How to disconnect the verification of digital signatures of drivers


Disabling Digital Signature Drivers
If you need to install a driver that does not have a digital signature, and you are aware of all the risks of such actions, in this article I will show several ways to disable digital driver signatures in Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 7 (see also: How to disable digital signature check. Drivers in Windows 10). Actions on the disconnection of the digital signature check you perform at your own risk, do it is not recommended, especially if you definitely do not know what and why are you doing.

Briefly on the risks of the driver installation without a valid digital signature: sometimes it happens that everything is in order with the driver, the digital signature is missing in the drive on the disk that applies to the manufacturer together with the equipment, but in fact the threat it does not represent. But if you downloaded such a driver from the Internet, then he, in fact, can do anything: to intercept keystrokes and clipboard, modify files when copying to a USB flash drive or when loading them from the Internet, send information to intruders - these are just a few examples. In fact, there are a lot of opportunities here.

Disable Digital Driver Signature Says to Windows 8.1 and Windows 8

In Windows 8, there are two ways to disable the digital signature check in the driver - the first allows you to disable it once for installing a specific driver, the second - for the next time of the system.

Disconnection using special download options

In the first case, open the Charms panel to the right, click "Parameters" - "Changing Computer Settings". In the "Update and Recovery" item, select Repair, then - Special Download Options and click Restart Now.

Disable digital signatures when downloading Windows 8

After rebooting, select Diagnostics, then the download parameters and click Restart. On the screen that appears, you can choose (digitically keys or F1-F9) item "Disable mandatory driver signature check". After loading the operating system, you can install an unsigned driver.

Disable using the local group policy editor

Next way Disable Digital Driver Signature Check - Use the Windows 8 and 8.1 Local Group Policy Editor. To start it, press Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the GPedit.msc command.

Installing drivers in administrative templates

In the Local Group Policy Editor, open the User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Install Driver. After that, click twice on the "Digital Signature of Device Drivers".

Disable check in the Group Policy Editor

Select "Enabled", and in the "If Windows detects the driver file without a digital signature", select "Skip". On this, you can click "OK" and close the editor of a local group policy - the check is disabled.

How to Disable Digital Driver Signature Check in Windows 7

In Windows 7 there are two, essentially the same way to disable this check, in both cases to start you will need to start the command line on behalf of the administrator (for this you can find it in the Start menu, click right-click and select "Run on the name of the administrator "

After that, in the command prompt, enter the bcdedit.exe / set nointegrityChecks ON command and press ENTER (for re-enable, use the same command by writing instead of O Off).

Disable Digital Driver Signature Check in Windows 7

The second way is to use two teams in order:

  1. BCDEDITIT.EXE -SET LoadOptions Disable_integrity_Checks and after the report that the operation has been successfully completed - the second command
  2. BCDEDITIT.EXE -SET Testsigning ON

Here, perhaps, all that you need to install the driver without digital signature in Windows 7 or 8. Let me remind you that this operation is not quite safe.

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