How to open CDR format


How to open CDR format

CDR format is well known to artists and designers: files with such an extension are a vector image created in CorelDRAW. Today we want to introduce you to programs that are able to open CDR images.

How to open CDR.

CDR is a proprietary CorelDRAW format, because this program is best suited. Alternative to the editor from Korel will be free inkscape. There is also a CDR Viewer utility, but it is capable of opening only the schedule created in CorelDraw version 7 and below, therefore we will not stop on it.

Method 1: INKSCAPE

Inckeyp is a functional graphic editor that allows you to work with vector graphics. This program will help not only open the CDR file for viewing, but also to make edits.

  1. Run the program and use the "File" items to "open".
  2. Open CDR through file-open in INKSCAPE

  3. Through the "Explorer" dialog box, proceed to the folder with the file you want to view, select it with the mouse and click Open.
  4. Open CDR through Explorer in INKSCAPE

  5. The CDR file will be loaded into the program. It can be viewed, edit or proceed in another format.

CDR file, open in Inkscape

The only lack of Inkscape programs are small brakes during opening and working with large vector images. With the exception of this, an excellent version of the solution of our today's task.

Method 2: CorelDRAW

All CDR files are created precisely in Koreland, because this program is best suited for opening such documents.

  1. Opening the program, click on the "File" and select Open option.
  2. Start opening a CDR file in CorelDRAW

  3. Use the Explorer dialog box to get to the directory with the target file. Having done this, select your CDR document and click Open. Opening settings (encoding and saving layers) Leave unchanged.
  4. Open CDR file in CorelDRAW via conductor

  5. Ready - the file will be open to view and edit.

Open in CorelDraw file CDR

This option is optimal from the point of view of compatibility and functionality, but significant disadvantages are the proceedability of the program and limiting the trial version.


Summing up, not only the above programs can open CDR graphics. If the inkscape and CorelDRAW do not suit you something, read the analog programs - they also have the opportunity to open files of this kind. In addition, you can open a CDR file online.

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