How to remove regular messages "An error occurred in the application" on android


How to remove regular messages

Occasionally in Android, there are failures that turn around unpleasant consequences for the user. This includes the constant appearance of messages "An error occurred in the appendix". Today we want to tell why this happens and how to deal with him.

Causes of problems and options for its elimination

In fact, the appearance of errors may have not only program reasons, but also hardware - for example, failure of the internal memory of the device. However, for the most reason, the cause of the problem is still the software part.

Before proceeding to the methods described below, check the version of problem applications: they may have recently updated, and due to the programmer's flaws, an error appeared, which causes the message to appear. If, on the contrary, the version of this or that program installed in the device is quite old enough, then try to update it.

Read more: Update applications on Android

If the failure appeared spontaneously, try to restart the device: perhaps this is a single case that will be corrected by cleaning RAM when restarting. If the program version of the newest, the problem has appeared suddenly, and the reboot does not help - then use the methods described below.

Method 1: Cleaning data and application cache

Sometimes the cause of the error may fail in service files: cache, data and conformity between them. In such cases, you should try to reset the application to the species just installed, clearing its files.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Go to Android settings to clear the application data with an error

  3. Scroll the list of options and find the "Appendix" item (otherwise "Application Manager" or "Application Manager").
  4. Go to Android Application Manager to clear application data with an error

  5. Run to the list of applications, switch to the "All" tab.

    Go to the tab of all in Android Application Manager to clear the application data with an error

    Find a program in the list that causes a crash, and tap it to enter the properties window.

  6. Clear application data with an error in android

  7. Working in the background of the application should be stopped by clicking on the appropriate button. After the stop, click first "Clear Cache", then "Clear Data".
  8. Delete all application data with an error in android

  9. If the error appears in several applications, go back to the list of installed, find the rest, and repeat the manipulation of steps 3-4 for each of them.
  10. After cleaning data for all problem applications, restart the device. Most likely, the error will disappear.

In the event that error messages appear constantly, and among the failures are systemic, refer to the following method.

Method 2: Resetting the settings to the factory

If the messages "in the application occurred" relate to the built-in software (dialer, applications for SMS or even "settings"), most likely, you encountered a problem in a system that does not fix data and cache. The Hard Reset procedure is an ultimative solution of a multitude of software problems, and this is not an exception. Of course, you will lose all your information on the domestic drive, so we recommend copying all the important files to the memory card or computer.

  1. Go to "Settings" and find the "Restore and Reset" option. Otherwise, it can be called "Archiving and Reset".
  2. Select Archiving and Reset to Clear Settings and Remove Errors in Android Applications

  3. Scroll down the list of options down and find the "Reset Settings" item. Go to it.
  4. Get to clean up settings to remove errors in Android applications

  5. Check out the warning and click the button to start the recording process in the factory state.
  6. Start cleaning settings to remove errors in Android applications

  7. The discharge procedure will begin. Wait until it is over, and then check the condition of the device. If you are due to some reasons, you cannot reset the settings to the method described, at your service materials below, where alternative options are described.

    Read more:

    Reset settings for android

    Drop the settings on samsung

In case, none of the options helped, most likely, you encountered a hardware problem. Fix it will not work independently, so contact the service center.


Summing up, we note that the stability and reliability of Android grows from the version to the version: the newest options of the OS from Google are less susceptible to problems than the old, even even relevant.

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