How to check out the page vkontakte


How to check out the page vkontakte

To date, the social network VKontakte is actively used for communication and work activities. In turn, correctly selected design can strongly help in attracting third-party people to your page.

Page Regulations

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that the page design must comply with certain rules. However, even considering this and all underlying, the creative approach to the process is also very desirable.


As part of the Page Avatar - the first thing that every visitor of your personal profile pays attention to. That is why it should not be put as the main photo found pictures or pictures found on the scope of the network. An ideal choice will be your present photo in high quality.

An example of the correct photo on the VK User page

Read more: How to change avatar VK

Block with photos You can also make a full-fledged page decoration, familiarized with one of our instructions. If you are not interested in this approach, the tape with the latest added photos is better to hide at all.

The process of installing a photostatus to the VKontakte page

Read more: Put the photosostatus VK


On the page you must specify exceptionally reliable information, if necessary, hidden by standard privacy settings. This is especially true of the name, age and sexuality.

Sample page with basic information VKontakte

Read more: How to change age and change the name VK

Ideally, you should fill out the maximum number of additional fields intended for your interests and contact information. It also applies to the status string.

Adding emoticons to the status on the wall of VK

Read more: How to put emoticons in the status of VK

Do not make a personal profile by the company's company, as it is best to create a community for these purposes. Thus, only you must be the owner of the page.

The process of creating a new group VKontakte

Read more: How to create a community


The profile wall must be a repository of the most important information taken from other users or written in person. Do not add posts to the tape without parsing, except when you are not aimed at attracting other people.

An example of the correct entries on the Wall of the VK

Read more: How to make a repost and add an entry on the Wall of VK

As a fixed entry, you can set a post, for example, containing advertising your community. At the same time, the content should be the most simple as possible, allowing visitors to the page without any problems familiarize themselves.

The process of fixing the record on the Wall of VK

Read more: How to fix record on the Wall of VK

Under no circumstances do not approve every incoming application as a friend, leaving most of the users in the list of subscribers. Subject to adding only real friends and increasing the number of subscribers, your page will rise above among the results of the internal search.

The correct ratio of friends and subscribers

See also: We use the search without registration

In addition to all, it is exactly the number of subscribers opens up new features for your page to which statistics can be attributed.

Switch to viewing statistics page VKontakte

Read more: How to view VK statistics

Editing Pages

Having understood with the rules for making the VKontakte page, you can go directly to the editing of the profile. At the same time, remember that if you have nothing to fill any fields, you should not use false data.

Theme registration

For yourself, you can decorate the user profile by installing the topic of design. How can this be done, we told in separate articles on the site.

Activation theme of registration on the VKontakte page

Read more: How to make a dark background and change the topic of VK

basic information

On the "Basic" tab using the relevant sections, you can change the most important data, such as:

  • Name;
  • Floor;
  • Age;
  • Family status.

Other points cannot be called compulsory, but their filling can still affect the perception of your page to others.

The process of changing the marital status of VKontakte

Read more: How to change marital status VK


The contact information page is almost the most important partition, as it allows you to add additional communication tools. Moreover, you may not be indicated not only phone numbers, but also a personal site.

Specify links to people on the VK page

Read more: How to place a link to the User page

From the same "Contacts" tabs, it is possible to configure the integration of the page with other social networks through the appropriate block or specify the place of your stay. At the same time, you should add only reliable information to you, you do not need to indicate your exact place of residence, exposing the threat of yourself and your property.

Binding process Instagram to VKontakte

Read more: How to tie instagram to VK


In this section, you must add information about your interests and professional activities. Optionally, you can also fill all other fields based on your own hobbies.

Example of proper information about yourself VKontakte

It is very important to the field "About yourself", which you need to fill the most briefly, but quite informative. Use only the basic information about you, which could be interested in other people.

Education and career

Pages with customer and education information settings are least important if you have nothing to add there. Otherwise, by filling out these sections of the questionnaire, you will significantly help other users with searching for your profile.

An example of the correct data on the VKontakte page

Pointing a career, compulsory, add a link to a group of your company, if any on the social network site. Instead, you may well indicate your public, which is performed exclusively for yourself.

The process of changing the city on the VKontakte page

READ ALSO: How to change the city of VK

other information

The remaining sections, namely the "military service" and "life position", can be filled out completely at your discretion. In particular, you can not specify the military unit at all, due to its minimum value in the questionnaire.

Correctly specified vitality VKontakte

Filling rows on the "Life Position" page, best use existing terms, simplifying the understanding of your views on life.


A rather weighty argument in your favor, attracting other users with a much larger speed, will be a tick VKontakte. Get it very difficult, but if applied due effort, the result will not make yourself wait.

Example VKontakte verified page

Read more: How to get a checkbox

In the "Settings" section, you are given the ability to change the standard URL page consisting of predefined numbers. To do this, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with one of our articles on this topic, which will help create a capacious link.

The process of changing the short address of the page VK

Read more: How to change Login VK


Properly displayed page privacy parameters will allow you to hide part of data from unwanted users, leaving access to them only for people from the "Friends" list. In addition, some personal information from the wall can be left available only for yourself.

The process of changing the privacy settings of the page

Read more: How to close and open the VK page


When you edit your page, be sure to pay attention to the result, but not as a profile owner, but as a third-party user. Due to this approach, execution will be capacious, but as informative as possible. It will not be superfluous to visit other people's pages and find out that people attract them.

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