How to set up zyxel kenetic giga 2


How to configure Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2 router 2

The ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II Internet Center is a multifunctional device with which you can build a home or office network with Internet access and Wi-Fi access. In addition to basic functions, it has a number of additional features that far go beyond the usual router, which makes this device interesting for the most demanding users. To implement these possibilities as much as possible, the router must be able to correctly configure. This will be discussed further.

Setting the basic parameters of the Internet center

Before starting the setup, you must prepare a router to the first inclusion. Such preparation is standard for all devices of this type. You must select a location where the router will be located, unpack it, attach antennas and connect to a PC or laptop, and the cable from the provider is connected to the WAN connector. In the case of using a connection to 3G or 4G network, you must connect a USB modem to one of the available connectors. Then you can go to configure the router.

Connect to the Zyxel Keenetic Giga II web interface

To connect to the web interface, no special tricks need. Just just:

  1. Run the browser and in the address bar dial
  2. Enter the ADMIN username and password 1234 in the authentication window.

    Authorization window in the web interface Zixel Kinetik Gig

After completing these actions, the first connection will open:

Web Interface Window when you first turn on Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2

The further course of the setup will depend on which of the two options offered in this window the user will select.

NDMS - Operating System of the Internet Center

One of the features of the products of the Keenetic model range is that their operation is carried out under the control of not just firmware, but an integer operating system - NDMS. It is its presence and turns these devices from banal routers into multifunctional Internet centers. Therefore, it is very important to constantly maintain the firmware of your router up to date.

NDMS OS is built according to the modular type. It consists of components that can be added or deleted at the discretion of the user. You can see the list of installed and accessible components in the web interface in the System section on the "Components" tab (or on the "Update tab", the OS version affects the location).

List of components in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

By checking the required component (or removing the mark) and clicking on the "Apply" button, you can install or delete it. However, it is necessary to do this very carefully to accidentally do not remove the component necessary for the normal functioning of the device. Such components usually have a "Critical" or "Important" mark.

The presence of a modular operating system makes the Keenetic devices are extremely flexible. Therefore, depending on user preferences, the web interface of the router may have completely different subsections and tabs (with the exception of basic). Undoubted this important point for myself, you can proceed to directly configuring the router.

Fast setting

For those users who do not want to deeply delve into configuration subtleties, the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II provides the ability to set the basic parameters of the device into several clicks. But at the same time, it is still necessary to first look into the contract with the provider and find out the necessary details about your connection. To run the quick adjustment of the router, you must click on the appropriate button in the settings window, which appears after the authorization in the device's web interface.

Go to quick setup in the Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2 web interface

Next will happen as follows:

  1. The router independently checks the presence of a connection with the provider and sets its type, after which the user will be prompted to enter data for authorization (if the connection type it provides).

    Entering data for authorization in the quick setup window Zixel Kinetik Giga 2

    Entering the necessary information, you can switch to the next step by clicking on "Next" or "Skip" if the connection is used without transmitting the username and password.

  2. By installing settings for authorization, the router will offer to update the components of the system. This is an important step, to refuse which it is impossible.

    Transition to updating Components Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

  3. After clicking on the "Update" button, you will be automatically searching for updates and their installation.

    Process for updating Components Zixel Kinetics Giga 2
    After the updates are installed, the router will reboot.

  4. Rebooting, the router will display the final window, where the current configuration of the device will appear.

    Completion of quick customization Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

As you can see, the device setting is really happening very quickly. If the user needs additional features of the Internet center, it can continue it in manual mode by clicking on the "Web Configurator" button.

Manual setting

Fans of digging in Internet connection parameters independently do not necessarily use the function of the quick setting of the router. You can immediately log in to the device web configurator by clicking on the appropriate button in the initial settings window.

Transition to Zyxel Keenetic Giga-1 web configurator
Then necessary:

  1. Change the administrator password to connect to the web configurator of the Internet center. It is not necessary to ignore this offer, as the safety of the further functioning of your network depends on this.

    Change administrator password to connect to ZyXEL Keenetic Giga

  2. In the system monitor window that opens, proceed to setting up the Internet by clicking on the icon in the form of the globe at the bottom of the page.

    Zyxel Keenetic Giga Monitor Monitor Window

After that, you can start creating an interface for connecting to the Internet. To do this, select the desired connection type (according to the contract with the provider) and click on the Add Interface button.

Adding an interface for connecting to the Internet in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

Then you need to install the necessary parameters for connecting to the Internet:

  • If the connection is made by DHCP without using the login and password (IPOE tab) - just specify which port is connected by a cable from the provider. In addition, it should be set in points that include this interface and allowing the IP address by DHCP, as well as indicating that this is a direct connection to the Internet.

    Configuring DHCP Connection in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

  • If the provider uses the RPRO connection, for example, Rostelecom, or - specify the username and password, select the interface through which the connection will be monitored, and set the marks including it and allowing you to connect to the Internet.

    Configuring RPRoy Connection in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

  • In the case of using L2TP or PRTP connections, in addition to the parameters specified above, it will also be necessary to make the address of the VPN server used by the provider.

    Configuring L2TP connection to Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

After making parameters, you must click on the "Apply" button, the router will receive new settings and can connect to the Internet. It is also recommended in all cases to fill the "Description" field for which you need to come up with a name for this interface. The router firmware allows the creation and use of multiple connections, and thus can easily distinguish them between themselves. All created connections will be displayed in the list on the corresponding tab in the Internet Settings menu.

List of interfaces for Internet connection or external networks in Kinetics Giga 2

From this submenu, if necessary, you can easily edit the configuration of the created connection.

Connection to 3G / 4G network

The presence of USB ports makes it possible to connect Zyxel Keenetic Giga II to 3G / 4G networks. This is especially convenient if the device is planned to be used in rural or in the country where there is no wired internet. The only condition for creating such a connection is the presence of a mobile operator coating, as well as the necessary NDMS components. The fact that this is true is evidenced by the "3G / 4G" tab in the "Internet" section of the router web interface.

Tab 3G4G in the router Kinetics web interface

If this tab is missing - the necessary components must be configured.

The NDMS operating system supports up to 150 USB modems, so there are rare problems with their connection. Just connect the modem to the router so that the connection is established, since its main parameters are usually already spelled out in the modem firmware. After connecting the modem, it should appear in the list of interfaces on the 3G / 4G tab and in the overall list of connections on the first tab of the Internet section. If necessary, the connection parameters can be changed by clicking the connection name and fill in the appropriate fields.

Changing connection parameters via Mobile Network in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

However, the practice shows that the need for manual configuration of the connection to the mobile operator occurs infrequently.

Setting up backup connection

One of the advantages of Zyxel Keenetic Giga II is the ability to use multiple Internet connections simultaneously through different interfaces. At the same time, one of the connections acts as the main one, and the rest are reserve. This feature is very convenient with an unstable connector with providers. To implement it, it is enough to set the priority of connections on the "Connection" tab of the Internet section. To do this, enter the digital values ​​in the "Priority" field of the list and click the Save Priorities button.

Setting the priority of Internet connections in the web interface Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

More important means the highest priority. Thus, from the example given on the screedness, it follows that the main thing is to connect via a wired network, having a priority of 700. In case of loss of connection, the router will automatically establish a 3G network connection via a USB modem. But at the same time it will constantly try to restore the main connection, and as soon as it becomes possible, it will switch to it again. It is possible to create a similar pair and of two 3G connections from different operators, as well as setting the priority for three or more connections.

Changing wireless network parameters

By default, the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II already exists a Created Wi-Fi connection that is fully operational. The name of the network and password to it can be viewed on the sticker located on the bottom of the device. Therefore, in most cases, configuring a wireless network is reduced to a change in these two parameters. To do this, you need:

  1. Log in to the Wireless Settings section by clicking on the appropriate Pictogram at the bottom of the page.

    Go to Wireless Settings in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

  2. Go to the "Access Point" tab and set a new name for your network, security level and password to connect to it.

    Setting the parameters of the wireless network in Zixel Kinetics Giga 2

After saving the settings, the network will start working with new parameters. They are quite enough for most users.

At the end of the review, I would like to emphasize that the article was affected by the topic of only key moments in setting up Zyxel Keenetic Giga II. However, the NDMS operating system provides the user with many more additional features for the use of the device. A description of each of them deserves a separate article.

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