How to remove download manager in Windows 7


How to remove download manager in Windows 7

The download manager is responsible for the output of the list of installed operating systems and allows the user after each PC is turned on to manually select the desired OS. Nevertheless, for many users, this procedure is not always needed, so they prefer to disable the boot manager. You will learn about the possible ways to solve this task below.

Disable download manager in Windows 7

After incomplete or improperly removing the operating system, its traces can remain on the drive. In particular, they are in displaying the bootloader offering the option of the OS selection to start. The easiest way to turn off his work by choosing a specific Windows system by default. After setting certain settings, the computer will no longer offer the selection of the system and immediately download the default assigned OS.

Method 1: System Configuration

The configuration file is responsible for different aspects of Windows, including loading. Here the user can select the operating system priority to start the PC and remove unnecessary options from the download list.

  1. Press Win + R, write msconfig and click "OK".
  2. Running msconfig in windows 7

  3. In the configuration instrument running the configuration tool, switch to the "Load" tab.
  4. Loading tab in MSCONFIG in Windows 7

  5. Now there are two options: to highlight the operating system with which you want to load, and click the "Use By Default" button.

    Installing the default operating system in MSCONFIG in Windows 7

    Or select information about the excess OS and click the Delete button.

    Deleting the operating system from the task manager list in MSCONFIG in Windows 7

    The system itself is removed at the same time. Use this button only if you have already erased the system itself, but they did not reach it, or you plan to get rid of it in the near future.

  6. Press the "Apply" and "OK" buttons. To check, you can restart the PC and make sure to correctly configure the download parameters.

Method 2: Command String

Alternative way to disable the download manager - use the command line. It is necessary to run it, being in the operating system you want to make the main.

  1. Click "Start", write CMD, click on the PCM result and select "Run from the administrator name".
  2. Launch CMD in Windows 7

  3. Enter the command below and press ENTER:


  4. Installing the current default OS software in Windows 7

  5. Command String will notify the assignment of the OS main corresponding message.
  6. Installed default OS in Windows 7

  7. The window can be closed and reboot to check if the boot manager has disconnected.

You can also delete through the command line that OS with which you never plan to make an input. Please note that we are speaking, as in the first way, it is about removing information about the loading of unnecessary Windows. If the operating system files themselves are not removed from the hard disk, it should be physically on it, continuing to take free space.

  1. Open the command line described above.
  2. Write in the Team window below and press ENTER:


  3. Deleting another OS from the download manager list in Windows 7

  4. Perhaps you have to wait some time. In case of successful completion, you will receive a notification.

Method 3: Editing system parameters

Through the setting of additional parameters OS, you can also perform the task. This method allows you to only install the default Windows starting and disable the display of the list of available systems.

  1. Press PCM by "Computer" and select the Properties from the context menu.
  2. Computer Properties in Windows 7

  3. On the left, select "Advanced System Settings".
  4. Displaying additional parameters in Windows 7

  5. In the running window on the Advanced tab, find the "Download and Recovery" section and click on "Parameters".
  6. Log in to Windows 7 parameters

  7. Another window will appear, where first of the drop-down list, select the system that should start by default.

    Select OS downloadable by default in Windows 7

    Track, remove the checkbox from the "Display List of Operating Systems".

  8. Disable Download Manager in Windows 7

  9. It remains to click "OK" and, if necessary, make sure the results of their settings.

We reviewed three short and simple ways to disable the download manager and the options for removing unnecessary OS from the list. Thanks to this, the computer will start bypassing the manual choice of Windows, and when you turn on the download manager, you will not see those systems that were removed from the disk.

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