How to clean cookies in Yandex.Browser


How to clean cookies in Yandex.Browser

Any browser during operation saves cookies - small text files in which you have data from user visited web addresses. This is necessary for sites to "memorize" visitors and eliminates the need to enter login and password for authorization every time. By default, cooking cookies is allowed in Yandex.Browser, but at any time the user can turn this feature and clear the storage. This is usually due to security reasons, and in one of the articles we have already considered the need for these elements in web browsers. In the same time, it will discuss how to remove cookies in Yandex.Browser in many ways.

Method 2: Piece removal

This option is already for those users who know that specifically, they need to be removed from the browser. Cookies of some one or more web addresses are usually erased for security purposes, for example, before the time transmission of the computer or laptop to use another person or in similar situations.

  1. Go to "Settings" through the "Menu".
  2. Transition to the settings of Yandex.Bauser

  3. On the left pane, select Sites.
  4. Tab sites in the Yandex.Bauser settings

  5. Click on the "Advanced Site Settings" link.
  6. Extended Site Settings in Yandex.Browser

  7. Lay out the cookie block. By the way, here, if necessary, you can control the parameters of their saving.
  8. Manage Cookies Cookies in Yandex.Browser

  9. Click on the "Cookie and Site Type" link.
  10. Cookie Settings in Yandex.Browser

  11. Favoring mouse cursor on certain sites, remove them alone - each time the corresponding link appears on the right. You can also click on a specific address, browse the list of cookies and delete them there. True, for this, the mark should be a gray font from "2 cookies" and more.
  12. Selective Removing Cookie Files in Yandex.Browser

  13. Here you can clean all cookies by clicking "Delete everything". Difference from the method 1 - you can not choose the time interval.
  14. Delete all cookies in Yandex.Browser

  15. In a window with a warning of irreversibility, click on "Yes, delete".
  16. Confirmation of the removal of all cookies in Yandex Browser

Method 3: Removing Cookies on the site

Without leaving any web address, it is possible to quickly remove all or some cookies associated with it. It eliminates the need to engage in manual search and single removal in the future, as described in the method 2.

  1. Being on the site, which you want to delete files, click on the globe icon, which is located to the left page address. Click on the link "More details".
  2. View information about the page in Yandex.Browser

  3. The "Permissions" block shows the number of allowed and stored cookies. To go to the list, click on the line.
  4. Go to the Cookies list for an open site in Yandex.Browser

  5. Deploying the list on the arrow, you can view which files you save the site. And clicking on specific cookies, just below you will see detailed information about it.
  6. Viewing stored open-ended cookie in Yandex.Browser

  7. You can either remove selected cookies (or folder with all cookies at once), or send them to blocking. The second method will prevent their further download specifically on this site. You can view a list of forbidden files in the same window, on the Blocked tab. At the end, it remains to click "Finish" to close the window and continue to use the web browser.
  8. Blocking or removing cookies from an open site in Yandex.Browser

Best after cleaning in this way no longer use the site, because some cookies will continue again.

Method 4: third-party

Using special programs, without entering the browser, clean cookies. The most common in this case is the CCleaner utility. She has two cooking tools at once, similar to those discussed above. Immediately, we want to say that this is similar to him aimed at the overall cleaning of the system, so the options to remove cookies are combined with other browsers. More information is written below.

Option 1: Full cleaning

Fast removal allows you to unleash all cookies from the browser in a pair of clicks without having to run it.

  1. Install and run CCleaner. Yandex.Browser for the period of further action will need to close.
  2. In the "Cleaning" menu, the "Windows" tab should be removed if you do not want, besides cooking anything else.
  3. Removing all ticks before cleaning Yandex.Bauser cookies in CCleaner

  4. Switch to the Applications tab and locate the Google Chrome section. The fact is that both web browser work on one engine, in connection with which the program accepts Yandex for the most popular Google Chrome. Install the checkbox next to the cookie parameter. All other checkboxes can be removed. Then click "Cleaning".
  5. If you have other browsers on this engine (Chrome, Vivaldi, etc.), be prepared for the fact that cookies will be removed and there!

    CCLEANER setting for yandex.Baurizer cleaning from cookie

  6. Give agreement to clean the files found.
  7. Cleaning confirmation in CCleaner

Option 2: Selective removal

This method is already suitable for more detailed removal - when you know and remember the sites for which you want to delete.

Note, this method you remove cookies from all web browsers, and not just from Yandex.Bauser!

  1. Switch to the "Settings" tab, and from there - to the "Cookie Files" section.
  2. Go to the detailed configuration of the removal and save cookies in CCleaner

  3. Lay the address, the files for which are no longer needed, right-click on it> "Delete".
  4. Removing one cookie in CCleaner

  5. In the window with a question, agree to "OK".
  6. Confirmation of one cookie in CCleaner

You can always enroll on the contrary - to find sites, cookies for which you need to save, add them to a kind of "white list", and then use any of them proposed methods and removal options. Sicliner again will retain these cookies for all browsers, and not just for Y.Baurazer.

  1. Find the site, cookie for which you want to leave, and click on it with LKM. Having highlight, click on the arrow to the right to transfer it to the list of saved addresses.
  2. Saving one cookie in CCleaner

  3. Look at the icons at the bottom of the window: they show, in what other browsers are used cookies for a highlighted site.
  4. Browser icons using the cookie of the selected site in CCleaner

  5. Do the same with other sites, then you can move to the cleaning of Yandex.Bauser from all unsaved cookies.

Now you know how to clear the Yandex browser from cookies. We remind you that without visible reasons to clean the computer from them does not make sense, since they almost do not occupy space in the system, but significantly facilitate the daily use of sites with authorization and other user interaction elements.

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