How to open indd.


How to open indd.

The file with the expansion of the Indd is a layout of printing products (books, brochures, advertising avenue), created in one of the programs from Adobe Corporation, Indesign. In the following, we will tell you how such a file should be opened.

What to open such files

Since Indd is the proprietary format of Adobe Corporation, the main program for working with such files is Adobe Indesign. This program has come to replace the outdated PageMaker product, becoming more comfortable, fast and sophisticated. Adobe Indepane has an extensive functionality for creating and laying polygraphwork layouts.

  1. Open the application. Click the File menu and select Open.
  2. Start opening an INDD in Adobe Indesign

  3. In the "Explorer" dialog box, proceed to the folder in which the Indd document is stored. Highlight it with the mouse and click Open.
  4. Select an Indd file to open in Adobe InDesign

  5. The opening process may take some time depends on the size of the layout. After downloading, the contents of the document can be viewed and edited if there is a need.

Open Indd file in Adobe InDesign

Adobe Indesign is a paid commercial software, with a trial version of 7 days. Perhaps this is the only drawback of this decision.

As you can see, open the file with the EnDD extension does not represent problems. Note that if you have errors when opening a file, you most likely have a document damaged, so be careful.

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