How to convert xls table in pdf


how to convert xls table in pdf

About how to convert PDF in XLS, we have already written. The reverse procedure is also possible, and it is made much easier. Let's consider the features of the process.

Folder with the result of conversion XLS in PDF via Total Excel Converter

Total Excel Converter works quickly, is able to make a packet transformation of documents, but is a paid tool with a short validity of the trial version.

Method 2: Microsoft Excel

In Microsoft, Excel itself has a built-in tool for converting a table in PDF, so in some cases you can do without additional converters.

  1. First of all, open the document you want to convert. To do this, click "Open Other Books".
  2. Open XLS to convert to PDF in Microsoft Excel

  3. Next click "Overview".
  4. Run the conductor to select XLS to convert to PDF in Microsoft Excel

  5. Use the File Manager window to go to the directory with the table. Having done this, select the XLS file and click Open.
  6. Select XLS in Explorer to convert to PDF in Microsoft Excel

  7. After downloading the contents of the table, use the File item.

    Start Converting XLS in PDF in Microsoft Excel

    Click the Export tab, where to select the "Create PDF / XPS document" option, and press the button with the corresponding name on the right side of the window.

  8. Select XLS converting to PDF in Microsoft Excel

  9. A standard document export window will appear. Select a suitable folder, name and export settings (available by pressing the "Parameters" button) and click "Publish".
  10. Configure and start converting XLS in PDF in Microsoft Excel

  11. A PDF document will appear in the selected folder.

Folder with the result of converting XLS in PDF in Microsoft Excel

Using Microsoft Excel gives the best result, but this program is distributed solely as part of a general Microsoft office package on a fee.

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Summing up, we note that the optimal solution to the XLS conversion task in PDF will use Microsoft Excel.

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