How to promote a group of VKontakte yourself


How to promote a group of VKontakte yourself

The promotion of the group on the social network VKontakte will allow you as the owner of the community, attract new participants and further use the audience for income in one way or another. In this article, we will have the main nuances that must be taken into account for successful public promotion.

Self promotion of group

The topic of promotion of the group captures not only the promotion of the finished community, which we told about in a separate article, but also the process of creating a public. This is due to the fact that when creating a community, you must first need to determine the thematic direction and end targets.

See also: How to create a group for business VK


Guided by one of our instructions, you need to choose the style of design for the community and in the future it is clear to follow it. Note that it is a qualitatively selected graphic design that the largest percentage of VKontakte users is capable of attracting the largest percentage of VKontakte users.

The process of registration of the group on VKontakte website

Read more: How to issue a group VK

In addition to graphic content, an important part of the public is a browser address line. You should come up with an alternative URL for a group containing minimum characters and reflecting the topic of the community.

The process of changing the address of the VKontakte group

Read more: How to edit public vk

Wall of the group

In the initial stages, also an important factor contributing to the promotion of the Group is an approach to the management of the community. You should explore the most important rules made by us in a separate instruction on the site.

An example of the correct selection of records for the VK group

Read more: How to lead a group of VK

Content optimization

So that users can find your group in the search without unnecessary problems or it appeared in recommendations, pay special attention to the name and description of the community. In particular, you need to reveal not only the essence of the public, but also concisely insert keywords corresponding to the topic.

Note: You can use one of the special services to select keywords.

Go to the selection of words from Yandex

  • If necessary, pass authorization on the Yandex website.
  • Authorization process on Yandex

  • Install the tick next to the item "According to" and fill in the main text field based on the subject of your community. After that, click the "Pick" button.
  • Transition to keyword search on Yandex website

  • Communicate antibot check.
  • Passage of antibot checks on Yandex

  • Now you will be presented with a list of optimal entries using which you will significantly speed up promotion. Immediately, if necessary, you can use the toolbar.
  • Found key queries on Yandex

Keywords are a mandatory part of the promotion of any content on the Internet, but even their proper use does not guarantee a successful result. To attract users you need to combine recommendations.

Invitation of Friends

You can start promoting the group from the simplest - invitations of interested users from your friends list. In the future, if the design and content in the group will be interesting, your friends themselves will definitely share the community with other visitors to the site.

Note: Thanks to the instructions given by us, it is possible to attract not only friends, but also just users visiting your profile.

The process of inviting friends in the VKontakte group

Read more: How to make a newsletter and tell about the VK group

Group advertising

The site administration of the social network encourages any user-related activities related to communities and provides funds for creating advertising. We talked about this in the relevant instruction.

Transition to the use of advertising on VKontakte website

Read more: How to advertise VK

Artificial cheating

On the Internet there are a large number of special services that provide services for the cheating of subscribers both for real money and internal currency. You can resort to the help of such sites, but it should be done only for fear and risk.

The process of using the service of the subscribers

Consider if you actively use the cheat, the list of participants quickly fill in blocked or remote users, worsening these statistics and potential to future advancement. Moreover, the community can be blocked by the administration, since this kind of PR is prohibited.


At the stage of promotion, when there will be several dozen subscribers in the list of participants, you will need to show some ingenuity to interest users. As observations show, for these purposes, various quizzes and contests are perfect.

Note: Do Repost Record with a prerequisite for participation in contests.

The process of creating a draw on VKontakte reaution

Read more: How to create drawing VK

Creating similar activity, do not forget about your own opportunities and think about all the details in advance. Otherwise, causing interest to the audience, but not satisfying the expectations, you yourself will have a negative impact on Promotion.

Other recommendations

In addition to the foregoing, if you own your own site - you can install the community widget, thereby notifying visitors about the group. Of course, this option is optimal only if the group and the site at least partially coincides with the subject and audience.

If possible, conduct polls regarding the advantages and minuses of the group, adjusting their shortcomings. For the same purposes, you can create a separate discussion.

Transition to the creation of a discussion in the VKontakte group

Read more: How to create a survey and discussion in the VK group

Keep track of the statistics of the group, getting rid of inactive users in a timely manner and inappropriate comments, for example, containing advertising.

Transition to the removal of dogs from the VKontakte group

Read more: How to delete a member from the VK group

If you start to lose many participants, be sure to be the reason for the number of subscribers.

Process of writing messages to VKontakte

See also: How to write a message VK


Given the aspect we voicedly, you will probably have no problems with independent promotion of the group. At the same time, remember that the most difficult is the beginning, since in the future the audience will increase by itself.

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