How to make a business account in instagram through Facebook


How to make an instagram business account

If the page in Instagram is not just used to publish photos, but to promote its goods and services, it will optimally translate it to a business account that opens up a lot of additional useful features.

A business account is a commercial page in instagram on which the user can advertise its goods and services, find customers and in a convenient form to provide them with their contact details. Among the main features of the business account, instagram should be allocated to:

  • The presence of the "Contact" button. On the main page of your profile, any visitor will be able to obtain information about phones, email addresses, location, etc.
  • See also: How to add "Contact" button in Instagram

  • View statistics. Of course, all the information about attendance of your account can be obtained without a business account (using third-party tools), but, agree, much more convenient, when the statistics icon will be located in your profile in the upper right corner, pressing which you want to be interested in popularity Your profile among users.
  • See also: How to view profile statistics in Instagram

  • Advertising placement. Not so long ago, Instagram was the possible placement of advertising, which will be displayed on the screens of the user in the tape by a separate post. The service is not free, but its efficiency in increasing sales can not be denyed.

Connect a business account in Instagram

  1. The first thing you need is, in addition to the Instagram account itself, a registered profile on Facebook, but not a regular user, and the company. You will be able to register at this link, where at the end of the registration form you will need to click on the Create Celebrity, Music Group page or Company page.
  2. Registration in Facebook.

  3. Choose a suitable view of your activities.
  4. Facebook activity selection

  5. Fill in the data to differ depending on the type of activity selected.
  6. Filling out registration data on Facebook

    Please note to complete the creation of the company's profile, you will need to tie it to an already registered conventional Facebook profile. If you do not have it, check in this link.

  7. When the Facebook account is created, you can go directly to the instagram setting. To do this, run the application, and then go to the right tab to open the page of your profile.
  8. Transition to the profile in Instagram

  9. Go to the settings by selecting the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  10. Go to Instagram settings

  11. In the "Settings" block, tap the "Related Accounts" button.
  12. Related Accounts in Instagram

  13. Select Facebook.
  14. Facebook bundle with Instagram

  15. The authorization window will be loaded on the screen, in which you should specify your credentials from the commercial account.
  16. Authorization in Facebook.

  17. Return to the main window of settings, where you will find the item "Switch to the Company's Profile" in the Account. Choose it.
  18. We draw your attention to the fact that to switch to the company's profile, your page must be defined.

    Switch to company profile in Instagram

  19. Re-bind Instagram with Facebook.
  20. Re-authorization on Facebook for Instagram

  21. Provide instagram access to Facebook's profile, and then finish the business account creation procedure.

Creating a Business Account in Instagram

Ready! From this point on, on the main screen of your profile, the "Contact" button will appear, meaning that your profile has been successfully translated into a business account.

Business Account in Instagram

Using all the means of the Internet to promote their goods and services, including such a popular social network, as an instagram, you can almost instantly see the results of your works in the form of influxing new customers.

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