How to make google startpage automatically


How to make google startpage page

Google is undoubtedly the most popular search engine in the world. Therefore, it is not entirely strange that many users start working on the net from it. If you do the same, install Google as the web browser start page is a great idea.

Each browser is individual in terms of settings and variety of parameters. Accordingly, the installation of the initial page in each of the web browsers may differ - sometimes quite and very significant. We have already considered how to make Google startpage page in the Google Chrome browser and its derivatives.

Read on our website: How to make Google Google Chrome Google page

In the same article, we will tell you how to install Google start page in other popular web browsers.

Mozilla Firefox.

Browser logo Mozilla Firefox

And first it is worth considering the installation process of the homepage in the Firefox browser from Mozilla.

Make a Google start page in Firefox in two ways.

Method 1: Dragging

The easiest way is that way. In this case, the algorithm of action is as deferred as possible.

  1. Go to Main page Search Engine and drag the current tab on the home page icon located on the toolbar.

    Tightening the owned for installation of a homepage in Firefox

  2. Then, in the pop-up window, click on the "Yes" button, thereby confirming the installation of the home page in the browser.

    Confirmation of the homepage setting in Firefox

    It's all. Very simple.

Method 2: Using the settings menu

Another option does exactly the same, however, in contrast to the previous one, is a manual input of the address of the homepage.

  1. To do this, click on the "Open menu" button in the toolbar and select the "Settings" item.

    MOZILLA Firefox browser menu

  2. Next, on the main parameter tab, we find the field "Homepage" and enter the address in it

    Specify the address of the homepage in the Firefox settings

  3. If, in addition to this, we want to start us when starting a browser, you are going on, in the drop-down list "When you start Firefox", select the first item - "Show home page".

    Setting up Firefox start from Google page

It is so easy to install a homepage in the Firefox web browser, it does not matter whether it is Google or any other site.


Opera browser logo

The second browser we considered - Opera. The process of installing the Google starter page in it also should not cause difficulties.

  1. So, first of all, we go to the "menu" of the browser and select the "Settings" item.

    Opera browser menu

    You can do this by pressing the ALT + P key combination.

  2. Next, in the "Main" tab, we find a group "When starting" and note the checkbox near the "Open page or multiple pages" row.

    Basic Opera browser settings

  3. Then here we go to the "Set Pages" link.

    Go to the installation of the start page in Opera

  4. In the pop-up window in the "Add New Page" field, specify the address And press ENTER.

    Adding Google to Opera Startup List

  5. After that, Google appears in the list of initial pages.

    Google in the Opera Startup list list

    Boldly press the "OK" button.

Everything. Now Google is the start page in the Opera browser.

Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer Browser Logo

And how can you forget about the browser, which is the last Internet surfing rather than the present. Despite this, the program is still included in the delivery of all versions of Windows.

Although in the "dozen" to replace the "donkey" and the new Microsoft Edge web browser came, the older IE is still available for those who want. That is why we also included it in the instruction.

  1. The first step for changing the homepage in IE is the transition to the "Properties of the browser".

    We go to the Internet Explorer browser properties

    This item is available through the "Service" menu (small gear on top at the top).

  2. Further in the window that opens, we find the field "Homepage" and enter the address in it

    IE browser properties window

    And confirm the replacement of the start page by pressing the "Apply" button, and then "OK".

All that remains to do to apply changes - restart the web browser.

Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge Browser Logo

Microsoft EJ is a browser who has replaced with outdated Internet Explorer. Despite the relative novelty, the fresh web browser from Microsoft has already provides users with an extensive amount of product configuration options and its extensibility.

Accordingly, the start page settings here are also available.

  1. You can initiate the purpose of the Google start page using the main menu of the program accessible by pressing on the Troytheater in the upper right corner.

    Main Menu MS EDGE

    In this menu, we are interested in the "Parameters" item.

  2. Here we find the drop-down list "Open Microsoft Edge C".

    Changing EDGE parameters

  3. It choose the option "specific page or pages".

    Start changing Start page Edge

  4. Then enter the address In the box below and click on the save button.

    Installing Google Start Page Browser Edge

Ready. Now when you start a Microsoft Edge browser, you will meet the main page of the well-known search engine.

As you can see, setting up Google as an initial resource is absolutely elementary. Each of the aforementioned browsers allows you to do it literally for a couple of clicks.

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