removal is called


    The signal to remove will be another parameter called


    If its value is equal

    0x00000000 (0)

    then we are in the desired folder.

    Keys Defining duplicates of user profiles in the Windows 10 registry

  4. We delete the parameter with the username by selecting it and pressing Delete. We agree with the prevention of the system.

    Remove the incorrect key registry key in Windows 10

  5. After all manipulations, you must restart the PC.

Other solutions

There are other factors affecting the update process. These are failed in the work of the relevant service, errors in the system registry, the absence of the necessary space on the disk, as well as the incorrect operation of the components.

Read more: Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

If there are problems on Windows 10, you can use diagnostic tools. This refers to the "Troubleshooting" and "Windows Update Troubleshooter" utility. They are able to automatically detect and eliminate the reasons that cause errors when upgrading the operating system. The first program is built into the OS, and the second will have to download from the official site of Microsoft.

Read more: Solving problems with installing updates in Windows 10


Many users, encountered with problems when installing updates, seek to solve them with a radical way, completely disabling the automatic update mechanism. This is not categorically recommended to do so, since not only cosmetic changes are made to the system. It is especially important to receive files that improve safety, since the attackers are constantly looking for "holes" in the OS and, that is sad, they are found. Leaving Windows without supporting developers, you risk losing important information or "share" with hackers personal data in the form of logins and passwords from your electronic wallets, mail or other services.

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