How to remove advertising in torrent client


UTorrent without advertising

The presence of built-in advertising in various programs is annoying many people. In addition, it occupies a place that could be used with benefit, and distracts attention. Just, the availability of advertising is almost the only disadvantage of the most popular torrent customer utorrent. This product perfectly combines the functionality and speed of work, but the built-in promotional materials are a kind of flying in a barrel of honey. Let's find out if you can remove advertising in UTorrent, and how to do it.

Download the UTorrent program

Advertising in UTorrent

The UTorrent application refers to the ADWARE software software. These are free solutions, a kind of payment, for the use of which is to view advertising. It is the income from this and make up a significant part of the profit of BitTorrent, which is the owner of the UTorrent.

Place for advertising in the program UTorrent

Turning off advertising

But, not every user knows that there is a rather lightweight and quite legal way to disable advertising in the UTorrent application.

Open the settings section.

Go to settings in the UTorrent program

Go to section "Optional". Before us appears a window with hidden program parameters. With those parameters whose value you do not know, it is better not to experiment at all, as you can bring an application into disrepair. But we know that in this case, we want to do.

Section Advanced Settings UTorrent

We are looking for "offers.left_rail_offer_enabled" and "sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled", which are responsible for the side and top of the advertising block. In order to find this data faster in a pile of other parameters, you can use the filter feature by entering it the total "offer_enabled".

Search for parameters in the UTorrent program

We change the values ​​of the specified parameters from "True" ("Yes" to "false" ("No"), and click the "OK" button.

Changing the parameters in the UTorrent program

In the same way, we do with the "gui.show_plus_upsell" parameter, and reboot the program.

Changing the parameters in the UTorrent program

As you can see, after rebooting the application, advertising in UTorrent disappeared.

UTorrent program without advertising

Read also: download programs for torrents

If you know the subtleties of the application, turn off the advertisement in UTorrent will not work, but the unenmended user with the average work skills on the computer is unlikely to be able to independently find these settings.

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