How to change the size of the image of gif


how to change the size of the image of gif

Animated graphic files with the extension GIF are very popular on the Internet. However, many sites still have restrictions on the size of the loaded hyphae. Therefore, today we want to present the ways that you can change the height and width of such images.

How to change the size of gif

Since the GIF is a frame sequence, not a separate picture, change the file size in such a format is not easy: you will need an advanced graphic editor. The most popular today are Adobe Photoshop and its free analogue of GIMP - on their example we will show you this procedure.

Ready Changed in GIMP Animation GIF

As you can see, with the task of changing the size of GIMP gif animation, it copes great. The only disadvantage can be called the complexity of the process for inexperienced users and brakes in working with volume images.

Method 2: Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop The latest version is the most functional graphic editor among those presented in the market. Naturally, it is present in it the possibility of changing the size of GIF animations.

  1. Open the program. First, select "Window". In it, go to the Operating Environment menu and activate the "Movement" item.
  2. Enable Motion Movement to edit GIF in Adobe Photoshop

  3. Next, open the file whose sizes want to change. To do this, select File Points - Open.

    Open GIF for editing in Adobe Photoshop

    Run "Explorer". Block the folder in which the target image is stored, highlight it with the mouse and click on the "Open" button.

  4. Select gif animation in Rezaiz conduce in Adobe Photoshop

  5. Animation will be loaded into the program. Pay attention to the "time scale" panel - it displays all frames of the editable file.
  6. Larting editable GIF in Adobe Photoshop

  7. To resize, use the "Image" item in which you select the "Image Size" option.

    Edit GIF Sizes in Adobe Photoshop

    The width and height of the picture will open. Make sure that the units are set to the "Pixels" position, then enter the values ​​you need in the "Width" and "height" fields. The remaining settings can not be touched. Check the parameters and click "OK".

  8. Resize Gif Animation for Rezayza in Adobe Photoshop

  9. To save the result, use the file "File" in which you select the Export option, and then "export for the Web (old version) ...".

    Export edited GIF in Adobe Photoshop

    The settings in this window are also better not to change, because immediately press the "Save" button at the bottom of the work area of ​​the export utility.

  10. Save edited GIF in Adobe Photoshop

  11. Select the location of the changed GIF in the "Explore", rename if necessary and click "Save".

    Select a storage location changed gif animation in Adobe Photoshop

    After that, Photoshop can be closed.

  12. Check the result in the specified folder while saving the folder.

Changed by Adobe Photoshop Gif Animation, Open in Explorer

Photoshop is a faster and more convenient way to resize gif animation, but there are also disadvantages: the program is paid, and the validity of the trial version is too short.

READ ALSO: Adobe Photoshop Analogs


Summing up, we note that it is more difficult to change the size of animation than the width and height of conventional pictures.

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