Download Apple Music for iPhone


Download Apple Music for iPhone

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch - it is exactly those device which can satisfy the human need for emotional touch to one of the most beautiful and popular forms of art - music. Modern technologies and advanced Internet services allow you to easily find, listen to and save virtually any musical compositions and below we look at how such, until recently, seemed impossible, is implemented in iOS client-service strimingovogo Apple Music - Music app.

Music for iOS - affiliated with the music service Apple Music and Media Library iCloud application integrated into all current versions of the mobile operating system of Cupertino giant. Lovers of music provided a wide range of possibilities, but there is a caveat - for full access to all features to subscribe to you must, at least, a free trial.

Apple Music for iOS - access to opportunities through the Music application


The close relationship of applications and services from Apple with one another noticeable immediately after opening the Music app. The first screen, demonstrated by the user - a "Media Center". From here you can access the music content iOS-module, where the multimedia content is stored. All music files that you have added Apple mobile device in its own library, including the relevant content from other devices, synchronized with iCloud, downloaded from the Apple Music and other services, tracks, etc. always available from the Music app for iOS, which is quite logical.

Apple Music for iOS section in the Media Library Music app

Users who prefer to download music to your device and listen to it offline, will appreciate the tab "downloaded music" under "Media Center" - is there is a list of songs you can play without connecting to Wi-Fi and cellular data networks. Loaded into memory devaysa songs, as, indeed, and files from other sections "library" Music app are sorted according to the criteria ( "Playlists," "Artists," "Albums", "Songs", etc.), which greatly facilitates the search for a particular works.

Apple Music for iOS downloaded music, see Media Library Music app

Apple Music Each subscriber can add individual composition, entire albums, playlists, and video content from any service section in the "library", thus forming its own collection of music.

Apple Music for iOS to add any content library to library

For you

What exactly can not be refused to designers creating an application interface for Apple's devices, so this is to establish their skills to correctly call individual controls and access elements. Turning to the section with the speaker for itself the name "for you", everyone can be sure - he will definitely find music that meets its preferences.

Apple Music for iOS section for you in the music application

The mood music in the section "For you" can be searched among newly listened compositions, as well as in updated playlists formed by the service daily in accordance with the contents of the contents to individual genres, albums, performers and other unifying works of the criteria. Here, the chief emphasis is made on providing an individual approach against the subscriber and the playlists offered to it. The selection of offers from millions of pitchings in the service composition is carried out quite accurately and almost always complies with Apple Music user preferences.

Apple Music for IOS section for you - Playlists of the day, albums of the day, artist lists


The "Overview" tab is primarily created to familiarize the Apple Music subscriber with new products and trends in the world of music. Here are collected as recently published and gaining the fame of the work and the most popular tracks in the opinion of the listeners from around the world.

Apple Music for iOS section Overview in Application Music

In addition to music files, video clips are found in the "Overview" section, and the possibility of viewing, without leaving the music application. Different video content, in contrast to many competitors services, in abundance is presented to Apple Music, which expands the list of entertainment of the system and is its undoubted plus.

Apple Music for iOS video clips in the Music Application Overview


In addition to accessing the contents of the extensive library, Apple Music provides an opportunity to listen to Internet radio stations. Like the rest of the content, demonstrated in the iOS music application, the radio station is distributed by category. With regard to radio, gradation is manufactured in accordance with the genre of compositions included in streaming broadcasting.

Apple Music for IOS Radio Section in Music App

Exclusive from Apple - 24-hour BEATS 1 radio offering the most fashionable hits, exclusive premieres and new items accompanied by comments of famous leading and world show-business stars. Unfortunately, Bits 1 live broadcast is not available on the territory of our country, but you can listen to the station in the record.

Apple Music for iOS Radio Beats 1 in Record

The "Radio" section, as well as other categories of the Epple Music Libraries, is personalized under a specific subscriber, in accordance with its musical preferences. First of all, the names of stations are demonstrated, which, in the opinion of the service, should accurately like the user.

Apple Music for iOS new and interesting in the radio section Music

The above sections in the "Music" application are a kind of content selections from the Apple Music directory formed by the service based on the analysis of the user's preferences or the last independently. But to find specific songs, albums, video clips, playlists and artists should be used by the "Search" module.

Apple Music for iOS new and interesting in the radio section Music

The process of searching for artists and their works through the application Music for iOS is implemented at a high level. The request can be carried out within the framework of your own media library either throughout the Apple Muscy catalog. Search Issue is divided into categories, which allows you to quickly detect the desired without entering the exact query and navigate among the artists found, albums, playlists found, songs and video.


Integrated to music for iOS listening means, like the entire application as a whole, looks mortar, but it is equipped with everything necessary.

Apple Music for iOS built-in music player

In addition to the standard track playback control functions, a number of applicable options are available from the player: loading the song in the device's memory and removing it from the library, creating on the basis of the playback broadcast to the network, view the text of the song, as well as "social" modules ("Like" / "DON'T LIKE", "SHARE").

Apple Music for IOS Additional Player Features

Downloading music

Not all owners of the subscription in Apple Music have the ability to be constantly online to take a musical stream from the service, so the content of contents from the online catalog in memory of the mobile device is very in demand. Apple will not earn any obstacles to the content subscribers from the library.

Apple Music for iOS Download tracks in the device's memory of the player

After adding content to the library to download it, it is enough to tap the standard "Download" icon directly in the player either by finding the product you like in any section of Apple Music. As a result, the composition, album of the artist, playlist or video clip very quickly will be copied to the device.

Apple Music for iOS download any song from the catalog

Additional features

Apple has almost always introduces any exclusive to the manufactured devices and software, inaccessible to preferring other brands to consumers. And Apple Music has its own "raisins", the presence of which is probably ensured by close cooperation of the service with the performers and the creators of the content, as well as a deep analysis of user needs. Just a few examples so that it is clear what we are talking about:

  • "Connect". Within the framework of the service, a certain semblance of a social network is functioning, designed to ensure and expand the emotional relationship between artists and their fans.
  • Apple Music for IOS Social Network Connect

  • Exclusive content . In the Apple Music catalog, you can find individual publications submitted only within this service and anywhere else. The presence of rare works and not promoting themselves throughout the performers is an additional incentive to become a subscriber for true music lovers.
  • Apple Music for iOS Exclusive Content and Artists

  • TV show and movies . Studies recorded in the studio and music video clips are ready-made products of the industry, but their getting into the top charts is preceded by a huge job of a whole team of creative personalities. The activities of the creators of finished works, the creative path and life of the artists were removed the mass of interesting materials - gears and documentaries. All this is available as part of Apple Music.
  • Apple Music for iOS TV show and movies

  • News of the Music Industry . Not only the ability to listen to musical compositions is the value for true lovers of one or another musical genre, admirers of individual artists and teams. True fans want to be aware of and what is happening in real life, and also carefully track the creative path of idols. Subscribe to "Publications" in Apple Music allows you to always be aware of the release of a new song or clip, to know about changes in the concert chart of this or that artist, find out where it is most profitable to purchase tickets for speeches, etc.

Apple Music for iOS Subscribe to Publications


As you can see, almost every Apple Music option described above is implemented using an approach that provides such a position in which all users of the application have the opportunity to almost instantly receive the corresponding any life situation and tapping musical accompaniment, just a few times taping the iPhone or iPad screen.

Apple Music for iOS service adaptability for subscribers

The formation of the recommendations begins at the first acquaintance of the user with the service, and the longer the time for using the Music App and finding the subscriber to the Apple Music, the better, the functions of the selection and demonstration of personalized proposals from the service catalog will operate.

Apple Music for iOS Personalized Offers and Recommendations


  • Russified interface familiar to all applications from Apple's branded applications integrated into iOS;
  • A huge selection of musical works and video connections, constantly replenished directory of proposals;
  • An individual approach to each subscriber, expressed in the accuracy of the recommendations that form a list of proposals demonstrated by the application;
  • Ability to download the contents of the library in the device's memory;
  • Exclusive content and options;
  • Long term of full-fledged access to content and functions provided for free.


  • Subjective shortcomings present in the iOS application in the view of a separate category of users may be repaid in the design of the interface (the management of individual functions is not very conveniently implemented), shortcomings in localization ("ugly" reductions in the names of elements in Russian).
A large number of opportunities for subscription owners brought by the Creators in Apple Music, the high quality and diversity of the proposed content, adaptability to the individual needs of the user and exclusive options - all this and much more makes the service and application-client music for iOS deservedly in demand among the admirers of "Apple" products that are not indifferent to this type of art as music.

Download Apple Music for iOS Free

Download the latest version of the application from APP Store

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