Looking in Windows 10


Search in Windows 10 does not work

Some Windows 10 users stop working "Search". Often it is accompanied by the inoperability of the "Start" menu. There are several effective methods that will help eliminate this error.

We solve the problem with "search" Windows 10

This article will consider solving problems using the "command line", PowerShell and other system instruments. Some of them can be difficult, so be careful.

Method 1: System Scanning

Perhaps some kind of system file was damaged. Using the "command line" you can scan the integrity of the system. You can also scan an OS using portable antiviruses, because malware often becomes damage to the important components of Windows.

Read more: Checking a computer for viruses without antivirus

  1. Right-click on the Start icon.
  2. Go to "Command Line (Administrator)".
  3. Run a command line with admin privileges in Windows 10

  4. Copy the following command:


    And execute it by pressing ENTER.

  5. Running a command to scan system for integrity in Windows 10

  6. The system will be scanned for errors. After detecting, they will be corrected.

Method 2: Starting Windows Search service

Perhaps the service that is responsible for the WINDOVS 10 search function is disabled.

  1. Clamp win + r. Copy and paste the following in the input field:


  2. Running services in Windows 10

  3. Click OK.
  4. In the list of services, find the "Windows Search".
  5. In the context menu, select "Properties".
  6. Opening the properties of the search service in Windows 10

  7. Configure automatic startup type.
  8. Setting up the type of search service in Windows 10

  9. Apply Changes.

Method 3: Using the "Registry Editor"

With the help of the registry editor, you can solve many problems, including the inoperability of the search. This method requires special care.

  1. Clamp Win + R and write:


  2. Run the registry editor in Windows 10

  3. Run by clicking "OK".
  4. Go along the way:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Search

  5. Find the SetupCompletedSuccessFULY parameter.
  6. Opening a parameter in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  7. Open it with a double click and change the value "0" to "1". If there is a second meaning, you do not need to change anything.
  8. Editing the parameter value in the Windows Registry Editor

  9. Now reveal the "Windows Search" section and find "FileChangeClientConfigs".
  10. Call the context menu on the directory and select "Rename".
  11. Renaming the directory in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  12. Enter the new name "FileChangeClientConfigsbak" and confirm.
  13. Restart the device.

Method 4: Reset Application Settings

Reset settings can solve the task, but be careful, because in some cases this method can cause other problems. For example, violate the performance of "Windows Store" and its applications.

  1. On the way

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0 \

    Find PowerShell.

  2. Run it with administrator privileges.
  3. Run PowerShell with admin privileges in Windows 10

  4. Copy and paste the following lines:

    Get-AppXPackage -allusers | Foreach {Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ APPXMANIFEST.XML"}

  5. Reset store application settings in PowerShell Windows 10

  6. Run the Enter key by pressing.

Windows 10 still has shortcomings and disadvantages. The problem with "search" is not new and sometimes still makes itself felt. Some of the described methods are somewhat complex, others are easier, but all of them are quite effective.

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