How to find out your password in VK, if forgot, but there is access to the page


How to know your password vkontakte

Many users of the VKontakte social network are often wondering how you can find out your password from the page. This necessity may be associated with various factors, however, all possible cases of this problem may be allowed to resolve the same methods.

Recognize the password from the account of VKontakte

To date, the most relevant ways to find out the code from the page are two completely different methods, one of which is fully universal, that is, can be used on various versions of the site. Regardless of the selected method, your problem will be guaranteed solved.

Please note that you should be desirable to have all the data from your personal profile at your disposal. Otherwise, unforeseen problems may arise, also requiring a separate solution.

Method 1: Change Password

The first technique is how to initialize the process of restoring access to the page in order to introduce a new secret word without knowing the old. In addition, exactly the same procedure can be made through the form of a password change, accessible to each user in the "Settings" section.

You can enter new information in both cases, however, when you change, you need to know the initial registration data.

All the actions that you need to do, we have been described in detail in the relevant articles.

In the case when you have an old set of characters, it is recommended to use the form of change.

Read more: How to change Password VKontakte

Change password in VKontakte Settings

It is possible that you need to go through the confirmation procedure using a mobile phone number.

After familiarization with the material, the problem must be solved.

If you initially do not know the old password from the page, you can initialize the process of restoring it. All the actions you need were described in the relevant article on our website.

Read more: How to restore password VKontakte

Completion Change Password through VKontakte Recovery Unit

New data for authorization will be sent to your mobile phone number in text form.

On this, all prescriptions for this method, which includes at once two of the same type of password calculation methods from the page end. If you still have problems, it is recommended to refer to the more detailed instructions of each affected theme.

Method 2: Browser Database

As you know, each modern Internet browser, especially if it is very popular among users, is endowed with a special functionality that allows any person to save data from any sites. With all this process, with a lot of probability, you are already familiar, so we will move directly to the password calculation, with the condition that it was once saved and has not changed from that moment without a proper update of the internal browser database.

In some cases, for example, when using Google Chrome, you need to log in in advance so that all the necessary data is saved and you can view them.

It is important to take into account the fact that each individual Internet browser has its own unique features, even if they are built on the same engine. It is especially significant when the browser developers create a complete interface design.

Regardless of the browser, you need to use the "Show Password" button, the text of which can differ significantly depending on the Internet browser.

As you can see, know the information you are interested in, following the instructions, quite easily. The only condition so that this technique is always urgent - do not forget to activate the password save feature, confirm the application to the database, as well as update existing information.

Good luck!

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