ASUS RT-N12 VP Routher Firmware


ASUS RT-N12 VP Routher Firmware

Any router performs its functions due to the interaction of two sets of components: hardware and software. And if the intervention in the technical modules of the device for a regular user is not possible, then the built-in software may well, and must even be serviced by the owner of the router. Consider how operations involving updating, reinstalling and restoring firmware (firmware) of multifunctional and popular ASUS RT-N12 VP routers.

All of the following instructions are generally documented by the manufacturer of the methods of interaction with the firmware of the router, that is, relatively safe for the device. Wherein:

Due to the emergence of unforeseen failures or as a result of erroneous actions from the user in the process of the router firmware, there is a certain risk of loss of the device to the device! The implementation of all manipulations on the recommendations from the article is carried out by the owner of the device at their own risk and only he is responsible for the results of operations!

Preparatory stage

It does not matter for what purpose is the intervention in the operation of the router - the firmware update, its reinstallation or restoration of the device, is to quickly and successfully carry out any operation, several preparatory activities should be performed.

Asus RT-N12 VP Preparing for the firmware

Hardware revisions, download files with software

The technical characteristics of network equipment are developing not with such a rapid pace, like other devices from the computer world, so often produce new models of routers, manufacturers do not have. At the same time, the development and improvement still occurs, which leads to the emergence of new hardware audits, in fact, of the same device.

Asus RT-N12 VP Different hardware revisions of the router

The ASUS routers of the model under consideration were produced in two versions: "RT-N12_VP" and "RT-N12 VP B1". It is specified that the hardware versions on the manufacturer's website are indicated, which is an important factor when choosing and loading the firmware for a specific instance of the device.

Modifications of ASUS RT-N12 routers on the manufacturer's website

Methods of manipulation with firmware and applied to this tools for both revisions are identical. By the way, the following instructions can be used for other versions of RT-N12 from Asus ("D1", "C1", "N12E", "LX", "N12 + B1", "N12E C1", "N12E B1", "N12HP "), It is important only to choose a package with a firmware for writing to the device.

To find out the hardware revision ASUS RT-N12 VP, turning the router, look at the sticker located on the bottom of its housing.

Asus RT-N12 VP How to find a hardware revision of the router

The value of the item "H / W Ver:" will prompt which version of the device before us, and therefore, for which modifications you need to look for a package with firmware:

  • "VP" - in the future we are looking for "RT-N12_VP" on the manufacturer's website;
  • ASUS RT-N12 VP version RT-N12_VP on the manufacturer's website

  • "B1" - load a package for "RT-N12 VP B1" from the ASUS technical support page.

ASUS RT-N12 VP version RT-N12 VP B1 on the manufacturer's website

Punching of firmware:

  1. Go to the official web resource ASUS:

    Download firmware for RT-N12 VP routers from the official site

  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Official manufacturer website

  3. In the search field, we enter your model of the router in the form, as they found out above, that is, according to the hardware revision. Press "ENTER".
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Search for Models on the manufacturer's website

  5. Clicking the "Support" link, which is based on the search results.
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Switch to the Technical Support Page Model

  7. Go to the "Drivers and Utilities" section on the page that opens, then select "BIOS and PO".

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Drivers and Utilities - BIOS and

    In the end, we get access to the "Download" button to download the latest version of the firmware for the Internet center.

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Download the latest version of the firmware for the router with office. Site.

    If you need previous assemblies of the firmware, click "show all +" and load one of the older system software options.

  8. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Download all versions of firmware for router

  9. The resulting archive is unpacking and ultimately get ready to write to the device file image * .trx

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Unpacked Firmware from the Official Site Asus - TGZ file

Administrative panel

All manipulations with the router software of the model under consideration in general are made through the web interface (admin). This convenient tool allows you to easily configure the router in accordance with the needs of the user and also maintain the built-in software.

Asus RT-N12 VP Web Interface (Admins) Router - AsusWrt

  1. To access the "configuration page", run any browser and go to one of the addresses:

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Open Router Web Interface -

  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Entrance to Admin - Address

  3. Next, the system will require the input of the username and password (default - admin, admin).

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Authorization in Admin

    After authorization, the admin interface is displayed, called ASUSWRT, and will be possible access to configuring parameters and managing device functions.

  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Web Interface Router AsusWrt

  5. If there is such a need, and to navigate the functions to be comfortable, you can switch the web interface language into Russian by selecting the appropriate item from the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the page.
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Administ Interface Language Switching

  7. Not going anywhere from the main page asuswrt, it is possible to find out the version of the built-in router. The assembly number is indicated near the "Firmware Version:" item. By comparing this indicator with the package versions available for downloading from the manufacturer's website, you can find out whether the firmware is necessary to update.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 How to find out the firmware version installed in the router

Backup and recovery settings

As you know, the "out of the box" router will not function as a basis for building a home network, you need to prefigure a number of parameters. At the same time, once configuring ASUS RT-N12 VP, you can save the status of the device to a special configuration file and use it in the future to restore the parameters to the values ​​valid at a certain point in time. Since during the firmware of the router, the need to reset the settings to the factory is not excluded, create their backup.

  1. We go into the web interface of the router and open the section "Administration".
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Administration section in the adjustment router to create backup settings

  3. Switch to the "Settings" tab.
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Administration - Manage Settings to save settings

  5. Press the "Save" button located near the name "Saving settings" option. As a result, the "SETTINGS_RT-N12 VP.CFG" file will be loaded to the PC disk - this is a backup copy of the parameters of our device.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Backup Parameters Saved to Disk PC

To restore the values ​​of the router parameters from the file in the future, the same section and the admin panel is used as to create a backup.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Restoration of backup settings

  1. Click "Select File" and specify the path to the previously saved backup.
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Select a configuration file to restore settings

  3. After downloading the "settings_rt-n12 vp.cfg" file, its name appears next to the selection button. Click "Send".
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 restore parameters from backup

  5. We expect to complete the download of parameter values ​​from the backup, and then restart the router.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Recovery Process Settings from Backup

Reset parameters

In the process of configuring a router for specific purposes and in certain operating conditions, errors and input of incorrect / inappropriate values ​​of the user parameters are not excluded. If the purpose of interfering with the work of Asus RT-N12 VP is correcting the incorrect execution of one or more functions, it may be possible to correct the situation to reset the parameters to the factory values ​​and the setting "from scratch".

Asus RT-N12 VP Reset Router Parameters to factory, Hard Reset

  1. Open the parameters panel, go to the "Administration" section - Tab "Settings".
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Reset Administration - Settings Management - Factory Settings

  3. Press the "Restore" button, located opposite the "Factory Settings" item.
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Factory Settings - Restore button to reset the router parameters

  5. Confirm the intention to return the settings of the router to the factory, clicking "OK" under the displayed query.
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Request for Restoring Standard Factory Settings

  7. We are waiting for the completion of the parameter recovery procedure and then reboot the router.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Settings Reset Process

In situations where you forgot about login and / or password to access the web interface or the IP address of the admin was changed in the settings, and then lost, it is necessary to restore the parameters to the factory using the hardware key.

  1. Turn on the device, we find near the connectors to connect cables on the WPS / Reset button.
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Rear wall with connectors and RESET button

  3. Watching the LED indicators, press the key marked in the photo above and hold it for about 10 seconds, until the moment until the power button flashes, then let go of WPS / RESET.
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 LED Nutrition

  5. We wait for the completion of the device to reboot - lights up, besides others, the "Wi-Fi" indicator.
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Wi-Fi LED Indicator

  7. On this, the return of the router to the factory state is completed. We go to the admin, while moving in the browser at a standard address, authorized using the word "admin" as a login and password and configure settings, or restore the parameters from the backup.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 First Start, Configuring Parameters


The experience accumulated by many users who conducted the firmware of routers made it possible to form several tips using which you can minimize the risks arising in the process of reinstalling the firmware.
  1. Cut out all operations involving interference with the system for the router by connecting the latter to the computer using Patch Cord, but not by means of a wireless connection!
  2. Provide uninterrupted power supply to the router and PCs used to conduct manipulations. It is advisable to connect both devices to the UPS!
  3. At the time of operations with the program part of the router, limit its use by other users and devices. Before conducting manipulations in accordance with the instructions below "Method 2" and "Method 3", remove the cable for which the Internet comes from the provider from the port "WAN" of the router.


Depending on what state is the state of Asus RT-N12 VP and user purposes, one of the three methods of the router firmware are applied.

Asus RT-N12 VP Methods Firmware Routher

Method 1: Firmware Update

If the device operates in general normally and has access to the administrative panel, and the user is solely to actualize the version of the built-in software, as follows. To perform the firmware update, the above-mentioned way would not need to download files, "everything is done without leaving the ASUSWRT web interface. The only requirement - the device should receive the Internet by cable from the provider.

  1. Open the administration of the router in the browser, authorizes and go to the "Administration" section.
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Update - Administration section

  3. Select the "Firmware Update" tab.
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Microprogram Update Tab

  5. Click the "Check" button in front of the firmware version in the area of ​​the area of ​​the same time.
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Check availability of a new firmware version

  7. We are waiting for the completion of the search process for the updated firmware on ASUS servers.
  8. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Process for finding a new firmware

  9. If there is a newer firmware version, rather than installed in the router, a corresponding notification will be issued.
  10. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Corresponds Firmware Update

  11. To initiate the procedure for updating the firmware by clicking "Update".
  12. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Beginning Firmware Update

  13. Expect the end of the process of downloading the components of the system software,

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Download update from ASUS servers

    And then download the firmware in the device's memory.

  14. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Downloading the updated firmware in the router

  15. Upon completion of the procedure, the router will reboot and starts the updated version of the firmware.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Routher Firmware Updated

Method 2: Reinstall, update, decrease firmware version

As well as the above method, the instruction offered below allows you to actualize the version of the firmware of the Internet center, but also makes it possible to return to the older firmware, as well as to fully reinstall the built-in device software without changing its version.

For manipulations, the file image is required. Upload from the official site asus archive with the desired assembly and unpack the received in a separate directory. (Details The process of downloading archives with software is described above in the article).

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 File-image Firmware from the archive from the official site

  1. As in the previous method of manipulations, which assumes solely update the software version, to reinstall from the file and receive as a result of any assembly of the firmware on the router, go to the "Administration" section of the web interface, and open the "Firmware Update" tab.
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Administration Router Firmware - Firmware Update

  3. In the "Fox Version" area, near the file "File of the new firmware", the "Select File" button is pushing it.
  4. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware - File Select Button

  5. In the window that opens, specify where the file image is located with the firmware, select it and click "Open".
  6. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Opening a File File for Installation through Admin

  7. We make sure that the file name from the firmware is displayed to the left of the "Send" button and click it.
  8. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Start Installation Firmware from TRX File

  9. We expect to complete the installation of the system software in the router, watching the filling indicator of the execution.
  10. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Installation Process from File

  11. Upon completion of manipulations, the router will automatically restart and starts running the firmware version selected to install.

Method 3: firmware recovery

As a result of unsuccessful experiments with firmware, after a service failure or installation of custom firmware, as well as in other situations, ASUS RT-N12 VP can stop functioning properly. If you open the web interface of the router fails, reset the parameters using the button on the housing does not help restore performance, in general, the device has turned into a beautiful, but non-suitable piece of plastic, it is necessary to restore its program part.

Asus RT-N12 VP Restore Router using the ASUS Firmware Restoration utility

Fortunately, the "emission" routers Asus is usually carried out without any problems, because the manufacturer's specialists have developed a specialized branded utility that allows you to easily exit the situation described - Firmware Restoration..

  1. Download from the official site asus and unpack the archive with the firmware of any version for your hardware revision of the router.
  2. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 File Firmware for Restoration

  3. We download the archive with the distribution and install the Firmware Restoration tool from ASUS:
    • Go to the technical support page in the "Drivers and Utilities" section of your router, using one of the links depending on the audit:

      Download the Firmware Restoration utility for the ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 router from the official website

      Download the Firmware Restoration utility for the ASUS RT-N12_VP router from the official website

    • ASUS RT-N12 VP Routher Firmware 6961_56

    • Select the Windows version installed on the computer used as a tool for manipulation with a router;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Selects your version of Windows to download Firmware Restoration

    • Click "Show everything" under the first "Utilityes" list of available for download;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Transition to the list available for download utilities

    • Click the "Download" button, located opposite the names of the instrument you need - "Firmware Restoration";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Download Distribution Utilities Firmware Restoration to restore router

    • Waiting for the package loading, and then unzipped the obtained;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Installer Program Recovery Router

    • Run the "rescue.exe" installer

      ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Installing Firmware Restoration to restore firmware

      And follow his instructions,

      ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Restoration Installation Wizard

      Installing the Firmware Restoration utility thus.

      ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Utility Firmware Restoration for recovery is installed

  4. Change the settings of the network adapter, through which the router firmware will be restored:
    • Open the "Network and Shared Access Control Center", for example, from the control panel;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Network Management Center in Control Panel

    • Click the link "Changing the Adapter Parameters";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Network Management, Change Adapter Settings

    • By pressing the right mouse button on the network card icon through which the router is connected to call the context menu, in which you select the item "Properties";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Calling the settings of the network card settings when restoring

    • In the window that opens, select "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and then click "Properties";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Transition to TCP IP V4 Network Card Properties

    • The next window is our goal and serves to enter parameters.

      ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Changing Network Card Settings for Firmware Restoration

      Install the switch to the "Use the following IP address" position and then make such values: - in the "IP address" field; - In the "Subnet Mask" field.

    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 IP Address and Subnet Mask Connection to Firmware Restaration

    • Click "OK" in the window where the IP parameters were made, and "close" in the adapter properties window.

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Completion of the network card setting for recovery

  5. Connect the router to PC as follows:
    • Turn off all cables from the device;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP Routher Firmware 6961_71

    • Without connecting power, connect any LAN-port of the Ethernet cable router with a network adapter connector configured by the method specified in the previous step;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Cable Connection to LAN port

    • Press the "WPS / RESET" button on the ASUS RT-N12 VP housing and holding it down, connect the power cable to the appropriate router connector;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Switching the router to Recovery mode for recovery

    • When the LED indicator "POWER" starts flashing quickly, let go of the reset button and go to the next step;

    ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 LED Indicator Food Fast Fly - Router In Recovery Mode

  6. We proceed to restore the firmware:
    • Open the Firmware Restoration necessarily on behalf of the administrator;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Restore Start Firmware Restoration on the administrator

    • Click the "Overview" button;
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Loading in Firmware Restoration - Overview Button

    • In the file selection window, specify the path to the downloaded and unpacked firmware of the router. Select a file with a firmware, click "Open";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Recovery Specifying the path to the firmware file to download to Firmware Restoration

    • Click "Download";
    • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Start Restoration Firmware via Firmware Restoration - Download button

    • The further process does not require interference and includes:
      • Establishing a connection with a wireless device;
      • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Connection with Wireless Device in Firmware Restoration

      • Loading the firmware in memory of the device;
      • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Restoration Download System Recovery File

      • Directly automatic restoration of the system;
      • ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Restoration Automatic Restoration System Progress

      • Completion of the procedure - the appearance in the Firmware Restoration window notification of the successful loading of the firmware into the device's memory.

      ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Firmware Restoration - Firmware Recovery Completed, Reboot Routher

  7. We wait for the reboot asus RT-N12 VP - the end of this process will report the "Wi-Fi" indicator on the device's body.
  8. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Download router after recovery through Firmware Restoration

  9. Return the settings of the network adapter to the default values.
  10. ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Returns Network Adapter Parameters to Default Values

  11. We try to enter the web interface of the router through the browser. If the authorization in the administrator was successful, the restoration of the program part of the device can be considered complete.

ASUS RT-N12 VP B1 Restoration has passed successfully - Authorization in admin

As you can see, software developers for ASUS RT-N12 VP have done everything possible to simplify the process of firmware of the router and make it possible, including unprepared users. Even in critical situations, the restoration of the firmware, which means that the working capacity of the considered device should not cause difficulties.

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